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Muppet and they’re losing tonight so far
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They will start to drop points playing 3 games a week
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Not sure if anyone else has seen the hilarious video he posted on YouTube the other day.

Well worth a watch.


He just can't help himself can he? It's all so self indulgent and so unnecessary. Don't know any billericay fans personally, but i suppose all they want is someone to be a responsible custodian of the club - invest in the team and stadium and make them want to part with their hard earned cash to enjoy watching their club.

Regardless of their level etc. that video wouldn't make me want to go and watch them any more or any less.

There's a few rather telling things in that video though, the budgets are being massively reduced. Earlier in the year it was 30k a week, this video now says 25k a week and next season it'll be 10k a week.

Manager to be sacked if they don't win the league - despite facing the same difficulties that he himself has faced throughout the winter months. He admits himself they have the worst pitch in the league and questions whether he's going to invest in drainage etc or leave it as it is despite knowing what problems it creates.

Sure it must've been exciting to have had the start they had but whether it's his intentions or not; people outside of the club watch with morbid curiosity for when it's all going to go tits up. It's also rather funny to watch who he's going to throw under the bus next too.

There is also something to be said for grown men 'welling up' over a semi professional regionalised football club in completely rehearsed interviews where the questions have in some probability been written by the same person answering them :grin:
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Say what you like he has put up with more then a couple of flags and put his money where his mouth was.

A lot of it wasted no doubt becsuse he would have got the same results with half the money..

The money promised was also delivered. Not my cup of tea by any stretch but that is neither here nor there.
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:39 pm Say what you like he has put up with more then a couple of flags and put his money where his mouth was.

A lot of it wasted no doubt becsuse he would have got the same results with half the money..

The money promised was also delivered. Not my cup of tea by any stretch but that is neither here nor there.
Exactly. I don't get why it's necessary to have a go at him with snide comments all the time. Like him or not, he has delivered on his promises, unlike some.
People should now draw a line and move on with our own perilous predicament and forget the playground stuff against someone who has nothing to do with us.
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'The money promised was also delivered'

Not his money though l would gather....

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5999197/b ... -2million/

Dodgy crooked fu**ker completely reminiscent of Karl Williams / Aka Uncle Urchin.

Ricay will be finished in 2 years max.
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Tamplin may put Billericay out of business but Hopefully Hopkin has not done the same thing to Dagenham! We may not have two years.
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He's an easy target because he has no self awareness. At the moment he's put money where his mouth is and he's followed thru on his promises. Unlike people far closer to home. You can't deny he wants success even if his ways are a bit odd.He isn't the reason we're possibly going down the bog right now so this is all wasted energy. Right now you could possibly excuse him for pissing his pants at our predicament. Billericay have a club next season don't they ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:44 am He's an easy target because he has no self awareness. At the moment he's put money where his mouth is and he's followed thru on his promises. Unlike people far closer to home. You can't deny he wants success even if his ways are a bit odd.He isn't the reason we're possibly going down the bog right now so this is all wasted energy. Right now you could possibly excuse him for pissing his pants at our predicament. Billericay have a club next season don't they ?
Arnu I agree that he's put money in and Billericay fans have had an enjoyable season with many more highs than lows
My worry when he was attempting to take control of Daggers was his fairly extensive past record of running companies into the ground leaving huge unpaid debts before moving on to the next venture while blaming others for the demise
Some people feared he would have seen Daggers as just another disposable business
On top of which he has some very dubious associates who may have had their own reasons for wanting to own a football club business
Maybe everything will be ok with Billericay long term but human nature being what it it's no surprise that people are fascinated at how things will turn out at BTFC
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I'm not defending him he's got a number of personality issues that people can't get away from quick enough. I do think he really cares about billericay but you can see it not going well long term and him just losing interest. I'd like to think he'll calm down a bit with experience, but so far you have to say he's doing largely what he said he'd do.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Dagger Steve
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ARNU wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:19 pm I'd like to think he'll calm down a bit with experience, but so far you have to say he's doing largely what he said he'd do.
He is, but it's like someone saying they are going to run a marathon in under an hour. Looks ok for the first mile, but everyone can quire clearly see it's not sustainable.
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Not forgetting he has already back tracked and said next years budget will be £10k a week not the £25-£30k he has been shelling out for this season to just scrape the title.
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The latest Tamplin episode :- He has ploughed £2million into Billericay since taking over but accounts are showing it`s running at a loss of £700,000
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Has the bubble burst? All their best players left today.
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Don't half look like it digger mate, just goes to show how unstable it can come when clubs with what looked like heavy financial clout with the likes of Ebbsfleet United, Chesterfield and now Tamblin's Ricay are fire selling their creme de la creme what seems like a sudden door stop and crazily these chairmen/owners are still at the helm. Unless the Stockport County's and Hereford's of the world join this league were never going to see high gates at this level but then you could ask yourself how come when were only one and two stops from EFL and what sponsorships they get why its not too good down here especially when you think last few season were more in the limelight with BT sport coverage and neutral viewers who might want to give it a go. Shame about Jake Robinson imagine him and Conor Wilkinson running our boys at the front? It would have been great viewing.
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