Conversation with Glyn Hopkin 7/2/2018

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Why is our ambition to get back to FL so quickly the reason we are in this mess? Anyone who thinks we were punching above our weight in FL is deluded we were there for 10 years we were an established FL team not to mention we had a few top half finishes narrowly missing out on play offs one year and then gaining promotion to league 1 how is football league football for dagenham unrealistic?
The Romford Dagger
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I see someone on here thanking Glyn for what he’s done during his time here.

Thanking him ffs. He’s shafted the club. If Tamplin had done this, there would be a mass uproar. Instead some are desperately trying to justify him walking away and potentially killing the club.
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Auntie Merge wrote:As mentioned in the first post. The Soviet State of Dagenham flag, Glyn took personally as it came after he had tried to resolve so many things with the club.
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Not posted for a while,( I'm sure it's not been noticed!!!)but what a state of affairs.

The whole flag thing has me baffled. Maybe I'm a dinosaur at the grand old age of 35 but, ****** me, is it really that big of a deal??? Really?? To walk away from a club you've been heavily involved in, and sunk some serious dough into seems pretty poor to me. But, as I say, maybe I'm out of touch.

As for the spurs/yid chants. A lot of my mates follow that vile lot all over europe and I can assure you the "yid army", "yidio, yidio, yidio" and "clap, clap, clap clap clap clap, YIDS" chants are still very much amongst the favourites. Can't see the relevance to what goes on at Dagenham though.

Worrying times indeed, with things on the pitch looking as bad and ridiculous as off them. How could it all go so wrong so quickly??

Lets hope for the best and get behind the team, arguing about everything else is pretty pointless at this stage!!
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Gravy wrote:Why is our ambition to get back to FL so quickly the reason we are in this mess? Anyone who thinks we were punching above our weight in FL is deluded we were there for 10 years we were an established FL team not to mention we had a few top half finishes narrowly missing out on play offs one year and then gaining promotion to league 1 how is football league football for dagenham unrealistic?
Because trying to do it quickly encouraged an attitude of chucking money at it, while sitting back, taking stock of where we were and having a long term plan on how to get back would probably have avoided the current mess and given us a base to work from.

And we did punch above our weight during our time jnteh FL. To suggest otherwise actually ignores the level of achievement of getting there and staying there for as long as we did.

We've still spent a lot more outside the FL than we have in it.
Part of the problem was that some looked at dropping to a league we'd spent most of our time in as something dirty.
DI Mike Dashwood
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The last line of Adrian's post sums up a big part of the problem in one sentence.
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Auntie Merge wrote:Glyn has intimated to Steve Thompson that he will if necessary be prepared to listen to any help the Club may need between now and the end of the season.
What a clown this guy is.

Nah it's alright Glyn, all those contracts we signed, they all stop in January. We'll be fine.
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Richie wrote:
Auntie Merge wrote:Glyn has intimated to Steve Thompson that he will if necessary be prepared to listen to any help the Club may need between now and the end of the season.
What a clown this guy is.

Nah it's alright Glyn, all those contracts we signed, they all stop in January. We'll be fine.
If you're referring to Thompson being a clown then get a reality check. Hopkin most likely lied about that as he did with this poor get out about the flags. They tried to get him to change his mind and he didn't want to know. He deleted his Twitter account which was a cowardly move in my opinion too. All he had to do was to release a statement saying that he would be withdrawing his backing if the flags didn't disappear. I'm sure the flag owners would have stopped if they realised this was the situation now. All that would have been too easy and that's why I'm not buying it.

Thompson is now doing the best he can to save the club and is being proactive. I'm not saying his running of the club has been perfect but he's trying to give us a club to support, avoid administration, and maybe still be in the Conference National next season.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Well said Coydagger.

Like him or loathe him (most on here loathe him) at this moment I would guarantee Thompson is doing everything he can to rectify things, or at least stop things getting any worse. IF (and it is an IF I know) we can get through this season, move to part time, and go back to being on an even footing then that is not the worst thing in World.
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I was talking about Hopkin - Reading it back, I see that it's not too clear. Apologies.

I agree with what you say about Steve.
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Wow. Go back 6 months and i thought this guy was our saviour, investing in a club he has supported for years and means alot to him.

Turns out a couple of FLAGS (and very humorous they are too) have chased him off. Absolute snowflake. Thats if you believe it as the reason he's gone. Maybe he has got other business to concentrate on, other money issues, maybe he wasnt sent flowers and chocolates every week by us grateful fans, who knows eh?

I can tell you one thing though, i couldnt care less if he doesnt put one more penny into the club. Stick it. Whatever happens happens, the turnover of players, and you could add managers and staff, at this level is massive anyway. We'll still support those out there in the shirt doing their best.

And you know what, fans go to the games, home and esp away, for all sorts of reasons, but many like a laugh, a singsong, a swear up, a celebration, a beer. If a couple of flags are having an in-joke dig at the chairman/board or having a pop at PC gone mad that we have to put up with in every day life, then great. More of it please.

Glyn and the YIDS (surely he was taking the piss out of you merge about chants etc over there) deserve each other.
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Mike the Dagger
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Auntie Merge wrote:On comparing the Daggers Flags with anti-Semitic flags at Spurs, Glyn’s response was:
I think you will find any anti-Semitic flags went ages ago. I haven't heard the 'Yid Army' chant for probably a season and a half now. The Club said it was not acceptable anymore and it stopped. I made a point when I was in the main square in Madrid recently to check all the flags (probably around 100) I did not see one offensive flag. 'Fat blokes on tour' was the worst!
To add to Hopkin's problems with economics, it seems he is also deaf...
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Mike the Dagger wrote:
Auntie Merge wrote:On comparing the Daggers Flags with anti-Semitic flags at Spurs, Glyn’s response was:
I think you will find any anti-Semitic flags went ages ago. I haven't heard the 'Yid Army' chant for probably a season and a half now. The Club said it was not acceptable anymore and it stopped. I made a point when I was in the main square in Madrid recently to check all the flags (probably around 100) I did not see one offensive flag. 'Fat blokes on tour' was the worst!
To add to Hopkin's problems with economics, it seems he is also deaf...
Dear oh dear Mr Hopkins i really do hope that non of your Staff ;Customers are offended.

In the process of buying a new car from a Spurs fan dont know what i should do now. Sod it its a good buy and thats all i am interested in
just like anybody who buys any car.
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Thing that I find bemusing, is that he basically saying he can't be seen at a club which is showing racist behaviour (with the flags). Well what about the anti-racism day the club do? His excuse and claim is a load of garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Here's my two cents.

I may not have posted in quite a while, or even been at a game, had other commitments, work, family and the like. Yet have remained a regular reader of this forum and kept as up to date as best I can with the team, in what is going on and off the field.

In past eight months or so, it seems the most interesting matter to come out of the club is what has been happening off the field and in board rooms, which to be fair isn't what we looking to be known for.

This whole affair has had an adverse effect on the team, as we can't seem to get points on the board and now this week lost arguably some of our better players.

And all this because of a few flags that were flown at our games, in what was (at least I saw it this way) an ironic joke at the expense of the board.

However, having said that, I did think it was in poor taste and to carry it long after the joke had worn off was a mistake. The whole affair has brought an air of uncertainty about the club, to point where the club now feel the need to ask people not to watch a game from the comfort of their own home.

As well as that, it's lead to name calling and finger pointing, the like of which should be left in the school yard, naturally I'm disappointed with what has happened, yet there's little point in acting in an irresponsible matter, particularly when people's livelihoods may be at stake.

If Hopkin wishes to walk away from being an active member of the board, then so be it, I'm only sorry it has come to this because of the irresponsible actions of a minority and I can't help but wonder what if it were mentioned sooner, not necessarily from Hopkin himself though. Yet having said I can see the problem with the board looking to make a move on the flags when they are being accused of acting like a dictatorship.

Now it's time to get behind the team and give them all the support we can, yes we may have lost quite a few of the starting line up, yet that only offers up the opportunity to another player, or players, to show what they can offer. So they'd best step up.

Come on you Daggers!
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