New Manager

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len wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:34 am Ben Strevens is the new manager. The good thing is it gives him plenty of time to assess what is needed to improve the team before next season. Like any appointment it will not please everyone but let's all support him and see where it takes us.
Totally this, time for the club to really push on now.
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I think we all knew this was coming and I’m not disappointed. After the Phil Brown rumour I remembered how clueless this club can be, so at least we have someone who knows the club, division and has a reasonable reputation. The dreamers wanting the Cowleys were dreamers. Never going to happen.

The goal for the rest of this season? Restore pride back in this team and rebuild for next year. Whilst playoffs are mathematically possible we should be pushing ourselves, see what players want to fight for it and the ones that don’t are the first to be shown the door. If we don’t make the playoffs then that’s fine, as Strevs would have had a 10 game competitive preseason to work out the direction he wants to take this team in. If we back him and sign good players then we should be optimistic for next year. COYFD
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Typical really. Get some one that knows the club. Personally I think the club needs a total change. It's always a mates thing with this club. Just look at Darryl's signings most of them played before with him so mates of mates. Strevens is just another mate situation the club no him so have gone that way. Never the less ill get behind him and give him a chance.
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Thank god it’s not Phil “the failure” Brown, I would never have attended another game if he was in charge!! So that would have been about 6 months.
As an ex player I’m hoping that Ben can restore the “Daggers” ethos and pride in wearing the shirt.
I’m a bit happier this morning
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Not too enthusiastic, nothing against Strevens hope he does well.
Thought we needed a new direction, this just looks like a Thommo appointment and not the Americans.
Bruce Forbes
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Eastleigh fan here.
I think that your club has made a very good appointment. He did a great job for us under difficult circumstances.
Good luck for the rest of the season.
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Strevs did well at Eastleigh getting them to a play off berth on a fraction of the budget McMahon has had. After that the money tailed away further and he didn't have much of a chance. I'm told he has done well since coaching at Luton. There are no guarantees and despite what some say on here most supporters thought McMahon was a good choice. Nonetheless I think we could have done a lot worse and he needs to be given time.
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Bruce Forbes wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:58 pm Eastleigh fan here.
I think that your club has made a very good appointment. He did a great job for us under difficult circumstances.
Good luck for the rest of the season.
Thanks Bruce,

How did it all end up going pear shaped in the end between Strevens & Eastleigh?

Did he lose the dressing room? Fall out with the board? Walk away on his own accord?

I know he had a good first season for you lot but didnt pay to much attention at the time to Strevens departure the following season.
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What was the point of that “rigorous interview process” when it was going to be Ben Strevens all along.

Definitely a Thompson appointment all day long. & wouldn’t have predicted much input from the owners on this one, just hope this one pays off for us and Ben can get us to be serious contenders for the PO’s next season once his cleared some of that dead wood out come summer.

Bruce Forbes
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“ How did it all end up going pear shaped in the end between Strevens & Eastleigh?”

We lost away to Dover, giving them their first win in almost a year. After that, Strevs decided to leave by mutual consent. (We always seem to see managers leave after defeats to Dover (thank God they are ensconced in the National South!))
It was a time where it was difficult adjusting to a very limited budget, compared to the halcyon days of Stewart Donald.
By the way, our current manager could be regarded as successful, but the style of football is dire. He sets the team up for not losing, and hopes to nick a goal and sit on it. We’ve had about eight 1-0 wins. We may creep into the playoff places, but it’s not the sort of football that’s pleasing to the eye.
All the best for your time with Strevs.
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Decent appointment I think. A few saying it smacks of the same ole but others saying it's good he has a connection to the club. I think for me you look at his record and how well he is still regarded at Eastleigh as we've seen here, and looking at social media. Not many dissenting voices overall.
Now the SE27 Dagger
Blue Hoops
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Time will tell, but l understand other supporters feeling that it’s a bit of “old boy appointment”, however a lot better than some of the dross out there like Phil Brown etc. Certainly gives the man time to evaluate what he has. Hopefully Jupp and Gritt have disappeared out of sight. What an awful pair they were along with McMahon.

Right, that’s just a couple of players then ! Goodbye to the likes of Robinson, Weston etc who have not performed to anywhere near the level that is consistently required in this league and basically let the team down.
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Who is Strevens bringing in with him? Arber ,Robbo, Sam Saunders
Uddin ? Jobs for the boys.
Tony Roberts great for the dressing room mind.
There was a feeling and a spirit around the club back in those days , we're all daggers and all that. Sadly missing since then. Went out the window as soon as Burnett took over.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Hmm. On the face of it this feels like a very uninspiring appointment but the sentiment seems to be to give Strevens a chance and get behind him - which I agree is the right thing to do. No question though that this is a Thompson appointment, unlikely to rock the boat and dare to challenge him. He is a little dictator man with the Americans right in his pocket. Ripped the heart and soul out of this club over the past 10 years by driving out many of the loyal supporters who made us so great from the start in 1992 through to 2011. So sad that the Americans can't see through him but fair play - he has managed to pull the wool over their eyes for 5 years now and it doesn't seem like they will ever see him for what he is. Unfortunately I can't see us enjoying any great success while he is still running the club but I hope I'm wrong......
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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I liked Strevens as a player so I wish him well as the Daggers new boss. I can’t comment on the politics of the boardroom because I don’t know. He seems a good fit . Let’s get behind him and the players. There are still games to play. COYD
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