O/T back in time

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Auntie Merge
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I was thinking when I woke up this morning, wouldn’t it have been nice to have woken up on the morning of Dagenham v Plymouth in April 2011, and to have found that the result that day, and everything that followed up to and including the present day, was nothing but a horrible dream.

We were in EFL League one, we were struggling and we had to play fellow L1 strugglers Plymouth at home. We knew if we won, we’d have a real chance of survival in L1.
http://www.skysports.com/football/dag-r ... iew/234337.

If only we could turn the clock back...if not 7 years, even just a few months.
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That was the day we took part in a 5 Live programme called A Day At The Daggers. The show went into great depth about the Unity of our Club and how it was so well ran !!!!!!!

Dont dream about that day Auntie Merge but have had more then one nightmare about that season :tear: . Any one of the many injury time goals that we let in that season that cost us so many points had not gone in we would have survived.

We got pipped by Walsall and that season i attended their home game with Southampton.
Southampton ran all over them had over 30 attempts on goal hit the bar hit everything except the net. They had three players that night who went on to play for England. Walsall had one shot the whole game that went in.

Those 3 points they stole that night in the biggest robbery since brinx mat did us.

Remember the last game at Peterborough. Two thirds of our home gate turned out and made a hell of a noise. Remember Peter Gain in tears at the end, when did we last have passion like that shown by any player or for that matter the fans.
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Auntie Merge
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I remember the Posh game. Craig Mackail Smith was playing for them and didn't celebrate when they scored as he knew it would send us down.

There were lots of nightmare games that season. Luck just wasn't with us.
Hopefully it is with us now, because we need a bloody miracle to get out of this mess. :beg:
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The Marvin Morgan Miss followed by the penalty given away at Orient in the last minutes and the MKdons winner that tony Roberts should have easily saved in injury time are the incidents I remember most vividly.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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And the last minute deflection of of Mark Arbour that led to a draw, (Cant remember who against) Roberts had it covered all the way until then, those 2 points would have saved us, and then there was the home loss to Bournemouth who's winning goal was so far offside it was incredible! I was in one of the boxes that day and was high up and in line with it, must have been at least 5mm!!
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That season was one of those......"IF ONLY" Seasons !
The amount of games we conceded in added on time etc still haunts us all !!
I was so proud to be a "DAGGER" that season and the last game AWAY at Peterborough will live in my memories for ever
What an amazing atmosphere we created and over 1,000 of us there in attendance
I worked with a Peterborough season ticket holder that season and at the time he said we were one of the nosiest away support following he had ever seen at their ground . That summed us up ! Passion and pride from supporters to the players . At least we have those dizzy height memories to cherish and look back on.
Even if they seem a million miles away at this moment
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