Why don't you interview Strevens in an echo chamber?

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Reg Varneys wife
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Why don't you interview Strevens in an echo chamber?

About time somebody taught him where and how to interview people.

2. Somewhere where there is less background noise.
3. Put the microphone in front of the person you are interviewing.

IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT or is it. Obviously for some people it is.

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Let’s find the worst room for acoustics at Victoria Road and record there.

Who would think to do that? One would assume no one, yet here we are.
I am so tired of the heat and humidity of the summers in the southeastern USA.
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Yeah I noticed that, who had wouldn't? Had to replay it 3 times to catch all what he said, journalism at its best again?
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Completely agree, I did mention this some time ago on the forum when the interviews with Darrell McMahon were carried out either in the echo chamber or out on the pitch where noisy banging in the background happened after the match or with the mic without a wind shield to cover, come on interviewer put a bit more thought into it, can you please re interview Ben Strevens again only more professionally.
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Auntie Merge
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I thought the same. One of the best tips I can give whoever is interviewing, record yourself first at that distance away and then play it back.
It will instantly tell you whether the location is suitable or not.
It’s a shame that such a momentous interview, probably watched far and wide, is a poor quality recording.
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To be fair it’s a lot worse than a shame, it’s an absolute joke, and kinda reflects where we are as a club.
Can’t even a poxy interview done properly, at some point in the next few weeks, Ben is gonna oh shit what have i done!!!!
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I found it a big improvement on interviewing McMahon as I found it difficult deciphering what he was saying and I'm half Irish!
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