Bringing in supporters for Saturday

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Auntie Merge
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Is it okay to suggest that if you have friends on Facebook who you want to encourage to come on Saturday you send them something like this via Facebook Messenger:-
Hi as you have probably seen Daggers are in a bit of trouble at the moment. We need as many people supporting us on Saturday, even though we're on TV. Its a 5.30 pm kick off, at Victoria Road. Do come along and bring others with you too. We need to keep the club going. Thanks. ps pass this on to as many supporters you know.
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No we don't want these people proper daggers only, like the disco night...
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Ah thanks Merge, been thinking all day how to word it.
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Got 2 mates coming,plus the other half a dozen Who are always there
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Wanna come Dagenham Saturday, all our best players have left, we're going bust, the manager thinks we're all critics and it's all our fault we've not won for 10 games, we're definately gonna lose it's only £18 it'll be minus 3 and snowing and it's on telly live anyway ?

Despite that there's 5 of us going .
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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I don't why we are allowing Thompson to control us? He needs to go some sort of protest should be arranged. It's difficult because ultimately by bringing along friends ECT is actually. Giving the board more money the thought of parting with £20 to watch what can only be described as a glorified pub team being run by a clown is genuinely upsetting.
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that's the spirit..

I'm regretting reactivating my login already.

might just disappear into the shadows for couple more years.

The bony finger points us.
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Really ought to be doing a spot of DIY this weekend, however I may be able to get the other half down to Vicky Road.
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