Club Statement

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I'm a bit surprised he's pulled the plug completely given he apparently paid 1m for his stake. If we're looking for a buyer and haemorrhage players, fans, and don't win again this season then surely the amount he can sell for is vastly reduced.

I know nobody would buy it off him for what he paid when they see our income vs expenditure at the moment but I would think there's a middle ground here.
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Auntie Merge
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Please tell me how this shows I support the flags?
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Well i am rather pleased that you dont support that particular flag but when the latest Soviet Union Flag was revealed at Solihull you thought it rather amusing along with the Anti Thompson sticker that had his face on a North Korean flag that you were wearing.

So i ask again who had a word in your ear and what changed your opinion, just interested to know
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Auntie Merge
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One game and I wasn’t wearing the sticker.

But this is getting us nowhere. I know I’m an easy target for criticism and abuse because I am so visible and accessible; people know who I am in my real life, not only my forum persona. So please stop throwing accusations.

Just get behind the club now. We all need to get behind the club and unite, whether we like who is at the helm or not. One of the things that drove Glyn away was that he couldn’t fix what was wrong with the club and the flags were representative of those divisions. He told me this himself.
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I am alarmed that you consider the exchange we have had as a form of Personal abuse.

Reading back through i do not see were anything can be considered as such.

However that is through my eyes and if i have in anyway caused you any distress then i wish to publicly apologise as that was never my intention.

Your call for Unity and loyalty is one that I share, one that you will recall that i have asked for in the past. That is why i politely declined the invite of the sticker to which i refer and my non interest in the flags

Like many I can not possiably comment on how our Club is run as i am not in possession of the facts. All i can comment on is facts that have been made in the statement and it looks like over the past two years we have spent a shed load trying to achieve. For a Club that has gone on record in the past as to how we control budgets and live within our means I just
find it shame how we have been so reckless.

If there was ever a time to do take financial risks then surely it was when we had FL status
as surely its easier to conserve then to achieve.

Once again I am sorry for any offence i may have caused, please be assured this was not my intention.
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Auntie Merge
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Thank you for the apology. I don’t see what you’ve posted as personal abuse but was using it in general terms, to others on here.

I hope too that others will see that as I have shared something that Glyn told me quite a while back, (which he said I could share; I do not intend to break confidences), that I do have sources of information that are deep in the heart of the club.

I’m not going to post on here the rest of what he said to me, as it could be misconstrued, but if anyone wants to talk to me at the Aldershot game, I’d be happy to discuss it. There is no ‘secret squirrel’ about this. Part of me thinks he wanted me to post it on the forum back when he said it. If I had, perhaps we might have been in a different scenario today.

I too am concerned how we’ve gone from being prudent to boom and bust in a season.

As to everyone getting on board and supporting the club right now, in one of companies I worked we had a saying about an impending merger (ha!). Either you’re on the bus or you’re off the bus, but the bus is leaving.

Now it’s Saturday night. I need a drink. Cheers. :drunk:
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Let’s not be too holier than thou about this.
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On behalf of the supporters club

I assume you have all read the club statement issued Friday.
We do intend to respond to this statement as it is an attack on the Supporters Club and the Committee and is factually incorrect.
What I will say is we have never been given any indication of the feelings mentioned by the board on behalf of Mr. Hopkin. In fact, our secretary has, over the last 3 months, tried without success to get in touch with Mr. Hopkins. We have also contacted Paul Gwyn, and no one has come back to us.
It is surprising that flags have been judged to be the cause of Mr. Hopkin’s action. It also detracts from the fact that yet again we have been put in financial crisis by the board.
We will be holding a meeting next week and will issue a formal statement then.

Thank you

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Auntie Merge
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Daggernewbie wrote:On behalf of the supporters club

I assume you have all read the club statement issued Friday.
We do intend to respond to this statement as it is an attack on the Supporters Club and the Committee and is factually incorrect.
What I will say is we have never been given any indication of the feelings mentioned by the board on behalf of Mr. Hopkin. In fact, our secretary has, over the last 3 months, tried without success to get in touch with Mr. Hopkins. We have also contacted Paul Gwyn, and no one has come back to us.
It is surprising that flags have been judged to be the cause of Mr. Hopkin’s action. It also detracts from the fact that yet again we have been put in financial crisis by the board.
We will be holding a meeting next week and will issue a formal statement then.

Thank you

As a member of the supporters club I am deeply saddened by this response.
Why don’t you say you have read the statement and you will work with the club
to heal any differences instead of raking over old wounds? The club needs our support right now.
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Agree entirely with Auntie

Do you realise this is a critical time in our history not in the Supporters Clubs
The Romford Dagger
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Auntie Merge wrote:
The Romford Dagger wrote:

Thompson seems to be quite happy blaming the fans.
Don’t fall for it. It’s his mess. I’d also argue we’d have been better off not getting the cash from Hopkins as we are now in a whole like before - potentially an even bigger one?

The fans have been shafted massively. I find it incredible some fans want to blame a few people who held up flags and protested against the dictator.
And that is the problem at the moment. We’re trying to pull together and you want to argue. Thompson is likely to go, probably sooner rather than later. But right now, right this minute we need him. He maybe an idiot but he is our idiot.

Oh the irony
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Dont post much on thos ..But please the fans flags what a load of bollox ...blaming the fans to pull the plug .One man is to blame and should of walked years ago S Thompson!!!!..Fans need to be
united Stop pointing the fingers at eachother its what they want to take away the smoke out the boardroom .Bennet ****** off Thompson ****** off Fans stick together .
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Money over the years gone through that club undisclosed fees etc etc Fans kept in the dark constantly..And now we are pointing the finger at eachother ?? No the club and individuals made life difficult for Glyn and he is still there
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Daggertilidie wrote:Dont post much on thos ..But please the fans flags what a load of bollox ...blaming the fans to pull the plug .One man is to blame and should of walked years ago S Thompson!!!!..Fans need to be
united Stop pointing the fingers at eachother its what they want to take away the smoke out the boardroom .Bennet **** off Thompson **** off Fans stick together .
That seems a very responsible answer as a way forward in helping the club overcome the problems we find ourselves in at the moment. Perhaps you are the sort of person the club statement refers to.
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There is one person who can sort all this mess and we can save some money whilst doing so.
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