Come on then.. where do we go from here ??

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It's quite obvious we, as a club are in a bit of dissaray with a growing chasm of discontent between team-fans-board.

I look at the Newcastle situation. Just a few weeks ago they were in absolute melt down. The team weren’t performing and couldn’t buy a win. The fans were on the managers and owners back and it seemed relegation was on the cards.

Through whatever reason (probably their owner’s stubborn-ness) they stuck with their manager and how their fortunes have changed. From bottom 3 they are now just outside the top 4. Pardew is once again a hero, their team is united and the owner is a genius.

So I put it to you guys, should we try to follow this example? Is there any hope for us if we tried following suit? Will the return of Murphy & Hines be the difference required to turning draws and narrow defeats into wins? OR, are we a lost cause with a change of management (all 3 of them) the only chance we have of turning it around… what do you think ???
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Personally, I am on the fence, I said a few weeks ago, I'll give it till Murphy and Hines are fully fit, if it's still the same then bye bye Wayne.
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I'm a believer in stick with it.

Some of our so called better players have contracts up in the summer. Whilst the club will be unlikely to offer any contracts till we know where we are playing, the players also have to realise if they are not performing individually or within the team ethic they may not have clubs banging at the door.

Finances also dictate we are not in a position to change staff and bring in players in January.

It won't take a lot to change round. Fingers crossed but a nice home time potentially in FA Cup 2nd round, a win at Wombles, I don't care if penalties get us through at Southport, home win against Carlisle them who knows ?

A FA Cup 2nd round win, away at Arsenal 3rd round, 500k in the bank and everybody is dreaming of the January transfer window.

Maybe too optimistic, but my Saints mate thought his club was finished in the Summer, West Ham fans now dreaming of CL, Newcastle turned it round, you just don't know in football
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This is a sensible question and as you highlighted things can turn round quickly and for no real reason
Whilst I would not necessarily advocate a managerial change I thought Saturdays offering was worrying
That was not a Dagenham team.
What is clear is that a decision is needed or we will be rudderless. A Manager and players coming to the end of contracts can only lead to drift. A lame duck Presidency.
Those that run the club need to get a grip now and take whatever actions are required to try to get back on course
You can argue all you like what those actions should be but action is required. If we drift to the end of the season that would be a bigger crime than not making decisions good or bad
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Well Wayne, Darren & Warren have, unless I'm mistaken, only 6 months left to run on their current contracts so I don't believe it would cost us THAT much to relieve them of their duties early.....

I'm not convinced Murphy & Hines' impact will be that great - bear in mind Hines hasn't even started full training yet so probably a good 2 months from now until he's anywhere near being back to peak pitness.

In addition, it's our defending which is costing us time after time and unless this is addressed as a matter of urgency I don't see how anything can change.

Was interesting to see Doe being dropped following the penalty incident last week. As clumsy/stupid as it was to give it away that late in a game Scott was definitely made the scape goat. Comments from certain quarters within the club also that if they had their way Scott would have been sacked for it (I kid you not)

Cureton works his nuts off game after game only to often receive the most dire of 'service'.
Bet he regrets not re-singing for Cheltenham now!!

So all in all it's hard to see where the change can come from. I'm usually the ultimate optimist when it comes to football matters but where we are concerned i'm afriad any optimism has been well & truly sucked out of me
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Mike the Dagger
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Our current form isn't a blip, it's been like this since Wayne unexpectedly ripped into the team when we beat Wycombe 2-0 at which point Victoria Road was becoming a bit of a fortress.

Since then we have had two fortunate home wins last season (Wimbledon where we were down to 10 when D'Ath got sent off and just about hung on, and Oxford with Howell's pinball winner) and two this season against two really poor sides in Mansfield and York. The team squanders leads all over the place and the half time tea appears to contain some kind of tranquiliser. Tactically we seem to have lost all idea, lets bang the ball up to our centre munchkin, "get after that Jamie", and we can't defend. Apart from that it's all going great!

We should put Wayne out of his misery quickly and move on, before he squaders any chance of getting a few players in in the transfer window and it is too late.

I understand that nothing will change in the next couple of weeks at least though.
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I don't get the points about waiting.
This isn't a short term issue, the problems have been there for ages. If anything the home form at the beginning of last season was the blip.
The manager has been given time and the opportunity to build his own team and its worse that when he was stuck with someone else's players.
There are too many players that just don't seem to understand that the idea of the game is to score goals, not to keep the ball a lot.
I lost track of the times Bingham looked for a forward pass on Saturday but had to give up and go sideways because Porter or Chambers came towards him

I don't believe that Murphy and Hines will make much difference.
If we persist with the 4-3-3 then Murphy will only play in place of Cureton and they're fairly similar types of players.
Hines had been worked put last season and that isn't going to change. Having been out for the time he has will likely making him a bigger target for rough treatment.
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Hard to argue with any of that Mike.

I guess unlike my original comparison at Newcastle - that could be deemed a blip opposed to our predicament.

My fear if we do send Wayne packing is that we would only replace him with the cheap, easy option of promotion Darren or Warren and it would probably just mean more of the same.

Whatever happens one thing is for sure, it will take a turnaround of epic proportions to turn this season around from here on in!
DI Mike Dashwood
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The other thing which is interesting to note in the Newcastle situation, something touched on in the Times today and by Pards in his own interviews recently, is that despite the upturn in results he is still not exactly flavour of the month!!! The banners and protests have stopped, but considering they have won 7 in a row or whatever, they are not exactly heaping praise on him. And this is now the danger for us. Even if we win a few games and get out of trouble and end up say 19th (which we would all take now) then longer term something still needs to change, as the atmosphere and connect between staff/players and the fans has probably been broken forever. While I have always thought booting a manager out is the easy (and often stupid) option, I worry where we go from here even if we do recover and stay up.

Two other points. I see Wayne and Darren's names being thrown about as possible replacements. But would they want to take the job if their mate has just been booted out, and would they do any better?? Presumably they have some input into things at the moment, and you are all saying (with a lot of justifcation) that is hardly working out??

Also, I will say once again, careful what you wish for. After a couple of games when Wayne took over there was a lot of chat about a brave new world and great, entertaining football. Arnu was lapping up the fact hoofball was being replaced with this new Brazilian style of play down at the Vic. However, some shall we say, realists, such as Adrian and Mark warned that with our players and structure it may be difficult to get this new style of play to be succesful. Mark often complained even back then that there was passing for passings sake a lot of the time and that the new style was not getting us anywhere. And this has been proved right in many ways. So as I say, careful what you wish for.

I think assembling a team to play with the Daggers spirit and sense of adventure should be the matter of most importance over the next 18 months, regardless of who is in charge and what division we are in.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Apologies for length of post.

Just read it back and realise I am becoming the next Lee Wilson ;)
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Vanarama Conference Premier is where we are heading. The official report from Saturdays game is yet another embarassment. To describe opponents who we will be meeting in a replay as 'nothing special' gives them great incentive to turn us over in the replay.
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I've just read the report. Not sure who wrote it, but they need to stop thinking they're some sort of clever journalist. They clearly aren't.
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I thought that and the grammar and spelling equally poor

Should be pulled and amended immediately
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Maybe it's written by the same joke of a guy on the tannoy on Saturday ?
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Went to bed as a Dagger woke up a Dagger and nothing will change that.

Nothing is going to change the Boards support towards the current Management.

Reports of your incident after Shrewsbury and others who seemed more upset then you by the conduct of some in authority surely proves that.

So it's simple we either all start to get behind what we have or we don't.

All we can do is get behind a team who looked to me Saturday short of confidence and leave who Manages the Team up to others. These are the People who not long ago were being held as a shinning light to others as to how to run a Football Club.

Like everybody I am frustrated that we appear to have gone backwards since last years effort but that's were we are.

Time to help ourselves and rally round and play our part in a relegation dogfight.
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