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Auntie Merge
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If the vote goes Tamplin's way

- people like Dave Simpson and other directors will be made redundant
- the supporters club is likely to be run by the football club and will no longer
Be an independent voice. It is already rumoured that those who are currently running it will be relieved of their duties
- the people in the bar are likely to lose their jobs and be replaced with Tamplin's people
- people who I have known the whole time I've watched the club, in one form or another, will no longer be Presidents

If you think the club is like North Korea now, then it will be far worse come 18th October.

I understand Tamplin might be sponsoring the game Saturday - there will be protests. Please add your voice and SAY NO TO TAMPLIN! The reality is that if you say yes, the daggers won't be the daggers any more.

This is someone who has already tried to buy two football clubs. He has said himself he is bored and wants a toy to play with. Let him find another toy; another football club, not us.
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Where have you heard the rumours about the supporters club? I bet I can guess what your reply will be though. And what Tamplin is going to take his people from the steel industry and whack them behind a bar? Bet his employees can't wait to jump on that job offer... Businessmen love putting square pegs in round holes too, so I can completely see him doing that.

The reality is that there is no certainty about whether Tamplin will be good news or bad news. But there is certainty that without change we'll carry on the way we're going. Something none of us want. Your opinion doesn't mean more than anyone else's, and you refuse to give us any facts to back up your accusations. So give up with all this going around like you're the oracle of Dagenham. You want people to follow you and believe you, then give them facts.

And dont talk about loyalty when you want Thommo gone like the rest of us.
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Auntie Merge
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I will not shut up.
I am not in a position to disclose my sources.

The club could change without selling up with changes at the top and the supporters who love and care about the club being involved and respected instead of alienated.
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I've also heard that Tamplins "people" are taking over the catering on match days and that "The Stig" is going to be driving the team coach.....
All of these supposed rumours are beginning to sound a bit pathetic now, if you want to be believed then give the full info package.
Tamplins team running the bar.........indeed!!!
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Funny how our FANS don't believe a long standing supporter with very good contacts but believe in the takeover buy a man with a trail of failed cut and shut businesses left in his wake. He has already been found out to be a liar to get what he wants.

Before you all day how is he a liar.

He said he has the money, he can't prove that so has had to involve tens of people in his bid.

He said he has learned harsh lesson about businesses going bust, after the first one maybe.

He said he would meet the fans just to shut everyone up.

He accused 30-40 fans of abusing his son.

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There is crap coming from both sides and not a lot of it can be substantiated, there are a number of FANS who are anti Tamplin and others who are undecided, there are not many facts being given apart from the interviews on diggerdagger, the anti Tamplin group dismiss it as lies but come up with total bollocks themselves that cannot be verified so it's all just hearsay, for the record I'm not happy about a takeover by Tamplin but I'm very much on the fence as to what way I want it to turn out, whatever that turns out to be we have to either live with it or don't bother anymore, and as for not believing a long standing FAN don't you think that some of the recent posts have been just a little bit far fetched? If you can't post verifiable facts then don't post at all.
The Romford Dagger
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Auntie Merge wrote:If the vote goes Tamplin's way

- people like Dave Simpson and other directors will be made redundant
- the supporters club is likely to be run by the football club and will no longer
Be an independent voice. It is already rumoured that those who are currently running it will be relieved of their duties
- the people in the bar are likely to lose their jobs and be replaced with Tamplin's people
- people who I have known the whole time I've watched the club, in one form or another, will no longer be Presidents

If you think the club is like North Korea now, then it will be far worse come 18th October.

I understand Tamplin might be sponsoring the game Saturday - there will be protests. Please add your voice and SAY NO TO TAMPLIN! The reality is that if you say yes, the daggers won't be the daggers any more.

This is someone who has already tried to buy two football clubs. He has said himself he is bored and wants a toy to play with. Let him find another toy; another football club, not us.

It's hard to sliver what you say when you post no source is the point people like myself make Merge.

Such as the comment about Tamplins people will take the jobs of those behind the bar. That's so unlikely. If you had proof then maybe it could be believed.

The mentioning of the charity people wearing our kit a though what he did was bad there.

Your posted multiple things that I personally think have pushed me more on the side of Tamplin after previously bein undecided for a long time.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Merge, without revealing your sources, could you maybe provide a bit more colour around points 1, 2 and 3??

I am neither an in or outer but those points would concern me if true. At the moment however they read like arguments from both sides of the Brexit campaign in all honesty.

For instance, what job would Simmo lose?? His job on the Board or his job with the photos??
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Would Tamplin taking over be as much of a disaster as that?

The first question is, does the club need investment? Seems like a lot of different people involved have a different idea on what our financial position really is, some are saying we need investment to survive as a club others are saying we need investment to try and look for promotion back to football league, the financial position is very unclear. I was disappointed the East/Goodwin bid wasn't taken more seriously as I feel that was better alternative, to have people involved that genuinely love the club.

I'm not keen on the sound of a lot of things Tamplin but it's clear he has money and an interest in football. In his interview he came across better than I thought, he pointed out that some of his early businesses that went bust were because he was trying to compete with the big boys and got swallowed up by making early career mistakes, that's realistic, must happen to a lot of businessmen. He also mentioned needing a new challenge, another thing which could go either way, it could mean we become successful and a good challenge for Tamplin or it could mean he gets bored halfway through and all your fears become a reality.

Last season a lot of fans chanted "Thompson out" and "sack the board". Tamplin getting in provides fresh blood and gives certain board members who aren't popular at the moment a back seat. He could also change things about the club for the good (e.g. A new marketing approach possibly attracting more fans).

One thing I don't like about Tamplin personally is his TOWIE links. Don't really want that to become part of our club and I think would take the heart and soul out the club to an extent.

Overall I would be opposed to Tamplin but I wanted to put across a few thoughts as well. Happy to be proved wrong on any of this, some of it I'm genuinely asking questions as concerned supporter. One final point I'd make is, is protesting at a match the right thing to do at the moment. Wouldn't be too bothered if we were serving up last season's unacceptable performances but at the moment the team are playing well and we want to avoid any distractions. Remember these players are mostly young and inexperienced so they can be affected by things like this quite easily.
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Admin- you've mentioned that you want Tamplin to bring in a new marketing approach to attract new fans, but then you go on to criticise his connections to these TOWIE muppets. Do you not see the irony?
Whether it's your thing or not, that show is incredibly successful and people love it. The people on it have millions of followers each on Twitter. How's that for a marketing opportunity, eh? Through these connections we have our best platform to go out and advertise ourself to the biggest amount of people. I don't care if their fans are fake-tanning pretty boys or whatever, their money is no different to the piss-drippers that we have over here already.
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Auntie Merge
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DI Mike Dashwood wrote:Merge, without revealing your sources, could you maybe provide a bit more colour around points 1, 2 and 3??

I am neither an in or outer but those points would concern me if true. At the moment however they read like arguments from both sides of the Brexit campaign in all honesty.

For instance, what job would Simmo lose?? His job on the Board or his job with the photos??
You have to remember that as soon as the takeover happens, the club ceases to be a members club and then becomes a business.

1. It is in Tamplin's bid. These people are not named as directors or part of the board. I don't know about the photos.

2. This is what merging the Supporters Club with the Members of the club will mean in reality. The merger of the two is mentioned in Tamplin's bid.
Do you honestly believe that Tamplin would cosy up to people who do not want him there?

3. Mentioned by Tamplin, partly about giving Thommo help. What do you think 'bringing in people to help Thommo' would mean in reality? Some people will lose their jobs. I know a number of people within the club are worried about their jobs.

To the other comments re the 'me bringing up the club shirts' re the charity game. I had no objection to it being a charity game or the club loaning the shirts. But I do take issue as to how those people behave in those club shirts in a FAMILY game, at our FAMILY club. Had I not been away I would probably have been there and taken my 9 year old nephew and 14 year old niece - after all, it was advertised as a family charity day to help a worthwhile cause concerning a child. How would I have explained to them the first photo? Do you really think that this was acceptable behaviour at a family game? Yes, West and Co might be pleased to see their name in the national press, but does this photo really fit with their image as Dagenham's oldest business? (I notice they haven't retweeted any of the press links, as any normal business would do). I couldn't see our club mentioned by name, only that the game was held in 'Redbridge', but then I didn't look too hard.

Re the Towie people having 'millions of followers' on twitter. As any PR will tell you that having 'millions of followers' does not necessarily mean anything these days and it takes a lot to turn that into cash.
Also Towie is sinking in popularity (found out by google; never watched it) and the last series got around 800,000. I was searching for information on demographics but couldn't find any reliable stats.
But by doing this we are alienating our core market, our core supporters. If I wasn't a fan, would I go to the club because of Towie, no I would not. Would I go into the clubhouse because Towie people were there? No, I'd probably go elsewhere. We've said for ages the club needs to act more commercially, but there are ways of doing this without selling your soul to Tamplin.

I find comments that 'I'm turning people towards Tamplin' as rather silly. I am not digging for the sake of digging; I am letting people know what is really going on as much as possible, without disclosing my sources. These are sources that are very close to the situation, far closer than I am, which is why they do not want to be named. Look at the facts. Look through the bid. Look at the issues the Easts raise in their withdrawal letter, which seems to have got buried elsewhere.
Our final request is to urge members to require the Board to obtain and provide the following information, whether legally documented, (1 and 2 below) discussed and answered at the General Meeting (3, 4 and 5 below) or arranged without delay (6 below).

1 Details of any safeguards to ensure that no board member can gain control by buying another’s shares;
2 Confirmation of the type of guarantees to be given to ensure that future funds will be forthcoming;
3 A breakdown of the individual payments in each of the three stages;
4 Confirmation to the members of all the detailed due diligence undertaken on Glenn Tamplin;
5 The provision of full information on and CVs of the three new members of the consortium; and
6 Arranging at short notice a fans forum before the vote.
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Mike the Dagger
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Can board members be made "redundant" when they are not employed? Most definitely the board will be different after a takeover, that makes total sense TBH.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Merge, thanks for the detailed response.

With regards to the Board, would that situation not have been the same for a guy like Simmo if the Easts bid had got through (and you appeared to be "backing" the Easts bid I believe)?? While it is unfortunate, that is a consequence of a change of structure rather than the fault of Mr Tamplin or his bid?? I always thought that Board was essentially the old "Committee" in all but name, and the title was changed to Board when the Club had to take up Limited Liability status in 2007?? I also thought guys like Simmo were filling these positions more as volunteers rather than being paid or employed?? I would hope that below Board level there would be various other groups/committees/meetings at a sub committee level like there is in any business or association, and that a guy with the experience, knowledge and love for the Club like Simmo has would be involved in one of these in some way if he wanted to be??

On the second point I would say it is a shame that the SC have not come forward themselves on here or through another source to actually explain their feelings on the matter or what questions they have or will have for Mr Tamplin and the Board should all of this go through??

On point 3 it is a difficult one. The majority of people on here, and I would say yourself to some extent, have commented over the last few seasons that a number of changes on and off the field need to be made to modernise the Club?? However, now that this looks like being the case you are changing your tune?? I would hope that those in roles at the Club would be given a chance under any new regime to show that they are capable of modernising and bringing new ideas to the table (as a number of you have asked for) but if people are then not up to the job there would be consequences?? As you have said with Thommo and people said with Burnett, these people are paid to do a job and if they are not up to it then they shouldn't do it?? I am sure they are up to it and may well thrive under a change of direction and leadership??
Last edited by DI Mike Dashwood on Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Merge you're talking out your arse with this twitter stuff, it does mean something because not many people have millions of followers. Oh no! Only 800k watch it! What a tin pot show! Even if the numbers are declining that's because people who are successful from it leave the show and star in other things. People still follow these people but not through the show. They have serious pulling power if used correctly.

This core supporters stuff is a load of bollocks. If they don't like the type of people that are turning up to support the club then ****** them- they ain't real supporters. I don't care what sort of people are walking through our turnstiles as long as they pay and don't sing about paedos etc. You may not but others will. Look at how many more people now turn up to Faces in Gants Hill, Sugar Hut in Brentwood and the other places that are associated with these people.
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Auntie Merge
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NBDag wrote:Merge you're talking out your arse with this twitter stuff, it does mean something because not many people have millions of followers. Oh no! Only 800k watch it! What a tin pot show! Even if the numbers are declining that's because people who are successful from it leave the show and star in other things. People still follow these people but not through the show. They have serious pulling power if used correctly.

This core supporters stuff is a load of bollocks. If they don't like the type of people that are turning up to support the club then ****** them- they ain't real supporters. I don't care what sort of people are walking through our turnstiles as long as they pay and don't sing about paedos etc. You may not but others will. Look at how many more people now turn up to Faces in Gants Hill, Sugar Hut in Brentwood and the other places that are associated with these people. ... -do-it-too

Yet, still no one has commented on
Our final request is to urge members to require the Board to obtain and provide the following information, whether legally documented, (1 and 2 below) discussed and answered at the General Meeting (3, 4 and 5 below) or arranged without delay (6 below).

1 Details of any safeguards to ensure that no board member can gain control by buying another’s shares;
2 Confirmation of the type of guarantees to be given to ensure that future funds will be forthcoming;
3 A breakdown of the individual payments in each of the three stages;
4 Confirmation to the members of all the detailed due diligence undertaken on Glenn Tamplin;
5 The provision of full information on and CVs of the three new members of the consortium; and
6 Arranging at short notice a fans forum before the vote.
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