Supporters take note

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gerry h
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It is sad to read what this small band of so called supporters have done to our club.

Real supporters are a band of people that create a good atmosphere within the club, Real supporters get behind a football team , Real supporters encourage players to perform well in difficult situations. Real supporters can change performances and results.

Can it then be said that this group of people , have those interest at the heart of any support for our club.

The language is turning people away from our club , they insult the players and only get behind the team when winning!

So do we want them?

When it effects sponsorship or enjoyment of other fans or even people who are bank rolling our club, it is now time unless they change to the values of our great club, to go and ply that kind of support somewhere else.

This club of ours is on the cusp with the new management , of moving forward , now is the time for all supporters old and young to get behind our club and help to drive it forward together.

Yes we may still have reservations that the new board has not changed but we must not let that be the excuse for failure along the way.
The supporters club now is instrumental as a platform to take us forward and working together with all parties will help drive this club forward.

Foul and abusive language is against the law and that as a first step with the authorities, is the the way to say that it is unacceptable.

Putting constant pressure by reporting to our stewards poor behaviour , will soon make it clear that it will not be tolerated. It is not all of our support that is causing this problem?

Now is the time for the supporters to get together as a family club that we are all proud of , and drive this club forward to further sucess , that the players directors and supporters working together can be proud of.

Gerry Hanning
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Those people you speak about are actually loyal supporters and it's those guys who are more or less at every game. Our supporters are one of the best behaved in England just let that sink in zero banning orders and last year zero arrests. So I'm not sure what "poor" behaviour you're talking about at least they make some noise and create an atmosphere. The carling stand has never sung a chant in the 18 seasons I've been going to daggers.
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Well said Gravy, I have a season ticket in the TBS stand with my son, the Carling stand have never ever sung, there is no atmosphere, well there wouldn't be any, but for the singing in the TBS. You get more atmosphere in a morgue. Sometime the silence is defeaning and if there is bad language I tell my son that is a bad word, thats it, a lot of the provocation is from the away fans, usually after they have scored.
How many supporters sing on here. Yes I wonder
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Dunno why you don't all just start a choir.

I gotta be honest I wish everyone would shut up and watch the game. Burbling on about John stills baldy head and Phil browns caravan are quite low down in my priority list on match days.

The problem is there isn't enough of us. Go on tell me don't cringe when 3 blokes sing Dag-we-nerrrmm! on there own , nobody joins in and they finish the whole song.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Why do some people go on about there being no chants from other parts of the ground?
It's not a requirement of going to football to chant or sing. If people want to them that's up to them but don't expect others to.
It is however a requirement of entry that you act within the ground rules and some of our supporters aren't.
Not having arrests or banning orders isn't something f to be proud of - it's what should happen.
I'd also point out that it is also only the case as the Borehamwood stewards couldn't work out who the idiot that let if the flare/smoke bomb was.

The actions of our idiots at Borehamwood has put me off going to away games for a while. I don't want to spend me afternoons or evenings in the company of morons.
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Hi Jinking Gerry - How are you? I haven't seen you at a game in ages. Where do you stand/sit nowadays? Do you still pop in the top bar after matches?. Perhaps will see you at the Orient game on Monday. Take care.
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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Getting a bit boring now this nonsense. Those that want to go the game and sit in silence fair enough. Those that want to go and make some noise and swear a few times fair enough. End of the day we are all here for the same reason.

You Fabulous/******** Daggers (edit where appropriate)

Happy new year you misreble sods
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Auntie Merge
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gerry h wrote:It is sad to read what this small band of so called supporters have done to our club.

Real supporters are a band of people that create a good atmosphere within the club, Real supporters get behind a football team , Real supporters encourage players to perform well in difficult situations. Real supporters can change performances and results.

Can it then be said that this group of people , have those interest at the heart of any support for our club.

The language is turning people away from our club , they insult the players and only get behind the team when winning!

So do we want them?

When it effects sponsorship or enjoyment of other fans or even people who are bank rolling our club, it is now time unless they change to the values of our great club, to go and ply that kind of support somewhere else.

This club of ours is on the cusp with the new management , of moving forward , now is the time for all supporters old and young to get behind our club and help to drive it forward together.

Yes we may still have reservations that the new board has not changed but we must not let that be the excuse for failure along the way.
The supporters club now is instrumental as a platform to take us forward and working together with all parties will help drive this club forward.

Foul and abusive language is against the law and that as a first step with the authorities, is the the way to say that it is unacceptable.

Putting constant pressure by reporting to our stewards poor behaviour , will soon make it clear that it will not be tolerated. It is not all of our support that is causing this problem?

Now is the time for the supporters to get together as a family club that we are all proud of , and drive this club forward to further sucess , that the players directors and supporters working together can be proud of.

Gerry Hanning
Great post Gerry.
I hope those in this thread still supporting swearing in chants or unsavoury behaviours are aware of the full implications of their actions.
Take a look around the ground on Monday. Look how many boards are empty.
We’ve struggled to get board and match sponsorship, mascots etc and it can’t solely be down to lack of a Commercial manager.

By the way, for those of you posting swear words on this forum, expect some word filters to come in shortly.
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Snowflake merge filtering some naughty words, Kim Jong Merge. The original post is a load of bollocks, tolerate what? Fans getting behind the team? The support today was great but you weren't there were you? Pathetic support for a tiny journey, at least the proper fans bothered turning up.
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Auntie Merge
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So if one of the people bankrolling us decides they have had enough because the family club has disappeared, and you watch the club plummet through the leagues, what are you going to do then. Call everyone snowflakes then? You will have no one to blame but yourselves.

I didn't go today as I had a hospital treatment yesterday and was not well enough to travel even a short journey.
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Family club? The MD of the club call me a ***** see you next Tuesday at Liverpool lime street. If Gerry wants to jump ship because of a few naughty words then so be it. This club is bigger then one persons or a handful that don't like Naughty words.

When you sit behind John Still on Monday ask him to stop swearing see what reaction you get. Only people damaging the club is people like you making mountains out of molehills about some petty issues.
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Auntie Merge
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Bigger than one person's cheque book? I wish you luck with that.

Take a look around you on Monday, half the players wouldn't be on the pitch without that cheque book.
The club house wouldn't look so fantastic.
In fact there is a whole thread on here about all the things that one man's cheque book has done.

And all you are complaining about is being asked not to swear in chants and calling people who don't like it to leave.
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Auntie Merge
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Diggerthedog wrote:Family club? The MD of the club call me a **** see you next Tuesday at Liverpool lime street. If Gerry wants to jump ship because of a few naughty words then so be it. This club is bigger then one persons or a handful that don't like Naughty words.

When you sit behind John Still on Monday ask him to stop swearing see what reaction you get. Only people damaging the club is people like you making mountains out of molehills about some petty issues.
Quoted so you don't edit it again.

Thankfully you are in the minority on the swearing and going by other threads and communications I have had, there will be a sea change over chanting.
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So my last post was deleted and I get this private message:

abusive posts
Sent: Sat Dec 30, 2017 10:24 pm
From: Auntie Merge
To: Diggerthedog
You really need to step away from your computer.
I can put in a ban over night if that will help

Nothing I said was abusive you just don't like to hear/see it.
Real snowflake....
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Diggerthedog wrote:Snowflake merge filtering some naughty words, Kim Jong Merge. The original post is a load of bollocks, tolerate what? Fans getting behind the team? The support today was great but you weren't there were you? Pathetic support for a tiny journey, at least the proper fans bothered turning up.
You are lucky the great Auntie Merge said I can`t have an opinion.
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