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dj johnny b
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So last night probably raised towards £50k if I understand correctly.
So where on earth is another £250k going to come from ? This, again if I read correctly, is just to keep us going until the end of the season, a mere 6 weeks away. And all seems to have gone quiet on the new investor front reading between the lines recent Thompson/Still comments.
Surely this means our current financial modus operandi is just not sustainable either in the short or medium term?
Is the best way forward a completely new start, almost certainly at a lower level football wise, with fresh personnel, ideas and approach across the club but one that at least gives the club a stable future?
DI Mike Dashwood
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The £250k was banded about at the start of all this.

Since the figure first came to light there has been a reduction in wage bill (5 players leaving), income from sales of some of those (although small), last night's income (I would imagine minimum £50k in the end) and other donations and things I would imagine (could be wrong, but we have booked into the box for Saturday for instance which was not on the radar before this came to light, and would imagine others doing same sort of thing).

I would be amazed if after last night, and the fact we are already near end of March, if we don't get to end of season. If they can ship out most of the current squad and replace with part-time players, on much reduced contracts (which they naturally would be anyway) then I don't see why we can't start next season in the Conference.

This idea that you can't be part time in Conference makes me laugh. Sutton.........Boreham Wood..........Maidenhead............... It is only in last 5 or 6 years that it has become an obsession to be full time in this League.
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Boreham Wood are heavily backed by an individual. They get gates of 300 home fans.
I have always said, what would you rather have the worst full time players or the best part time players.
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I remember John McKenna travelling down for (and often missing) games! I think part-time could be the way forward.
DI Mike Dashwood
Posts: 641
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John McKenna, there's a blast from the past "NO FOOUULLL"

If I remember rightly a few travelled down from up North at that time. I think Cav was from the North West as well.
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Yeah, I think he was. They all showed real passion and commitment to travel as far as they did.
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