Fans Forum 3rd August 2017

Discuss all matters related to Dagenham and Redbridge
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Auntie Merge
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In case anyone missed the announcement in the Supporters Club mailing....

The supporters club AGM will be at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 3rd August 2017 at the club.

With an open Fans Forum at 9.00 pm with confirmed attendance from Glyn Hopkin, Paul Gwinn, Steve Thompson and John Still.
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Will Oliver Hawkins Uncle be attending..??

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Auntie Merge
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Kevin wrote:Will Oliver Hawkins Uncle be attending..??

Maybe. I'm holding out for Ron from Rush Green to put in an appearance, in order to see his very good friend Mr Steel.
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We should rename ourselves Romford and move to havering will be one question.
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If I get to it there's only one question I need to hear and be answered,Are we going monte Gordo again next year?
Yes please Glyn pretty please glyn.
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IanC wrote:If I get to it there's only one question I need to hear and be answered,Are we going monte Gordo again next year?
Yes please Glyn pretty please glyn.
Nothing stopping you from going ✈️
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Well of course there is,i don't know the answer yet!
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Remember the supporters club members AGM and fans forum this Thursday 3rd. supporters club AGM 7.30pm start and fans forum 9.00pm start.
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Auntie Merge
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Just to say I'll aim to type up the fans forum for those who can't make it.
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Thanks Merge
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Auntie Merge
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Meeting just finished. Here are my notes. Apologies for any typos. Happy to be corrected on any points.

GH - Glyn Hopkin
ST - Steve Thompson
JS - John Still
PG - Paul Gwinn

At this moment in time is there any chance we can know when the takeover will go through.

ST No date yet but things have been progressing this week. The FA / league have got to be in agreement with everything m and the ground lease needs to be assigned to the new company. This was ironed out last week. In all intents and purposes the club is being run by the new consortium.

Congratulations we seem to have made some really good signings. Are there any more players coming in?

JS If you are patient until tomorrow we have made a loan signing will be announced. A left sided defender. That completes the squad and I'm really pleased we bought players in and we didn't lose any and thanks the board for their support.

Oliver Hawkins - what does he want? Is he happy to stay here.

JS - the player has never asked for transfer. Does he want to play higher, of course. We've turned down 3 or 4 offers that didn't meet the valuation we set. I can't tell how happy or unhappy he is but he has never asked to go on the transfer list.

ST The offers that were turned down were no where near what has been reported.

What's the injury list like at the moment

JS We've had 4 injuries
Scott Doe will be back in training on Monday.
Charlie Adams he will probably be a Available this time next week
Daniel Sparks has to have a scan. He of all of them is the longest term
Ben Nunn has fractured his hand. He has been training and as soon as he is ready he will available

Why when it was agreed there would be a meeting about the confederate flag has there been nothing.

GH The confederate flag got picked up
by BT sport other media. It has got racist undertones and we don't think it feels appropriate for our family club and what we are trying to do here - and we are going to stick to it.

Q Why was the meeting about the flag cancelled?

ST when we were made aware of the flag we tried to speak to the person who brought the flag, we don't believe that anything has done has been racist here just that it does not fit in with the reputation of the football club.

West Ham under 23 matches are played over here do the club gain financially?

We get a fee for them using ground and we've got a good deal.

Why can't you tell us how much they are paying?

It's a commercial agreement with a confidentiality agreement.

Will season ticket holders be able to get in to the West Ham games for free?

ST will look into it and see what they can do.

What are your plans for the club Glyn?

First thing was to support John with the players, staff and training ground. I've learnt more about grass in the past few weeks than at any time in my life.
Looking at the fitness of the players. Improve the facilities within the club not just for the supporters but to get other income into club as well. There is still a lot to do.
What we now is everyone to pull together and support the team and we need to get out of this league and go up.
We need more people supporting in the bars. People have a choice where they drink but it would be great if they could support the club in the bars.

PG Without Glyn none of this would be possible.

Q What incentives are you going to put into the bars to bring people back in?

All sky HD in every bar and we are as good on facilities as anywhere else. And we will look as to what we can do with promotions with drinks as often as we can.
We will listen to anything that we can improve and if we can improve things we will.

ST There will be a partnership with corrs during premier league games. Over the next couple of months we will be running a loyalty programme for season tickets and members to get a discount behind the bar. This is planned for around the end of October.

The clubhouse is fantastic. Is the Marie Celeste stand sponsored yet and if not can it pleased be named the Bill Edmonds stand?

Lovely idea but we are planning to get it sponsored very shortly. But we will see what else we can name after Bill.

Do you think there might be other reasons why people don't drink in here any more? Why not have a meeting with people who used to drink here and ask them why? Prices are considerably cheaper elsewhere especially on match day.

Hopefully when things are sorted things we will have a meeting with some of the people you suggest to see what we can do.

Renaming the sieve the Bill Edmonds stand was suggested.

We will discuss this at the board meeting.

Cup football. John your priority always seems to be the league rather than a good cup run which will bring in money and PR for the club?

JS Yes!
I always will pick the best team to play in any game.

Re Goalkeepers.

JS it is very difficult to discuss players but what I would say is that I think the two goalkeepers here are very good indeed. Both are capable of incredible saves.

Who do you see taking over the experienced player roles helping the younger players through?

JS One of the reasons that I brought Scott Doe and Luke Howell back is because they know how I work. Matt Robinson, Jake Howells, Elliot Justham all know how I work too and this helps. If you lose the heart of something you have to replace the heart so I spent a lot of time last year to ensure that there are still enough players to spread the word.

Is Glen Southam training with us and will be play for us again?

At the moment I don't see him featuring .

Club shop is appalling. There is nothing in there.

All agree portacabin has earnt us a lot of money. It is at the end of its life and we know that but can't do everything at once.
Regarding stock we concentrate on the items that people want to buy. We are also doing a range of training wear as that is what people want to buy.
We've tried most things
The biggest seeker that we've got is teddy bears and mugs.

Who do you see as the competition for the title this season

All the other clubs!

At the last two fans forums people have expressed how much they dislike the new club badge - clip art club swords. I have always supported the club shop but I have not bought a single thing with the swords on and I know others have done the same. Please can we have our club crest badge back or the option to have it on shirts? I know I haven't bought anything nor have people like Mike the Dagger.

GH i like both crests
Both crests in the bar have been restored and we do have plans for the club crest. The badge has a modern look to it and the crest appeals to the traditionalist. Watch this space.
The supporters club will be involved in any future decision of the design of any new kits.
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Great notes but missing an answer to the under 23 question... says ST then blank
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Auntie Merge
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Lcbdagger wrote:Great notes but missing an answer to the under 23 question... says ST then blank
Thanks. Now updated
ST will look into it and see what they can do.
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Good to see that for once the majority of questions asked weren't digs at the club.

RE the confederate flag- I hope those asking aren't trying to stop it from getting banned. I can understand the frustration of someone spending their money on the flag for it to get banned, and it being silly that people in England get offended by it. And I'm certain it was only meant as a joke that echoes the North Korean Daggers flag. But I'm sure they were aware from the start of the Southern Cross' history and the hyper-sensitive society we're now in and that ultimately it is going to bring the club bad press.

With the bar- surely something as simple as a suggestion box asking what people want in a few different places can get the ball rolling in the meantime?

Don't think it's worth renaming any stand officially after Bill Edmans if there is an opportunity for a corporate sponsor.
The Romford Dagger
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Auntie Merge wrote:Meeting just finished. Here are my notes. Apologies for any typos. Happy to be corrected on any points.

GH - Glyn Hopkin
ST - Steve Thompson
JS - John Still
PG - Paul Gwinn

At this moment in time is there any chance we can know when the takeover will go through.

ST No date yet but things have been progressing this week. The FA / league have got to be in agreement with everything m and the ground lease needs to be assigned to the new company. This was ironed out last week. In all intents and purposes the club is being run by the new consortium.

Congratulations we seem to have made some really good signings. Are there any more players coming in?

JS If you are patient until tomorrow we have made a loan signing will be announced. A left sided defender. That completes the squad and I'm really pleased we bought players in and we didn't lose any and thanks the board for their support.

Oliver Hawkins - what does he want? Is he happy to stay here.

JS - the player has never asked for transfer. Does he want to play higher, of course. We've turned down 3 or 4 offers that didn't meet the valuation we set. I can't tell how happy or unhappy he is but he has never asked to go on the transfer list.

ST The offers that were turned down were no where near what has been reported.

What's the injury list like at the moment

JS We've had 4 injuries
Scott Doe will be back in training on Monday.
Charlie Adams he will probably be a Available this time next week
Daniel Sparks has to have a scan. He of all of them is the longest term
Ben Nunn has fractured his hand. He has been training and as soon as he is ready he will available

Why when it was agreed there would be a meeting about the confederate flag has there been nothing.

GH The confederate flag got picked up
by BT sport other media. It has got racist undertones and we don't think it feels appropriate for our family club and what we are trying to do here - and we are going to stick to it.

Q Why was the meeting about the flag cancelled?

ST when we were made aware of the flag we tried to speak to the person who brought the flag, we don't believe that anything has done has been racist here just that it does not fit in with the reputation of the football club.

West Ham under 23 matches are played over here do the club gain financially?

We get a fee for them using ground and we've got a good deal.

Why can't you tell us how much they are paying?

It's a commercial agreement with a confidentiality agreement.

Will season ticket holders be able to get in to the West Ham games for free?

ST will look into it and see what they can do.

What are your plans for the club Glyn?

First thing was to support John with the players, staff and training ground. I've learnt more about grass in the past few weeks than at any time in my life.
Looking at the fitness of the players. Improve the facilities within the club not just for the supporters but to get other income into club as well. There is still a lot to do.
What we now is everyone to pull together and support the team and we need to get out of this league and go up.
We need more people supporting in the bars. People have a choice where they drink but it would be great if they could support the club in the bars.

PG Without Glyn none of this would be possible.

Q What incentives are you going to put into the bars to bring people back in?

All sky HD in every bar and we are as good on facilities as anywhere else. And we will look as to what we can do with promotions with drinks as often as we can.
We will listen to anything that we can improve and if we can improve things we will.

ST There will be a partnership with corrs during premier league games. Over the next couple of months we will be running a loyalty programme for season tickets and members to get a discount behind the bar. This is planned for around the end of October.

The clubhouse is fantastic. Is the Marie Celeste stand sponsored yet and if not can it pleased be named the Bill Edmonds stand?

Lovely idea but we are planning to get it sponsored very shortly. But we will see what else we can name after Bill.

Do you think there might be other reasons why people don't drink in here any more? Why not have a meeting with people who used to drink here and ask them why? Prices are considerably cheaper elsewhere especially on match day.

Hopefully when things are sorted things we will have a meeting with some of the people you suggest to see what we can do.

Renaming the sieve the Bill Edmonds stand was suggested.

We will discuss this at the board meeting.

Cup football. John your priority always seems to be the league rather than a good cup run which will bring in money and PR for the club?

JS Yes!
I always will pick the best team to play in any game.

Re Goalkeepers.

JS it is very difficult to discuss players but what I would say is that I think the two goalkeepers here are very good indeed. Both are capable of incredible saves.

Who do you see taking over the experienced player roles helping the younger players through?

JS One of the reasons that I brought Scott Doe and Luke Howell back is because they know how I work. Matt Robinson, Jake Howells, Elliot Justham all know how I work too and this helps. If you lose the heart of something you have to replace the heart so I spent a lot of time last year to ensure that there are still enough players to spread the word.

Is Glen Southam training with us and will be play for us again?

At the moment I don't see him featuring .

Club shop is appalling. There is nothing in there.

All agree portacabin has earnt us a lot of money. It is at the end of its life and we know that but can't do everything at once.
Regarding stock we concentrate on the items that people want to buy. We are also doing a range of training wear as that is what people want to buy.
We've tried most things
The biggest seeker that we've got is teddy bears and mugs.

Who do you see as the competition for the title this season

All the other clubs!

At the last two fans forums people have expressed how much they dislike the new club badge - clip art club swords. I have always supported the club shop but I have not bought a single thing with the swords on and I know others have done the same. Please can we have our club crest badge back or the option to have it on shirts? I know I haven't bought anything nor have people like Mike the Dagger.

GH i like both crests
Both crests in the bar have been restored and we do have plans for the club crest. The badge has a modern look to it and the crest appeals to the traditionalist. Watch this space.
The supporters club will be involved in any future decision of the design of any new kits.
Cracking work Merge.

Much appreciated
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