Southport replay match thread

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Those highlights frustrate me more than anything. How many goals must we have given away now this season through silly individual errors. Red-card, penalty, own-goal essentially (Fairly sure it flicks off one of our players), it's just ridiculous.
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It looks harmless until deflected, surely that's the closest you will get to a own goal if he don't touch our player it don't go in.

penalty after penalty Patridge again.

There was a horrendous two footed challange on Billy that only got a yellow.

We are getting no luck and no decusions
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Sorry Sussex I don't agree that a new manager won't change things !

Wayne can't manage thats the whole point he can't get the best out of the players as its quite clear they don't want to play for him

A change at the helm is needed and this team would finish top half I've no doubt about that

Burnett is a good coach but can't man manage etc

A bit like Glen Roeders spell at West Ham and it just proves that

The results speak for themselves
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Dagger Steve
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:It looks harmless until deflected, surely that's the closest you will get to a own goal if he don't touch our player it don't go in.

penalty after penalty Patridge again.

There was a horrendous two footed challange on Billy that only got a yellow.

We are getting no luck and no decusions

We are not where we are because we've been unlucky.
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I’m sorry Sussex but you seem to be making every single excuse under the sun here to justify it.

You can blindly support this rag bag of a management if you wish but nothing is going to change until they are ALL gone.

You hoping and praying it does change wont make a jot of difference!

I get the fact Wayne thought it might be best to try front it out but he really must need his head testing if he actually thought the supporters would want a “chat” with him after the latest shambles!
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Dagger Steve
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To be fair he would of been criticised if he had just ducked down the tunnel instead. A lose - lose situation.

But a situation he has put himself in.
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To summarise pretty much the full extent of Wayne Burnett's "discussion" last night:
What am I meant to do? We had a player sent off needlessly.
Erm, that wasn't a problem for Shrewsbury was it Wayne? Indeed, I recall a certain person saying that the best thing for Shrewsbury was to have a man sent off - I assume it doesn't work both ways?
But we were completely dominating the game until Howell was sent off
I'm not sure what game you were watching Wayne, but to me (and I'm sure most others that were there will agree), we were certainly not dominating, but were matching a poor, lower half of the Conference side.
What am I meant to do? What do you want?
The honourable thing Wayne - do what is in the best interests of this club before you take us too far.

The scenes with Warren Hackett afterwards were despicable - as fans that have travelled on a 500 mile round trip on a Tuesday night to watch another apathetic, heartless, predictably very poor performance and effort, and to be bamboozled yet again by tactical (amongst others) decisions, we are entitled to air our views. I understand that he would want to defend himself and the coaching staff, but confronting us all, constantly swearing at us all, telling us that we should "support the f*cking team and club" (erm, hello Warren - we've taken 2 days off work, spent a lot of money on a bloody cold Tuesday night to watch consistent sh*t - we support the team and will be supporting them long, long after you are gone), and then finally having to be restrained from trying to throw a punch at one of our fans is beyond entirely unprofessional - it's a disgrace.

What disappointed me even further though was the fact that we had a board member and the club secretary on the pitch confronting us too, saying the same line over and again: "leave it, the board will sort it out" (I'm sure they will.....), and then having the club secretary giving the away fans a two fingered salute as he walked away.

There is absolutely no connect between the players/management/staff/board and the fans at the moment. Indeed, it is quite probably true to say that there isn't a huge connect between the players and the management/staff either. This club is completely falling apart at the seams right now, and it is incredibly painful for us fans to have to endure.

Final comment to say that I will give credit to Rhys Murphy and Luke Howell for coming onto the supporters coach before we left yesterday to thank us all for our commitment and support, to apologise for the abject performances (plural was used - so clearly not just referring to the one game), to insist that they will be doing everything help the club turn the corner, and in Howells case (who was on the brink of tears), to make an unreserved apology for the red card. I await such acknowledgment from the management/board.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Thought that was you in the photo on the Recorder report Steveooo!!!

Just out of curiosity, who was the Board member on the pitch. Could it have been Dave the Plumber has Arnu will be pleased if it is!!!

At least the forum is lively at the moment anyway.

In all seriousness, very unsavoury, very un-dignified, very un-Dagenham. Something has to give as a Club like ours cannot carry on like this.
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If the board and management are swearing at or threatening fans it tells you all you need to know, they have completely lost control of the situation and we either need a definite statement of intent from the club about what they intend to do, both to discipline all involved, issue a formal apology and what they actually plan to do to fix this catastrophic shit heap we've been served for the last few months on all fronts, or soon enough no one will be coming.

And when people who have forked out for season tickets wont either bother turning up you need to realise you need *us* to stay in business. and the longer all the fans are totally ignored and stonewalled or fobbed off by the club the harder it'll be to ever regain that trust again.
Sorry about your damn luck!
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Dagger Steve wrote:
SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:..We are getting no luck and no decusions

We are not where we are because we've been unlucky.
Indeed..there may be the odd bit of bad luck here and there, but not to such a level to have consistently affected our form over the last 12 months and current position this season.

What we have been consistently - over the past 12 months - is shite. That run has included a significant number of new signings being brought into the club by Wayne Burnett - I don't think it is unfair of us, or the club in general, to have expected that he should be able to get more out of what is effectively "his" squad" after that amount of time.

If he hasn't got any different ideas on how to do things, then he should go - for both his and the clubs benefit.
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DI Mike Dashwood wrote:Just out of curiosity, who was the Board member on the pitch. Could it have been Dave the Plumber has Arnu will be pleased if it is!!!
I can confirm it wasn't Dave the Plumber - doubt he was even at the game!
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The picture on the post website of Burnett confronting the fans is an utter embarassment, what did he expect them to say oh unlucky Wayne let us buy you a pint.

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The truth of the matter is that at the end of this season the Dwight Gayle income will have paid for the overspends incurred over the past three seasons. And unless he plays for England or scores lots of goals, then we will not be getting any more money.

Whatever league we start next season in, we will be looking at another £500k loss for the 2015/2016 season.

Without a young star to sell, we are in dire need of something radical to happen.

A cup run may have kept us as we are for next season, but after last night, the Board probably now have no idea what to do next.

If they cannot attract new money, the only cost reduction will be to close the Academy. Which in itself takes us one step nearer administration.

Although this is my spin on the facts, all of this is contained within the Dagenham & Redbridge Financial results for the 2013/2014 season which are to be discussed tomorrow by Annual members.

All of this saddens me, but as we progressed up to League 1, we needed a Board with vision, not one that was always relying on "something to turn up financially".

I reckon Dave The Plumber got shafted when he accepted the role of Chairman, but perhaps he will surprise us all?
DI Mike Dashwood
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Thats the long and short of it Lion. Last night really really mattered. I don't know the exact numbers, but without an indivdual "backer" (which brings its own issues in my book) we are looking in a bad way financially.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out that gates of 2,000 won't carry on paying the bills on their own. Yes there are other things like sponsorship, but we don't have a small squad, I don't imagine we have a badly paid squad (in relative terms) and we have a lot of other staff these days in all parts of the Club. We haven't sold a big name player for some time as you say, and to me the cup run (prize money and potential crowd/tv money) was our last hope of a simple way to balance the books.

Who knows what will happen if we go down?? Crowds will dwindle, we will lose TV and sponsorship money and while some players will opt to leave, others may not find clubs and we will have to either negotiate the pay up of contracts or keep them in our squad.

Not wanting to depress anyone or that................
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It's absolutely gutting to read a lot of this.
While I've never been one for doing much more than turning up watching a game and then heading home, there's always been a fairly clear sense of something family like about the club, but that just seems to have gone.

Staff and board members arguing with supporters is not on.

I've long had the feeling that we'd end up dropping down before too long, but not for it to happen the way it seems to be. It's very very sad.
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