Our woeful defence.

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Too many mediocre teams tear us a new arse for us to seriously consider promotion. Our defending against any half reasonable team is shit and has been for ages. We'd have taken Burnett out and executed him by now if it was him still running it. Look at our defenders, who is truly solid ?? Robson and that's about it. Linghas attacking qualities but is he a great right back ? Nah !! Certainly not tonight. Jake Howellsputs in a shift but is he really the calibre we need? love Doey but he's past it now, its pace that lets him down I'm afraid. Lokko I like but he's clumsy, ngala is poop , pennell cant get a bench seat. In the few games Nunn played I thought he did ok but again the manager clearly don't rate him. Why ain't John Still getting the chairman to get his wallet and sort this out ?
Be honest any team that brings it too us we fall apart.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Bang on Arnu the whole defence bar the keeper is shocking. Do not consider Robson who was my p o y last season to be anything other then a liabilty in the past month and why we ever made ourselves the villians of this League to secure Lokko god alone knows.

The substitution are the same every game Luke Howell did not have the best game admitted but minutes after that hand was played we end up having to but a CB into midfield after the shambles of a third goal.

To many times we are having to score at least twice to get anything this season . The defence is costing us big time but we just keep shuffling the pack and coming up with the same jokers
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ARNU I believe we have the players but for some reason John does not bench certain one`s and give others a chance as you say where`s Pennell ,Nunn etc .One thing we do seem to lack is a leader on the pitch,do we have a captain as they never seem to take charge and motivate the team need an old school one who will kick them up the arse when needed ,as for Doey still got a good head on him but as you say against young fast forwards etc you can see he`s off the pace .There`s still time to try a new approach and give some of our hungry young players a chance and still stay in the play off`s.
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The last time I recall a Dagenham team and defence carved open so regilarly and so easily was during the short Burnett era.

We know how that 1 ended.

Cousins has saved us so many, too many times already this year with wonder saves - god help us if he were to pick up an injury/suspension.

Anyone seen or heard anything about Justham btw ???
DI Mike Dashwood
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D4E, what do you think on the character/leadership situation?? Is this part of the issue in your view??

You have been watching us for years and in all my time watching (27 years, that makes me feel old) I can't recall a team that APPEARS (and I say appears as impossible to tell in reality) to have such little leadership out there?? Doe is skipper and is experienced, but has been out of team, likewise Luke Howell (and also in out of team) but not many others?? Cousins maybe?? Boucs is very vocal out there, as is Lingy by looks of it, but I just don't see that same leadership and drive as past Dagenham teams??

I am not saying it's lack of effort, which is a different thing and not one I would question, but just seems something missing and this shows in the issues at the back??
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I don't think the manager has the fire in his belly anymore. He let his heart decide to come back and is now regretting this. My Opinion on how I see all this.
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In all of our successful times we had at least one player (usually in defence or Midfield) that riled opposition players and supporters. I think back to players like Steve Heffer, Ashley Vickers, Tony Roberts, Peter Gain, Dave Rainford, or Thurgood (for a short time)

They got everyone, including the crowd going. They were also surrounded by players, all of whom had a lot of heart.

We've missed that for a while I think and have always been gutted we never got round to signing Ellison, although clearly that ship has sailed.

Watching PART TIME (I didn't even realise until pointed out to me) Boreham Wood last night was like watching Daggers of old. They moved the ball quickly, didn't over play, played absolutely to their strengths and as some-one else pointed out, I think the Boreham Wood management well and truly did a number on Stilly last night.

It's not exactly desperate times for us a club. 10 points off top in the National League is something a lot of other bigger clubs in lower divisions would bite our arms off for. BUT, I think the squad needs a real shake up if we are to be anywhere near promotion come the end of this season.

How, who and why are all things we can only trust John to decide and get right!
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