EGM is set for 17th October

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Mike the Dagger
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steeevooo wrote:It then raises another question - given that Tamplin's board have to approve any Member / Supporters Club proposed board member, what is to stop them/him continually rejecting all members put forward? What happens then?

There are so many holes/clarifications needed (from both bids), so much woolly rhetoric and so much ironing to do to close any loopholes that it still feels that we are a million miles away from actually knowing peoples intentions, plans and the future of this, our beloved club.
I would assume that these are the sort of questions that need addressing at the EGM.
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steeevooo wrote:It then raises another question - given that Tamplin's board have to approve any Member / Supporters Club proposed board member, what is to stop them/him continually rejecting all members put forward? What happens then?
I'd imagine that to reject an elected representative from the supporters club/members, they would have to prove that she/he doesn't fit a predefined criteria that shows them to be incompetent. Otherwise I'd hope that they would have to accept whoever is put forward.

I would agree with that nbdagger BUT Doubt that this would happen. Think it is very unfair of the tamplin consortium to suggest two representatives of a merged members and supporters club but only one representative from the members if a merge does not take place. Does this mean the tamplin consortium value the members more than the supporters club? Mr tamplin has said he want the supporters on bard so as a pr exercise not good imo. Personally think the ten members will have the right to veto any elected representative. Can't help thinking this is another way of getting current board Members in gwinn Calcutt oconnor on the new board. Don't think I would want them representing me. Have no problems with Simmo though he is a fan he speaks like a fan he acts like a fan and understands the fans unlike the other three mentioned

Mike......have you tried contacting Russell re the proposed merge and posting it on the forum?
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Isn't Tamplin's default of one members representative the same as the Easts position?

I'm not surprised that they would want to approve any person. For example, the person might be disqualified from being a director for various reasons.

One of the Easts could stand for election!
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Isn't the members/supporters share a bit of a red herring as both sides are surely mainly doing it for PR reasons and it will be of little sway

I trust whoever it is wont post details of every meeting on here interesting as that would be
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Mike the Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Mike......have you tried contacting Russell re the proposed merge and posting it on the forum?
When did this all become my job? ;)

Because you do it so well! Just wondered what our official supporters club know and feel about a merger with the members only a thought mike
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Mike the Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Because you do it so well! Just wondered what our official supporters club know and feel about a merger with the members only a thought mike
Knock yourself out....
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