Takeover complete

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Buzzing You ******** daggers!
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Hopefully this is great news. I'm hoping we see the club take advantage of sponsorship opportunities and have a few things being run more professionally. Couple that with some astute investments and get a few players in to add some experience to what we have.

Thankfully we still have a club.

Onwards and upwards!
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I believe this is a great, great day for the club.

Ive heard a whole load about these guys the last few weeks & absolutely everything has been of a positive note.

They seem miles away from your 2nd hand car and dodgy steel company merchants. I reckon times ahead could be majorly exciting!

Tomorrow cant come quick enough!!! Yeeee haaaa

Now - time for a Yankee Daggers Flag ?? :D
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Auntie Merge
Posts: 2220
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:43 pm

This is excellent news. These are people who know how to run sports clubs and engage supporters. Expect good things for all of us on the road ahead.
Ally Fraser
Posts: 68
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:53 pm

Great news, let’s hope they Make Dagenham Great Again....
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Can we sign Lee Mills yet?
DI Mike Dashwood
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I am waiting for a catch!!! All appears to be to good to be true!!!

Well done to everyone who was involved in getting this done, and well done to everyone who donated or helped out to get through the last 7 months.

I am wary to an extent as you never know where these things will end up..........but, it appears they have put two years worth of budget/cash in already and also important that the Members Shares remain as they were. These two points make me feel a lot more comfortable.

I would say it is almost impossible these days to run a club at this level without someone "bankrolling" things to a certain extent (for want of a better term) so in that case I would rather have a group like this running things rather than an individual doing it to fuel their own ego!!

Anyway, short term we will still need to win a few games, so I hope everyone continues to get behind the current players who have been putting in 110% in the first 6 weeks of the season.
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Dunno about a stars and stripes but have you seen the Memphis state flag? Our colours of Red and Blue :clap: :welcome:
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Really happy with this! And what a CV these guys have with running sports teams,
After a dismal year since the used car man walked away the future is brighter as a Dagger from today. :welcome:
Pondfield Dagger
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for a minute there i thought mark cousins had came back to the club.. dead ringer!!

EDIT: its tim howard, former premier league goalkeeper.. bought our club ..AMAZING!!!
Last edited by Pondfield Dagger on Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 161
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:53 am

Let’s hope that this group bring as much success to Dagenham as the previous American investor did – Henry Ford!
"May the best of your past be the worst of your future"
Posts: 1422
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Great news.
Onward and upward.
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