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...would give a shit if wayne went ??

Think WB is mistaking "I want to play on Saturday" with friendship or loyalty to him.

Id honestly like to know who'd be devastated ?

My guess is one or two of the players who get games week in week out but should have been bundled off to Ebbsfleet many moons back might miss him.I will leave it to you lot to decide who they might be.

If they cared enough about Wayne they would've listened to whatever it is he thought he was asking of them.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Our illustrious captain is the stand out for one, offers nothing everytime. Chambers another and our very own sicknote Matt McClure. If there is to be a new man in charge I just hope (after he's settled down from laughing hysterically at our defence) he gets shot of Nosworthy who for me is possibly the worst defender I have ever witnessed.
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Zavon Hines too. I'm sure he loves the fact that he has managed to convince Burnett that he is worth keeping on the payroll for his annual 45 minute appearance before he gets injured again.
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Both Chambers and Connors give it a go each game but in my opinion don't have the necessary quality... as a result I find it hard to attack them

Boucard doesn't suit our style of play at all when at the bottom of the league, neither, from what i've seen early doors does Ferdinand.

Jury out on the Frenchman as i'm not certain if he is average or poor at times as he gets made to look like Sergio Ramos at times by Nosworthy next to him who is worse than even Phil Walsh at CB!

I wonder if a new man in charge would give Yusuff a chance to show what he is worth?
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Can't agree with Chambers. He works hard attacking but neglects his defensive responsibilities.
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My ins are both the Goalkeepers : Both have made mistakes this season but have more then made amends

Widowson bit inconsistent but prove more then adequate on the large part
Connors : Any new Manager might be able to get out of him what Ireland obviously see
Hoyte : Experiance alone
Gayle: Was he really worse then Nosworthy or Clever Dick I don't think he was.
Labadie: been our best player since he came back
Raymond : Looked a good prospect last season
Doidge : Workhorse shows the right attitude if nothing else.
Jones: forget the hype he is going to be no better then a league one player and even if he went tomorrow hardly likely to get first team action. If he stays here for another couple of seasons it may prove best for him In the long term.
Hemmings : inconsistency is my only complaint about him.

Cureton : still looks like their is still life in the old dog yet and must be a help to the other Forwards.

Yussef: looked big strong and quick every time I have seen him , the issue is fitness you never know a new Manager might hold the key to him.

And that's about it in my book unless We can get both Dunne Vassell. And. Ayo
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I'd definitely add Passley to that list. Always shown a good attitude when I've see him play.
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bearaab wrote:I'd definitely add Passley to that list. Always shown a good attitude when I've see him play.
Fair do's but I have seen him have a few horrors , Barnet away and that dreadfull mistake at Morecambe are two that Spring to mind.

Don't think there will be two many who would argue about binning the rest.
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People will disagree with some but I think these players could all be effective with the right manager and tactics. Based on ability, experience or potential they're worth keeping in my opinion.

Thanks for your efforts Wayne, personally have given you a lot of time and I think you will do well in football management but it's just been too poor to carry on, especially home form and it's been boring to be honest. I wish you well but we just need a new (old) face now to have a chance of staying up. Welcome back John. (When it's announced)
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Problem will be length of contracts and who will take them. We'll be stuck with Hines as he'll be on big money and no one will want him. Doubt they'd be many takers for Nosworthy, Bouchard or Dikamona. We'd probably be able to get Chambers out to a Conference or Conference South team on loan. Same would probably go for Richards.
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I get a feeling a couple of people may have missed the original point of this thread.
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Adrian wrote:I get a feeling a couple of people may have missed the original point of this thread.
I believe so mate.
Posts: 646
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This forum is very well known for never changing subject mid thread. Apologies Lord Adrian.
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I was just pointing out that it looked like a couple of people seemed to have missed the point.

No need for you to respond in that manner.
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