Dave the plumber.

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After todays identical farce to pretty much all of our other home defeats this season will Dave the plumber(That's the anonymous chairman for those who didn't realise he was called Dave) now just put up with this ridiculous manager or actually do something about him?Doing nothing will just result in attendances dropping and dropping and more importantly will see us definitely relegated.To do nothing shows utter contempt for us mugs who fork out and follow our team all over the place just to see the same catastrophic results week in week out.This must be waynes plan for all our home games "Take the lead,hold it till the 70th minute when one of our defenders ****** up and lets them equalise,then instead of defending the draw concede late in injury time but only after making pointless substitutions about 12 minutes before the end.Today was a must win game if Wayne wanted to have any chance of keeping anyone on board.He ****** it up.He has to go ******** useless!!

Give it to Darren Currie (He actually won a home league game in Burnetts absence after all) until someone who has a clue what to do comes along.(Also noteworthy that Darren wears a tracksuit and looks like a football coach while our manager ponces about in his fancy clobber like a c***)

Truthfully its now a just a chore to even bother coming to watch.They can shove next weeks FA cup tie up their Jacksy and I can beat the price on a half yearly season ticket.I start the bidding at £75.00.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Arnu, the older you get, the more sense you talk. It's a shame that few people will agree with you. After all, we're a small club with a small budget and it's the greatest achievement ever that we're in the Football League!!!! People pay good money to watch football and sooner or later, they will vote with their feet, particularly with xmas on the horizon. My only hope is that we scrape through to the 3rd round of the FA cup, draw Chelsea or Man U, then pay WB off and get a decent manager in.
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Apart from him not having a clue about what the role of the chairman is, or seeming to ignore that the only person that has any problem with the chairman is him.

Lets not forget that arnu is supposedly Burnetts biggest fan.
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Arnu we surely have to aim our Cannons at the right culprits and it is not the Chairman mate.

The Manager has to take the ultimate responsibility for sure but even here I have a lot of compassion.

Rightfully or wrongly he has put his faith in a collection of Players. By turning up each week we as Supporters have done the same and they have let each and everyone of us down badly.

There is no doubt that we have Players in our squad with ability but you can have all the ability in the world be it in your feet or head but if it is not in your heart you might as well give up.

To many of our Players lack this vital commodity, perhaps that is why they have ended up here, but if they had only shown a fraction of the desire shown by todays opponents it would help.

About time we got off the Managers back, The Chairmans back,The Boards Back and got on the backs of the real culprits and give it to those who are the real culprits

Half of them are not fit to wear the shirt of this great little Club and are an absoloute disgrace to their profession.
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I completely disagree with that Sussex. I don't think our players lack heart at all. I just think as a collective we are very naive. Some of the blame has to go to Wayne there. He should have been on the sidelines screaming at them to get up the pitch when they dropped deep. They drop deep because it's a natural reaction to feeling pressure. You stand off the ball because that way, you don't commit and expose yourself. The problem is, we have got into the habit of doing this and the manager doesn't seem to have the necessary tools to stop this. I was amazed that for a proportion of the 2nd half he sat in his dugout and just watched the same thing happening again.

Our players put a shift in today and you could see how gutted they were when Shrewsbury got that penalty. They didn't lose that game on no heart. They lost it because as a group, they didn't perform well enough and weren't given the direction by the manager to have that confidence to step up. Wayne said on his interview that he is trying to take the pressure off at the moment by not mentioning the bad home form. I think that's rubbish if I'm being honest. Players aren't stupid. They're men like us. They're clearly aware that the home form is poor. Not mentioning it isn't going to stop it from entering their thoughts. If anything, Wayne needs to address the fact that the home form is shit and HOW we go about making it better. By mentioning the mistakes that we keep making once we take a lead at home and what we can do to avoid making them again, rather than plodding along and pretending that it's all ok and that we're good enough to ride this bad patch out. Because we're not.

When a team is losing, it's easy straight away to criticise the player's effort and workload. Watch the rerun of that game today and watch how hard every single player worked out there. Because they all put in a shift. We lost because of a bad gameplan in the 2nd half, not because they weren't bothered.
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:Arnu we surely have to aim our Cannons at the right culprits and it is not the Chairman mate.

The Manager has to take the ultimate responsibility for sure but even here I have a lot of compassion.

Rightfully or wrongly he has put his faith in a collection of Players. By turning up each week we as Supporters have done the same and they have let each and everyone of us down badly.

There is no doubt that we have Players in our squad with ability but you can have all the ability in the world be it in your feet or head but if it is not in your heart you might as well give up.

To many of our Players lack this vital commodity, perhaps that is why they have ended up here, but if they had only shown a fraction of the desire shown by todays opponents it would help.

About time we got off the Managers back, The Chairmans back,The Boards Back and got on the backs of the real culprits and give it to those who are the real culprits

Half of them are not fit to wear the shirt of this great little Club and are an absoloute disgrace to their profession.
You want to blame the players? But not the person responsible for giving them contracts? The person whose job it is to give them instructions and to motivate them?

Wake up and smell the coffee. It's painfully obvious that you want to look everywhere else except the place where the problem actually lies.
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Smelt the Coffee Adrian and still think half our Team are gutless and have no heart.

Always an exception to every rule and sadly it looks like we have lost one today for a while, Ade I have learnt dislocated his shoulder.

Get well soon son if we had more of your ilk we would not be in this mess.
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:Smelt the Coffee Adrian and still think half our Team are gutless and have no heart.

Always an exception to every rule and sadly it looks like we have lost one today for a while, Ade I have learnt dislocated his shoulder.

Get well soon son if we had more of your ilk we would not be in this mess.
It a combination of the manager and some of the players not being good enough for this level. Take a good look at Scott Doe has always looked comfortable at this level and did so in league one, under Wayne he has looked at different player. I think he does not like the manager much as his man management skills are pathetic.

Three times I have sat in or around the dugout at two homes games and one away and not once did I hear the manager say anything positive to the players, just constant barrels of moaning a digging the players out. No wonder they look nervous.
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The problem lies with the Manager

He has lost the respect of the players and above all else has lost the dressing room

We can all give our reasons and opinions but the one thing that don't lie is the facts

Our home record is piss poor and the Managers tactics are baffling to say the least

I have a season ticket like many other fans and attend many away games but after that shambles yesterday the only person who's to blame is Wayne Burnett and I've decided that until the board do the best thing for the club and replace him i refuse to watch another Daggers game whilst he remains in charge
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Definitely Dave the plumbers fault for not writing in the program...
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Ultimately Waynes fault.His team choice,his tactics,his game plan and his lack of ability to instruct.I didn't see any players not trying out there Sussex so sadly I'll have to disagree slightly.That dosent mean a few aren't good enough though.

My dig at Dave the Plumder which sends a few on here straight to rage has a valid message.

Will the chairman and his board tolerate this shamefull run of home defeats,our patience being tried,gates falling and this general air of misery amongst the dwindling fan base for ages again like Dave Andrews did with Stilly ? Part of the Chairmans brief along with his board Adrian is to hire and fire the manager.What bit don't I understand ? (Having held the position of chairman in a company with a turnover Id guess pretty small but bigger than D&R it would be interesting to see where I might be going wrong)

Please remember that although they stood by Still,he never improved and we had 3 seasons of that shit.I was Waynes greatest fan,now I just see a clueless and broken man.He's an alright guy and Im sure wants to do well but this mess is pissing everyone off and making him ill.Why put us all thru it including himself.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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The players job is to listen to the manager and abide by his tactics. If they are not good enough, you blame the manager for signing/picking them.
The manager's job is to pick the team, develop players, use tactics to win matches, react to various situations in games ie sendings off, injuries etc
The board's job is to ensure that we have a decent manager amongst other things.

It's clear that WB has lost the dressing room, his home record is appalling and tactically hasn't got a Scooby. The board must take action now. WB can't be on that much, a grand a week?? Compared to relegation and the oblivion of non league football, it's a no brainer. Soon we'll be losing 5k every home game in lost income as the non season ticket holders aren't going to attend. Do the maths and act now Mr Chairman.
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Crushed Dreams
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ARNU wrote: Part of the Chairmans brief along with his board Adrian is to hire and fire the manager.What bit don't I understand ? (Having held the position of chairman in a company with a turnover Id guess pretty small but bigger than D&R it would be interesting to see where I might be going wrong)
As I have said before, the Chairman is responsible for keeping the board under control - make sure they are doing their jobs and resolving conflicts so that the board is united in its purpose. It is the managing director (or CEO) who actually runs the company.
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Crushed Dreams wrote:
ARNU wrote: Part of the Chairmans brief along with his board Adrian is to hire and fire the manager.What bit don't I understand ? (Having held the position of chairman in a company with a turnover Id guess pretty small but bigger than D&R it would be interesting to see where I might be going wrong)
As I have said before, the Chairman is responsible for keeping the board under control - make sure they are doing their jobs and resolving conflicts so that the board is united in its purpose. It is the managing director (or CEO) who actually runs the company.
Don't waste your breath
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Who's in charge of the behaviour of the Cheif Executive because there is reports of him being abusive towards supporters after the game yesterday on a certain Social Forum.

Auntie Merge made a comment in the week saying how she thought that The Club was moving away in many areas from what things used to be like and she don't like the way things are going.

Feelings are running high at the moment and supporters the paying customer are expressing a view. I for one don't agree with it as I understand the Manager was subjected to certain amount of public ridicule. Nobody deserves that as their in my view a time and place for everything. We all hold passionate views but nobody should be subjected to that in what is a place of work .

That said the board have a moral duty to raise above such things,I fully support their right to defend their employee but they should do it in a dignified Manner and using abusive language as alleged is to me totally unacceptable.

There is many workplaces where such behaviour towards what after all are Customers would be deemed as gross misconduct and appropriate action taken

It appears this great Club is falling apart at the seams. This Club sells itself as a family Club and it sounds to me that the behaviour if a few some with response abilities to this Club crossed the line and it certainly sounds that language used was not acceptable in what is being marketed as a family environment .

Somebody needs to get a bloody grip and pretty dam quick as their is talks of boycotts .

In times like this we should be circling the wagons. Certain People I would suggest need to take a good look at themselves and they are not all supporters.
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