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It wasn’t long ago the government were saying the pubs are open so get out and get stuck in. Or that they were paying us all to go to eat out.

10pm curfews just mean people get in pubs earlier and flood the streets at closing time.

It’s just not clear to me what the end game is. We had a lockdown in March which was initially for 3 weeks, but rolled on for 3 months, with the virus still there at the end of it. We need a plan b other than wait for a vaccine - after all the Common Cold Unit spent 43 years trying to find a way of preventing this type of virus.

The country needs to have a difficult conversation about the balance between the illness caused by COVID-19 and the illness caused by the current strategies. The data on reduced referrals for cancer and cardiovascular disease is alarming - those diseases have not been furloughed, they are out there and people will be dying because screening programmes and testing are paused. Is the solution rapid testing and dedicated Covid hospitals to allow the rest of healthcare to continue to function?
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The nightingale hospitals should be used for just that reason, all COVID patients should be treated there and allow the NHS to function as near to normal at local trusts. Its a hard act to balance the economy and peoples lives against a virus that's likely to wipe out 5% of the population.
For centuries, wars and diseases have kept the world population down but these last 70 years has less wars and treatments for diseases improved. Is it natures way of re-addressing the balance. Personally , I think this is man-made!
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I don’t think that the fatality rate is going to be as high as 5% on a population basis.

Imperial College estimate 1% in developed countries and, counterintuitively, lower fatality rates in poorer countries which it seems to be because of the greater mortality in the elderly - the median age of those dying from Covid in England and Wales is 82.4 years (versus a median age of 81.5 years for non-Covid deaths).
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RayleighDagger1986 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:22 am The nightingale hospitals should be used for just that reason, all COVID patients should be treated there and allow the NHS to function as near to normal at local trusts. Its a hard act to balance the economy and peoples lives against a virus that's likely to wipe out 5% of the population.
For centuries, wars and diseases have kept the world population down but these last 70 years has less wars and treatments for diseases improved. Is it natures way of re-addressing the balance. Personally , I think this is man-made!
Sure I heard prattrick Ballance or Prof Shitty say there are already 10,000 in hospital at this moment in time, not sure the nightingale hospitals have that capacity.

We can’t just keep locking down we should learn to live with it with minimal restrictions, other diseases are likely to get you first but I don’t see millions of tests being rolled out to prevent cancer deaths. Shambles since the start but no surprise regardless of who the government is. My firm will be forced to close yet again as it’s non essential retail and with two of my team already been let go due to the last lockdown I genuinely fear for my job a million times more than I do about getting Covid.

The countries that control it people have respect for each other nothing like that in this county anymore, dog eat dog selfish and lawless ways of some in this population will ensure we continue with lockdowns for the foreseeable. I speak with people in Hong Kong all the time and they’re simply dumbfounded that we can have that many infections on a daily basis, we’re a laughing stock.
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Excellent post Alan and dead right digger on South East Asia, how come big economies like Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong right on China's borders have curtailed it so well and is not taking over their environments? not rocket science is it, educate the people they obey no pussy footing over there, stricter border controls which is just not enforced properly 8 months in here, the other half being from the Philippines know its mandatory a Covid test to all travellers whether foreigners or locals arriving and leaving Manila straight to hotel and no leave hotel room till a result in 48 hours at our cost, bods knew this was coming, too slack for too long, Western Europe's right in it now big time.
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The government will try to keep the Lockdown going until mandatory vaccination. This will go on for years, unless huge numbers of people take a stand against it. Which is highly unlikely.
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Location: Romford

RayleighDagger1986 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:22 am The nightingale hospitals should be used for just that reason, all COVID patients should be treated there and allow the NHS to function as near to normal at local trusts. Its a hard act to balance the economy and peoples lives against a virus that's likely to wipe out 5% of the population.
For centuries, wars and diseases have kept the world population down but these last 70 years has less wars and treatments for diseases improved. Is it natures way of re-addressing the balance. Personally , I think this is man-made!
That's all well and good, yet who will you staff it with?

Thanks to the current Govt and what they've done to the NHS over the last 10 years there's a severe shortage in staff in the NHS. Yes it's great that a convention centre can be retrofitted to be a large ward, yet that's all it is, and one without staff.
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rebeldagger wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:12 pm
RayleighDagger1986 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:22 am The nightingale hospitals should be used for just that reason, all COVID patients should be treated there and allow the NHS to function as near to normal at local trusts. Its a hard act to balance the economy and peoples lives against a virus that's likely to wipe out 5% of the population.
For centuries, wars and diseases have kept the world population down but these last 70 years has less wars and treatments for diseases improved. Is it natures way of re-addressing the balance. Personally , I think this is man-made!
That's all well and good, yet who will you staff it with?

Thanks to the current Govt and what they've done to the NHS over the last 10 years there's a severe shortage in staff in the NHS. Yes it's great that a convention centre can be retrofitted to be a large ward, yet that's all it is, and one without staff.
Absolutely bang on Rebel Dagger. The Tory government have treated the NHS and it’s staff like crap for 10 years (even cheering in Parliament when the nurses were refused a pay rise - vile) and then a nation obsessed with Brexit voted them back in for 5 years so we only have ourselves to blame right now. Before anyone tells me that Corbyn would have been no better (stock reply for embarrassed Tory voters) I totally agree. The stark and unarguable facts are that the Tories always underfund public services and treat them like peasants while Labour overfund them by creating ridiculous meaningless jobs and allowing vast amounts of money to be wasted on red tape and admin. And I have to also say (to get back to footballs) that the Daggers have been terrible ever since the Conservatives gained power in 2010. Coincidence? I don’t think so 😉
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