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End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:06 pm
by Cockney Byrites
My latest Daggers post, not as sad as you might think, I try to keep it positive.

Please read if you get the chance, thanks as always in advance, it is much appreciated.

Up the Daggers!!

https://cockneybyritesagameofheadersand ... of-an-era/

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:24 pm
by stanton101
Excellent post mate, well done indeed.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:43 pm
by len
Some of our fans seem to think it is the end of the world but like you I have been a supporter for many years and over the last nine have far exceeded all my expectations.
Well done for stating what a number of us think.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:39 pm
by DI Mike Dashwood
Good piece, like it.

Like others have said, the last 9 years have been great. When we missed out in 01/02 and 02/03 I thought that was it as far as any chance of ever getting into the League, so the last 9 years have been brilliant.

Have mistakes been made, yes. But did most of the people who have made those mistakes also play a huge part in making the last 9 years happen, yes again.

What people seem to forget is that in sport, someone wins and someone loses. And in English football, for the most part (not all the time, but for the most part), those with the most money finish above those with less!! You can defy the odds for so long, as we have done and as Accrington are doing, but in most instances in the end Clubs return to their natural level.

I didn't enjoy Saturday afternoon, not because we went down (we have known that was coming for some time) but because of the undertone of nastiness and aggression shown towards the players, staff and one another (fans wise). Whenever a team is relegated these days (not just us) someone seems to have to be the scapegoat and take the blame, often in a nasty manner. Can people not accept that things go wrong and someone has to lose?? Maybe I am getting old, but it is at the end of the day, only a game, and this Club will still be here next Year, playing it's part in the community and allowing people (like me and 100s of others) to get together on a Saturday afternoon and enjoy watching a game of football.

Would I like to see some more home wins next year, absolutely, would I like to see a buzz return to the old ground, of course, but I am sure in time that will happen.

So well done CB for putting out some positivity at a time like this.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:11 pm
by TommyD&R
DI Mike Dashwood wrote: I didn't enjoy Saturday afternoon, not because we went down (we have known that was coming for some time) but because of the undertone of nastiness and aggression shown towards the players, staff and one another (fans wise). Whenever a team is relegated these days (not just us) someone seems to have to be the scapegoat and take the blame, often in a nasty manner.
Exactly the same here. The abuse towards Cureton really pissed me off on Saturday too.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:35 pm
by DI Mike Dashwood
Sack the Board gets to me for starters as this is kind of not possible, as the board tends to do the sacking!!

And then the "You're not fit to wear the shirt" en masse to the players including blokes like Cureton and Doidge and a goalkeeper in the middle of a match where he made 15 saves or something. Did people think there was a lack of effort on Saturday?? Or was the reason we lost because we just wasn't good enough, and yet nobody can accept that now??

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:37 pm
by dagger4eva
I agree with not liking the angry, nasty scenes from Saturday, despite getting involved (couldn’t help myself tbh) – but look I think anyone can accept there being a winner and loser. No problem with that at all – but sometimes it’s the manner or particularly losing which seems to get the blood boiling.

People (outsiders) will look at the result on Saturday and say it was a close fought match, but like many times this season – it wasn’t really. Orient were 100% in control and bossing that game. They had about a minute & half of complacency to which we for once took advantage and as soon as they needed to wake up again they did so and went back infront.

I’m sure more of the players do actually care in their heart of hearts more than they are given for – even if they do have a funny way of showing it. But frankly, I wont be sad to see the back of about 75% of them in place of some younger, hungrier players that REALLY do want to play for our club and take the club and their careers forward.

No time whatsoever for the George Porters, Kane Ferdinands, Nyron Notsoworthys or Andre Boucards of this world.

Massively looking forward to next season – even if it probably will involve Gatesheeeeeeeeeeeead on a Tuesday night!!

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:53 pm
by Diggerthedog
DI Mike Dashwood wrote:Sack the Board gets to me for starters as this is kind of not possible, as the board tends to do the sacking!!

And then the "You're not fit to wear the shirt" en masse to the players including blokes like Cureton and Doidge and a goalkeeper in the middle of a match where he made 15 saves or something. Did people think there was a lack of effort on Saturday?? Or was the reason we lost because we just wasn't good enough, and yet nobody can accept that now??
To be honest though most them have not been fit to wear the shirt this season. only a handful can really say they have given 110%.

Lets remember they are paid professionals and they have been anything but this season.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:14 pm
by DI Mike Dashwood
I always think that's hard to judge though in all honesty.

If you listen to fans of 90% of Clubs who get relegated this season then they will all say "it's not the fact we are losing" or "it's the lack of effort I can't stand". I am not sure that's always the case, and I think it's difficult to judge?? On Saturday for instance, I didn't feel a lack of effort at all, we just weren't good enough and deservedly lost (as someone else said).

When I look through the team I can't think of loads of people who I stand there and think "they are not trying". The keepers have both made errors, but not through lack of effort. The youngsters at centre half may not have concentrated for 90 mins every week, but was that lack of effort?? Clevid can be clumsy, but I never feel he's not trying. Doidge could do with taking more chances, but I always feel he gives 100%. As I say, I think it's often an easy thing to say, and then fans justify their moans by saying it's only a perceived lack of effort they are unhappy with??

I would add effort is different to energy/pace and the side that was assembled, and the way they were then asked to try and play at times, did not always induce a lot of energy and pace, but that's different from effort.

If you take the Whitehawk game for instance, we were awful, we couldn't pass the ball 10 yards, BUT, I always felt they were giving their all to get a result.

Anyways, we shall see what happens over the summer I guess!!!

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:24 pm
by dagger4eva
I guess it's all about perceptions really.

But what I would say is that in 2 of Stilly's last 3 interviews he has bemoaned the fact the club lost it's way with signing young, hungry players and 'Daggers' - and whether the current mob are trying or not (whichever way you view it) - Stilly has clearly spotted & acknowledged the same thing many supporters have been harping on about for some time now.

I wasn't previously, but maybe a long lunch has made me kinda look forward to tonight in a kind of warped way. I dread to imagine just how bad / non-existent the atmosphere will be though! :lol:

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:25 pm
Forget on here. What do you say to people who know you support Daggers and why they have gone down? I normally tell them we just weren't good enough this season. I then go on about how much of an achievement it is for such a small club with its tiny following and low-budget to even be in league two. I also say I've seen no lack of effort just this time round it's our turn to go down

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:08 pm
by Voice of reason
Cockney Byrites wrote:My latest Daggers post, not as sad as you might think, I try to keep it positive.

Please read if you get the chance, thanks as always in advance, it is much appreciated.

Up the Daggers!!

https://cockneybyritesagameofheadersand ... of-an-era/
Excellent sensible post.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:38 pm
by lupins
To echo a few comments above I don't think lack of effort has been a factor this season

However with regard to the Orient match I know I was not alone in being absolutely embarrassed by the performance. After a good start giving up after three minutes and making that very clear. Then after getting back into the game giving up once again and returning to the previous drivel. Absolutely not fit to wear the colours that is not what I believe Dagenham to be all about

Just to clarify I am referring to the away support (not all of them of course)

Re: End of an era

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:54 pm
by Mark
To me there is a lack of effort on a fairly regular basis. When you aren't very good you need 11 tries and you can't carry passengers. We started the season with two centre mids who barely get above a jog. I don't want them careering aimlessly around the pitch but I do expect them to get tighter and sprint when the situation demands it.

Too often you see our full backs jog towards the winger rather than close them down with any real conviction giving them lots of time to get crosses in. Our wingers often do the same. We are also often very slow to push out.

Then there's the mentality when we go behind. Orient was one thing but several times this season I've seen players give up. Hartlepool away and Portsmouth at home being good examples.

It's about being willing to put the extra few percent in, to really affect the opponent rather than just drop back, to go in where it hurts, to come off the pitch knowing you've given it everything. We have far too many who don't do that.

Re: End of an era

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:14 am
by Diggerthedog
I think given Currie's interview we can see that there certainly is no BALLS from this lot.