Club Statement

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I think a possible wage reduction of the board and manager would also help
DI Mike Dashwood
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Well yes, a very basic mathematical sum would tell you that reducing salaries would reduce costs!!! However, these people are employees, and like them or not, it's their jobs. Therefore if the terms of their contract are not met and/or someone offers them a better deal then they will obviously be off.

It's simple to say employees should take a pay cut but I am sure these people have bills to pay and commitments to keep that were made on the basis of the contracts they signed, so why should they be expected to take a pay cut??
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After reading the club statement a few times regarding Glyn Hopkins resigning on Friday and i know Sussex dagger as touched on the topic slightly earlier in the post about Tottenham Hotspurs with there anti semitic flags and chants

i/will all know the reason or part of the reason why Glyn stepped down from the broad at Dagenham was because of the flags, (well that what the club want us to believe).

I know some people will say the flags are having a dig at Steve Thompson MBE, and at the way he runs the club, then there Trump Daggers flag which some people will call racist and other will say it ok, From what i've read, it seem like it pretty much mixed views on this topic so i would have to do more research on it, (so i'm out on this one).

What i would like to know was the reason/part of the reason Glyn stepped down was it because 1) because the Trump daggers flag (that some people call racist and maybe did not want he name/company associated with it) or 2) because he business partner in consortium was getting lots of stick from some fans with the flags rightly or wrongly (maybe he had people moaning to him about Steve when he spoke to them (fans) before and after games), or was it both

If it number 1 then i would like to know how does Glyn Hopkin feel about him/company sponsoring Tottenham Hotspurs, by having a box, match sponsor etc at a club where there is anti semitic chanting and anti semitic flags out around the ground. (which in some people eyes is not ok and in others it ok), maybe i will never know the answer to this,

Since the statement was released on Friday, i feel shit about the state of the club (and not felt like this since the league 1 defeat at peterborough).

i would for one like to thank Glyn for bring back a bit of a buzz back to Dagenham even if it was only for a few short months.
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Mike the Dagger
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canveydagger wrote: i would for one like to thank Glyn for bring back a bit of a buzz back to Dagenham even if it was only for a few short months.
FFS he's having a damn good go at killing your club and you are thanking him?
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Mike the Dagger wrote:
canveydagger wrote: i would for one like to thank Glyn for bring back a bit of a buzz back to Dagenham even if it was only for a few short months.
FFS he's having a damn good go at killing your club and you are thanking him?
Mike, for me there was a buzz in the bars for a few months when glyn was about,, where they was no buzz in the bars for a long time before that, people were back to drinking in the bars after the games. Take it now people won't be drinking in the bars, bet most will piss off to the east brook now,

Look it up to glyn what he does with he money, the club should have not spent all he money just in case anything did go tits up, if he want to go then the club will have to cut the cloth to it means and maybe go part time. Would rather watch a part time team playing even if a few leagues lower.
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How much money do we need ?
200 extra people each game ( good luck with that) will raise about 3and a half grand per game times 7 is about £25 k.
Are you saying even if that happens 25 grand less tax sorts this problem out ?

Nice sentiments but la la land and the real world are quite a distance apart.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Mike the Dagger
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canveydagger wrote:
Mike the Dagger wrote:
canveydagger wrote: i would for one like to thank Glyn for bring back a bit of a buzz back to Dagenham even if it was only for a few short months.
FFS he's having a damn good go at killing your club and you are thanking him?
Mike, for me there was a buzz in the bars for a few months when glyn was about,, where they was no buzz in the bars for a long time before that, people were back to drinking in the bars after the games. Take it now people won't be drinking in the bars, bet most will piss off to the east brook now,

Look it up to glyn what he does with he money, the club should have not spent all he money just in case anything did go tits up, if he want to go then the club will have to cut the cloth to it means and maybe go part time. Would rather watch a part time team playing even if a few leagues lower.
Ok I get that it's his money, but to allow budgets to be set on the assumption that he's funding to a certain level, so to then pull the plug mid season is a disaster.
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Excuse my ignorance but isnt this the SECOND time in a matter of months that the current board has agreed to and permitted additional spending (way beyond our natural means) all effectively off the back of a promise.

1st with Tamplin and his dodgy dosh - which we ended up having to return after Thommo had a miraculous change of heart.

And now with Glyn and his cash.

Perhaps, and I know this is mpre pie in the sky, but perhaps IF we are lucky enough to acquire a 3rd investor - how about everyone waits until the dotted line has been signed before we start splashing the effing dosh!?!? Then perhaps the clibs future just might not be in jeopardy!
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Very good post D4E, that had crossed my mind too, why was the panic to make the push up so quickly like splashed the cash? Of course its all our dreams to get back to EFL as soon as were strong enough but fed up on hearing flags blah blah blah and gosh knows what, has overspending 'our true means' been the nail in the coffin?
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We all know its a handful of untouchable persons that can be at fault for overspending, I think that needs to be dealt with once our future is secure. :ninja:
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Blame the board all you want however I remember the fans forum before the start of the season. Glyn sat there at the top table, saying a budget has been set and it was his job to back the manager with the necessary funds to challenge for promotion. Or something along those lines anyway, I'm sure someone has a transcript which will be used to defend him a little more.

Now he has pulled out and left us in a mess. There is no excuse for his actions I'm afraid.
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dagger4eva wrote:Excuse my ignorance but isnt this the SECOND time in a matter of months that the current board has agreed to and permitted additional spending (way beyond our natural means) all effectively off the back of a promise.

1st with Tamplin and his dodgy dosh - which we ended up having to return after Thommo had a miraculous change of heart.

And now with Glyn and his cash.

Perhaps, and I know this is mpre pie in the sky, but perhaps IF we are lucky enough to acquire a 3rd investor - how about everyone waits until the dotted line has been signed before we start splashing the effing dosh!?!? Then perhaps the clibs future just might not be in jeopardy!
I never thought about money having to be returned to GT
If I remember correctly GT was advancing money and encouraging reckless spending in the period when he thought he was taking over
Then he wanted it back when some people changed their minds when details of GT's background started to emerge
It's a mess but sadly we are far from unique in football
The one positive is that we apparently don't have huge debts so there isn't a bank or similar organization who can wind us up
The main worry will be HMRC if we don't pay tax etc
A very bad situation but it can be retrieved
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Auntie Merge
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Coydagger wrote:Blame the board all you want however I remember the fans forum before the start of the season. Glyn sat there at the top table, saying a budget has been set and it was his job to back the manager with the necessary funds to challenge for promotion. Or something along those lines anyway, I'm sure someone has a transcript which will be used to defend him a little more.

Now he has pulled out and left us in a mess. There is no excuse for his actions I'm afraid.
Link to the notes from the Fans Forum, August 2017.
Glyn and John Still had approval on the wording in a couple of instances.

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Auntie Merge
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Glyn specifically had word for word approval on this bit. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Why when it was agreed there would be a meeting about the confederate flag has there been nothing.

GH The confederate flag got picked up
by BT sport other media. It has got racist undertones and we don't think it feels appropriate for our family club and what we are trying to do here - and we are going to stick to it.

Q Why was the meeting about the flag cancelled?

ST when we were made aware of the flag we tried to speak to the person who brought the flag, we don't believe that anything has done has been racist here just that it does not fit in with the reputation of the football club.
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Auntie Merge wrote:Glyn specifically had word for word approval on this bit. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
Why when it was agreed there would be a meeting about the confederate flag has there been nothing.

GH The confederate flag got picked up
by BT sport other media. It has got racist undertones and we don't think it feels appropriate for our family club and what we are trying to do here - and we are going to stick to it.

Q Why was the meeting about the flag cancelled?

ST when we were made aware of the flag we tried to speak to the person who brought the flag, we don't believe that anything has done has been racist here just that it does not fit in with the reputation of the football club.
I remember that word for word also.

But in my personal opinion, I think the whole flag excuse is an easy way out of this for him. Most of our supporters were with him in his opinion. It was the only small minority that were acting like kids about these flags. He would have been naïve to not think these minorities don't exist at football clubs.

Anyway, I don't know enough about the ins and outs of the flag to talk about it in depth, but he there was a quote in your transcript which basically said we must get promotion to the football league, and that he would back John for whatever he needs player wise and has allowed John to get a full supplement program for the squad etc etc. He enabled us to spend, and the board would have been none the wiser that he was to do this. After all, he has been around the club investing for years so I doubt anyone would have expected him to pull out like this.
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