Proud Of The Boys

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Posts: 2619
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:47 am

What a performance of guts and courage shown by the team today.
Once again we are away at a top 7 Club and look set to take all the points until fate intervened.
Poor Jack Connors who was booked for taking one for the team first half and was rightfully sent Off when he made another clumsey tackle with over half hour left. Poor Kid was heartbroken but well done to those Daggers
In attendence who still gave him a warm reception as he left the pitch. Hopefully he will learn from the experiance.

At that Stage really did think we were starting to take control as only moments earlier only a sensational save from the Burton Keeper prevented us from extending the lead that a majestic strike from Lawson D'eith had given us right on half time. If Elito had not been denied then we would only have to worry about which of todays goals win goal of the season. Both efforts were that special .

With the sending off and then the injury to his replacement Femi we were stretched and to get a point out of such circumstances was a remarkeable effort.

Ok it was not brilliant but everybody put their body on the line for the cause.All through the team we stood up to be counted and never more proud to be a Dagger. Excellent effort lads
Posts: 67
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:52 pm

Completely agree. Just got back and enjoying a pint of takeaway Burton beer. True grit today to cling on to that point. Very impressed with D'ath's spirit and attitude for a loan player - the best we've had since Baudry?
Posts: 1332
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:58 pm

Yeah I'd say D'ath is on the same level as Baudry and Ritchie in terms of loan players. Like him a lot!
Posts: 1198
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 pm

That Lawson goal will live with me for years worth the 200 plus miles on travel alone and how we all celebrated just before half-time! Real shame because that is the sort of goal that should win a game although a bit of a dour game just before it, but second half proud of the way we still dug in deep and went forward and livened up better, crossing all our minds now would we have won it with the eleven men? Thankfully bringing on Femi straight away steadied the ship. Found the whole day a great experience, meeting again guys from the Radio, friendly people of Burton and our support was pretty spot on. For quite a lot of the time WE looked the guys in the play off spot!
Posts: 621
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:18 pm

I agree that we dug in well in the second half, and that the goal was a real gem....
I can't agree with DagDale, that we looked like the team in the playoff position.

The goal in the 45th minute was our first real shot on target, apart from Wilkos shot from 40 yards out that was a type of pass to their keeper.... Which he fumbled!!

In the second half, we had a stunning effort that was really well saved by their keeper, but apart from that - 2 shots,

On the other hand, we were being swept aside by Ishmael on the left, and his crosses were very dangerous.... We were lucky, and I can see why Burton are in the top 7
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