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Auntie Merge
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Diggerthedog wrote:Those are the excuses not the actual reasons.
Even if they are the excuses,not the actual reasons as you say. Why are a minority still taking them to games. Surely if you knew the Club were using them as an excuse, you'd stop doing it, so the real reasons could come out.
Are we still going to see them at our next away game? Because if we are, then the people taking them are falling right into the trap.
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Don't give a crap about the flags, we all know this is not the real reasons for the withdrawal of funds. Anyone that believes a long term benefactor has done this due to some flags and one email they are deluded.
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Diggerthedog wrote:Those are the excuses not the actual reasons.
It's frankly amazing that some people really can't see that the actions of a few of our supporters have had a negative impact and will have influenced his decision.
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Diggerthedog wrote:Don't give a crap about the flags, we all know this is not the real reasons for the withdrawal of funds. Anyone that believes a long term benefactor has done this due to some flags and one email they are deluded.
It's frankly amazing that some people really can't see that the actions of a few of our supporters have had a negative impact and will have influenced his decision.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Also amazes me that while a number of people seem to lay the blame at Thompson's door, and his alone, and what him to stand down, nobody seems to be able to put forward alternative ideas on things. Who do you think will want to run the club on a day to basis and be any good at it?? This is a Conference Football Club with average crowds of 1,300, in an area where nobody is interested in lower league football. I am sure there are loads of MDs queuing up to take on the role!?!?

At the end of the day, this time 13 years ago we were a middle of the road Conference club and most people didn't grumble. If thats where we end up again, which seems most likely, then Thompson will have overseen one of the most remarkable climbs in modern lower league football and then seen us back to where we started. Hardly a cause for some of the abuse and stick he gets, especially from people who can't put forward any alternative ideas themselves.

Fans forum is a good idea, but lets be honest, if people are just going to use it to get things off their chest and tell Thompson how useless he is, it's really not going to achieve much is it!!
The Romford Dagger
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Diggerthedog wrote:Don't give a crap about the flags, we all know this is not the real reasons for the withdrawal of funds. Anyone that believes a long term benefactor has done this due to some flags and one email they are deluded.
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Adrian wrote:
Diggerthedog wrote:Don't give a crap about the flags, we all know this is not the real reasons for the withdrawal of funds. Anyone that believes a long term benefactor has done this due to some flags and one email they are deluded.
It's frankly amazing that some people really can't see that the actions of a few of our supporters have had a negative impact and will have influenced his decision.
Keep repeating yourself and you will eventually convince yourself it's true.
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The flags...... bit silly don't really care. The confederate one does have racial connotations in today's pc world so I get why they don't like it.

But if I owned a football club and I did care I'd have banned them and the owners. I wouldn't have ****** off and left the club in the lurch. This lop out excuse is cover for something more serious I think.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote:The flags...... bit silly don't really care. The confederate one does have racial connotations in today's pc world so I get why they don't like it.

But if I owned a football club and I did care I'd have banned them and the owners. I wouldn't have ****** off and left the club in the lurch. This lop out excuse is cover for something more serious I think.
Think I would be inclined to act similarly too. As for the Thommo out brigade, I don’t feel as if they’ve been worse than pre-Glyn so I think that’s a bit silly too as he would have known what he’s getting into in that respect.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he is about to get spanked around the settlement table by both his wife’s and customer’s solicitors and he doesn’t want this club on his mind at the same time. As for the Forum. I don’t know what it’d solve as we’d all just go there to slate Thommo, which unfortunately won’t make anything better.
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Totally agree with your comments ARNU
If you running a business be it football or whatever and something is pissing you off you address it !
In this case ban the flags etc
I don't buy into this reason for Glyn leaving but if it is the real / true reason then the club are seriously devoid of using the powers they have by banning the damn flags.
Don't take much working out !
We are going to lose our main investor due to something upsetting him flags then what do you do as a club ?
Absolute farcical
Couldn't make it up
This means one of two things ...........either the club take us fans as idiots or if true and Glyn left due to flags then the club need to grow a pair and address the problem that was at hand
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NBDag wrote:
ARNU wrote:The flags...... bit silly don't really care. The confederate one does have racial connotations in today's pc world so I get why they don't like it.

But if I owned a football club and I did care I'd have banned them and the owners. I wouldn't have ****** off and left the club in the lurch. This lop out excuse is cover for something more serious I think.
Think I would be inclined to act similarly too. As for the Thommo out brigade, I don’t feel as if they’ve been worse than pre-Glyn so I think that’s a bit silly too as he would have known what he’s getting into in that respect.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he is about to get spanked around the settlement table by both his wife’s and customer’s solicitors and he doesn’t want this club on his mind at the same time. As for the Forum. I don’t know what it’d solve as we’d all just go there to slate Thommo, which unfortunately won’t make anything better.
There is no Thommo out brigade, yes their are people that dislike him due to his contempt of his customers and his dictatorship ways. There has never been a full on campaign like suggested in the statement, well not until now :devil:
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Well I do remember at Hartlepool there was a group chanting for Thommo to go. Which I would imagine is happening at other games too. Brigade-like one might say.

But anyway, you’ve said before that you think everyone needs to pull together to get through this. But now you’re calling for a campaign against who is now, like it or not, the person tasked with getting us out of this mess. Not exactly pulling together is it? Heed your own words and suck it up like the rest of us whilst we try and get out of this mess. Then you can start your “campaign” (if that’s what waving some A4 about is called now) once it’s actually a good time to get rid of him.
Last edited by NBDag on Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mike the Dagger
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Diggerthedog wrote:
There is no Thommo out brigade, yes their are people that dislike him due to his contempt of his customers and his dictatorship ways. There has never been a full on campaign like suggested in the statement, well not until now :devil:
Uh huh, sure there isn't.
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Diggerthedog wrote:
Adrian wrote:
Diggerthedog wrote:Don't give a crap about the flags, we all know this is not the real reasons for the withdrawal of funds. Anyone that believes a long term benefactor has done this due to some flags and one email they are deluded.
It's frankly amazing that some people really can't see that the actions of a few of our supporters have had a negative impact and will have influenced his decision.
Keep repeating yourself and you will eventually convince yourself it's true.
An approach you've practiced for quite some time.
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Lets face it Adrian you know very little about the club, your just a fan that comes to games at 2.55 and then goes home straight after the final whistle. I can understand why you do not see the point of others that know so much more.
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