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Joined: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:08 pm

Yesterday was embarrassing, the players coming over to say ‘it’s our fault don’t blame the manager’ was very bizarre but at least they did come over to face the 80 mad souls that made the trip with the manager quickly disappearing down the tunnel.

Time for the owners to back up their ambition talk, sack this man now or continue with average and we all know where we stand on attending and renewing season tickets.

Something is inherently wrong with our club for it too fail so often, the fans don’t deserve to be served up such tripe year after year almost 12 season of utter nothingness it’s an utter shambles but nothing will change.
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Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:22 pm

A dreadful result. I feel sorry for the fans who shelled out the money to make that journey, but also you’re all nutters for going in the first place. Why do we persist on playing three holding midfielders? Is that our response to how poor we are at defending? Because it’s not working and now we can’t even score. Master stroke again, Daryl.

Couple of points: With Sagaf - if he is on his way then why even bother putting him on the bench? We have Ryley Scott on loan and although he’s not as good as Sagaf, he’s the future of this club so I’d rather we give him the exposure. Let Sagaf rot in the reserves if he doesn’t want to be here.

Secondly, I think the social media silence of the owners is pretty meaningless. They’re grown men they don’t need to be tweeting every day, do they? They have just (wrongfully) backed Daryl with more money for a few signings during this “blackout”. Not the behaviour of owners who want nothing to do with it!

It really is boring how us fans continue to be right about this club but aren’t listened to. Train strikes on Tuesday and I’m seriously considering whether I can bother going despite already having a ticket. I expect a gate of under 1000 and that should be screaming something at our owners.
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Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:47 am

Think anybody who thinks the Americans are walking away needs to give themselves a shake. Who in their right mind would spend millions and then just walk away.

Even if they did they would simply not walk away. The may decide that its time to find a buyer , but that's hardly walking away.

They may decide that from next season no additional money will be splashed and the Club will have to continue and only have the resources it creates , again that's not walking away its a revision of a business plan.

If there is to be a change then I much prefer the second option. It may mean fielding a team more like Taylor had at the start and next season will be a relegation battle and not a promotion charge but I much prefer that to the other option.

These lovely Americans are first and foremost business men and whilst certain People have always thought of them as the second coming they have at the same time monovered themselves into a stronger postion with hard nosed business decisions.

At all times it now has to be remembered that they now have full control and can sell to anybody. They have I understand done at least one re issuing of the shares which has diluted the stakeholding of the Memberrs who had the power to hold off the Tamplin takeover. They no longer have the stake to do that and we are now prime for the Americans to sell to who they like if they so desired.

OK the dream of a return to the football League does not look likely but at least they gave it a shot and I very much hope the Americans do stick around even if they decide not to chuck the bucks they have done at it for four years. At least we have A Club that does not appear to have any debt other then to what the Owners have put up.

If they do decide to sell on then we run the very risk that a unsavoury character will once again come to the fore and no amount protest will stop it.
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Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:39 pm

First match I've seen in the flesh for years and it was bloody dreadful. The worst part was that Altrincham were bloody awful too and still put 3 past us with ease. There is something very wrong at the club and it needs sorting soon.
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