John Still

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Ally Fraser
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I’ve never understood why so many Daggers dislike him. This man took us to League 1.
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Ally Fraser wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:07 pm I’ve never understood why so many Daggers dislike him. This man took us to League 1.
I don’t dislike him just very disappointed in the way he has handled himself the last 12 months.
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DI Mike Dashwood wrote: Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:09 pm People (or it is in my case) don't have anything against him or anyone going to work somewhere else, or for more money. As you rightly say, many people do in many industries (although not everyone is motivated by money).

However, why come out with all this last job nonsense, and then just 3.5 weeks ago "retiring from management". It is just a load of old tosh and I think he is becoming a bit of a joke figure which is a shame with all that he is achieved (which is a great deal).

Harry Redknapp once said "John Still could do my job" and it appears he was right in all aspects!!!
Oh God do you think we will see him in the Jungle next year Mike ?

Well what I saw Saturday he has one hell of a job there and I wish him well because he is going to need it.

Our Club has moved on and who knows we might not be where we are today with the New Owners .
Let's face it what ever your opinion is of the great Man he was pretty stuck in his ways and that might have been something the Americans would not have liked.

So Good luck John ,think you are to late this year
but expect to see Maidstone bounce straight back. The fan base is there , which already exceeds ours and they seem a loyal bunch .
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I don’t get it either. People getting over exited about a football manager that dares to earn a few quid from a game where chairmen would sack you immediately for a few iffy results. And taking it personal seems like some sort of illness. And then there’s the hypocrisy like we all wouldn’t bail out if something safer more secure and better paid cane along. It ain’t that much money for being called a c&£( and slagged off for being a bit hoofy is it ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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i think the problem with what has happened between Dagenham and John Still is pretty much this -

John Still has always preached that "Dagenham is his love"....."this is my club" on and so forth.

this in between bouts of quite serious infidelity (peterboro, Luton)

Daggers fall on hard times.

All true "daggers" pull together (proviso inserted here for the conspirators/liars). Many around the club offer their services for free, players pull together (pretty certain Cheek and others that had to go wanted to stay)....Club officials putting their own money in.

JS ups and leaves almost immediately to join our local rivals.

was there no thought of offering to defer his wages until we get back on our feet?....or even seeing us out of existence and going down with the ship? HIS ship?

When you look at it now it was only 6 months before we were saved thanks to real hard work by our board.

if only he could have waited eh...Dont bother posting with the "you wouldnt do it/work for nothing" because i would in a flash if i was in a secure position and i had the undying love JS professed to have.

in my book this is all VERY poor form....and if i were to go a bit further id say not just a betrayal of us all but even more importantly of himself.

The emotion left is one of sadness for the man as he shuffles of to Maidstone, looking back over his shoulder at what he could have had.

oh well, you get what you give and we have come out of this whole episode way stronger and with a brighter future than anyone could ever have hoped for or dreamed of.
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I agree that some of the stuff John Still comes out with ultimately makes him look disingenuous but Neil Warnock has made a career out of doing exactly the same. I remember him distinctly telling the world that Crystal Palace was his last ever job in football. He has had 6 jobs since (including a return to Palace!). Football managers are fickle folk so rather than getting all upset about John's promiscuous nature, let's remember him for the great stuff he did in the past, park it and look to the amazing times ahead with our new owners.
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I think that on the face of it; all of this serves to make him a bit of a caricature. The big retirement, that hasn't actually turned into anything like a retirement was all very unnecessary and does little else than make him look a bit daft.

You often hear about how some players almost instantly miss the training ground environment and being part of a group when they retire and I wonder whether this is similar in John's case. He's been around the game for a very long time and perhaps the circumstances of his work at Barnet weren't great. Perhaps he didn't feel he could hang around waiting for something else so chucked it all in.

If you feel you can still offer something (which in Maidstone's case doesn't need to be much - they'll pretty much go down) and you can earn a few quid, why not?! I know plenty who have retired from top jobs only to find sitting about does them no good. I couldn't criticise them. It's probably not about the money, but having a bit of purpose.

Towards the end I wasn't a particular fan. His flight of fancies of saying one thing and resigning the next minute wore almost as thin as the tired tactics, mentalities and picking his favourites every week regardless of form.

I still think he is a club legend and he and Dave Andrews deserve some recognition at the ground. Whether it's naming stands or whatever; their achievements have hopefully sewn the seeds of what this club could become next. Might not be a particular popular opinion, but pretty much most bought into what is now described as bullshit and when the going was good; these criticisms weren't so much at the surface.

Thankfully, he's not our manager anymore. Whatever he's looking for, hopefully he finds it. I think we'd do ourselves a disservice by making him the centre of the universe again and we should move on as he clearly has.

Thanks for the memories John, but it's time to build the next stage of the club. Let's confine all that stuff to the history books and hope that we royally ******** stuff any team he brings back to play us.
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Let's name the Bury Road Roof after him.
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"First interview as Head of Football at Maidstone FC"
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Auntie Merge
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Sagres wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:53 am

"First interview as Head of Football at Maidstone FC"
14 minute interview?
I will listen to it later, when I can play John Still bingo
Well you know...
It’s very hard to retire
Love Dagenham and Barnet
Always loved Maidstone
It’s a marathon not a sprint.
Our aim is to get into the football league

anything else?
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Bluenose wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:21 am Let's name the Bury Road Roof after him.

But I unofficially it should be named after Arnu seeing as it's the only thing that's kept him going all these years :grin:
bloke down the pub
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DagenHammer87 wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:46 pm
Bluenose wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:21 am Let's name the Bury Road Roof after him.

But I unofficially it should be named after Arnu seeing as it's the only thing that's kept him going all these years :grin:
You can't call a stand, The NOB end. Can you?
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Largely glosses over the retirement thing. Trying to paint it as stepping back from full time management which was always his intention at Barnet, then just hung around to support Currie for a few weeks. Cos I'm sure head of football is a lot less work... Can't spin this one John boy.
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bloke down the pub wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:10 pm
You can't call a stand, The NOB end. Can you?
That is actually quite funny 😁
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Just listened to the interview. To me it went nowhere! For quite some time I've found it difficult to believe anything the man comes out with! I'm intrigued he steps down at Barnet days before they face the Daggers, and joins Maidstone days after they faced us! Admittedly he achieved great things with us, as many people have pointed out. What seems to get overlooked by many is that he was amply rewarded for his times here. Was he not the highest paid employee at this club? The suggestion that the Bury Road end should be named after him is to me ridiculous. How about a compromise and name the toilets after him? After all he left this club more then once in that place! Thank goodness he has gone!
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