Club Statement

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Very very disappointed in the club statement for a number of reasons. The only good thing i would have said is that they have released a statement but after reading it it may have been better they held back and thought about it a bit more.

Im gutted we are struggling financially. i cant help but feel that we have overstretched massively since Glyn Hopkin started to get involved and ploughed some money in, not being prudent but splashing the cash on a huge squad which now seems foolish at best. That sort of funding stops at this level and you find yourself in trouble. Poor management. Dont 'overspend' ffs.

The reason for Glyn Hopkin resigning as a director and pulling the plug on the money. Now surely an email, a few words, an old flag, would not chase off a successful businessman in a tough trade who loves the club and went to the trouble of leading a consortium to take over it? And why would they explicity put this in the statement? Blaming your own fans must be the lowest of the low. Unbelievably unprofessional and so amateur. 'No its your fault, no its yours' childish behaviour.

"A consultant has already been engaged to market the club, both domestically and overseas, and even at this early stage some interest has been shown and the club is hopeful that following this public announcement other parties may also show interest" Laughable no? You attack your own supporters, you say youve overspent, you say the problem is the number of people attending games and you then have this as your public announcement for new investment?! Unreal.

Ive had a ST for past few seasons and go 5 or 6 away games a year. I love following the daggers. At this level you know players come and go, there are ups and downs. What ive never been a fan of is what i see as the amateurish running of the club. And i think thats what the current problems are down to. But im an outsider if you like, i dont know the characters involved. Everything though just feels unprofessional. But maybe thats what we have to accept, a semi-professional or amateur future :banghead:
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Right i read it again and take out the bits about who said what , who did what and who never did what and you are left with the brutal facts that 1.3 million was not enough to pay off last years debts and what we are committed to this year. The worrying thing here is that the sale of Hawkins appears to have been forgotten in all this along with two parachute payments.

How the hell we were ever going to maintain expenditure like that with falling gates of 1200.
Sorry its economics of the bloody madhouse.

Seems to me that we have gambled all on red and its came up black
Pondfield Dagger
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and the money from everton away as well, attendance 30,918....all gone.
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lupins wrote:On one of the most depressing days in our history some of the responses on this thread continuing the sniping and determination to keep going exemplified by that last one amaze me
Bill Bridges who may be unknown to a lot of you once coined the phrase Once a Dagger Always a Dagger. Just saying
Lupins - do you honestly believe the club statement? ie. Hopkin left because the fans didn't like Thompson.

'Once a Dagger - always a Dagger? Didn't John Still say that just before he quit for Peterborough and Luton, the second time in very acrimonious circumstances.

To be honest until this happened I didn't think that Thompson was doing a bad job and I agreed that some of the vilification of him was over the top but using this opportunity to blame his detractors is the lowest of the low. Unprofessional is a nice way of putting it.

Agree with you about this being one of the lowest points of our history and I was around before the merger - that wasn't very pleasant either.
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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I think the mis management of funds is more of a worry, how on earth have we got into a position prior to a takeover being complete? Did we not learn anything from last season?

Cut your cloth accordingly and live within your means, if it means we go done rare than up who cares.

As for John Still proud to be a Dagger stuff, I'm sure he is but the 100k a year has some influence.
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RampantDuke wrote:
lupins wrote:On one of the most depressing days in our history some of the responses on this thread continuing the sniping and determination to keep going exemplified by that last one amaze me
Bill Bridges who may be unknown to a lot of you once coined the phrase Once a Dagger Always a Dagger. Just saying
Lupins - do you honestly believe the club statement? ie. Hopkin left because the fans didn't like Thompson.

'Once a Dagger - always a Dagger? Didn't John Still say that just before he quit for Peterborough and Luton, the second time in very acrimonious circumstances.

To be honest until this happened I didn't think that Thompson was doing a bad job and I agreed that some of the vilification of him was over the top but using this opportunity to blame his detractors is the lowest of the low. Unprofessional is a nice way of putting it.

Agree with you about this being one of the lowest points of our history and I was around before the merger - that wasn't very pleasant either.
I don't know about the statement but it seems it was agreed so I accept that it is what it is

The Once a Dagger comment was about the supporters, stop the insults, pull together, dump the flags, see if the position can be retrieved and you never know maybe the man who has pumped in a lot of time and money might have a rethink and re-find his enthusiasm and love for the Club which he has been associated with for the past 20 years

Unfortunately as is ever the case especially in the days of social media the few can do a lot of damage
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Theres 13-1400 regulars over there. Less than half a percent of which either contribute on here and even less who have any actual deep interest in what goes on behind the scenes or gives a flying shit about flags. Why someone would give up because of a tiny handful who's opinions/banter/criticism touch a nerve I'm baffled. Who on their right mind would buy any football club??
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Auntie Merge
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Because it affects their brand, any guests they choose to bring to games and any sponsors, current or otherwise.
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Auntie Merge
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lupins wrote:
The Once a Dagger comment was about the supporters, stop the insults, pull together, dump the flags, see if the position can be retrieved and you never know maybe the man who has pumped in a lot of time and money might have a rethink and re-find his enthusiasm and love for the Club which he has been associated with for the past 20 years

Unfortunately as is ever the case especially in the days of social media the few can do a lot of damage
The Romford Dagger
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lupins wrote:
RampantDuke wrote:
lupins wrote:On one of the most depressing days in our history some of the responses on this thread continuing the sniping and determination to keep going exemplified by that last one amaze me
Bill Bridges who may be unknown to a lot of you once coined the phrase Once a Dagger Always a Dagger. Just saying
Lupins - do you honestly believe the club statement? ie. Hopkin left because the fans didn't like Thompson.

'Once a Dagger - always a Dagger? Didn't John Still say that just before he quit for Peterborough and Luton, the second time in very acrimonious circumstances.

To be honest until this happened I didn't think that Thompson was doing a bad job and I agreed that some of the vilification of him was over the top but using this opportunity to blame his detractors is the lowest of the low. Unprofessional is a nice way of putting it.

Agree with you about this being one of the lowest points of our history and I was around before the merger - that wasn't very pleasant either.
I don't know about the statement but it seems it was agreed so I accept that it is what it is

The Once a Dagger comment was about the supporters, stop the insults, pull together, dump the flags, see if the position can be retrieved and you never know maybe the man who has pumped in a lot of time and money might have a rethink and re-find his enthusiasm and love for the Club which he has been associated with for the past 20 years

Unfortunately as is ever the case especially in the days of social media the few can do a lot of damage
Thompson seems to be quite happy blaming the fans.
Don’t fall for it. It’s his mess. I’d also argue we’d have been better off not getting the cash from Hopkins as we are now in a whole like before - potentially an even bigger one?

The fans have been shafted massively. I find it incredible some fans want to blame a few people who held up flags and protested against the dictator.
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Auntie Merge
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The Romford Dagger wrote:

Thompson seems to be quite happy blaming the fans.
Don’t fall for it. It’s his mess. I’d also argue we’d have been better off not getting the cash from Hopkins as we are now in a whole like before - potentially an even bigger one?

The fans have been shafted massively. I find it incredible some fans want to blame a few people who held up flags and protested against the dictator.
And that is the problem at the moment. We’re trying to pull together and you want to argue. Thompson is likely to go, probably sooner rather than later. But right now, right this minute we need him. He maybe an idiot but he is our idiot.
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Auntie Merge wrote:Because it affects their brand, any guests they choose to bring to games and any sponsors, current or otherwise.
And, let’s face it, owning a football club is a hobby, not a profitable business, and so if you’re getting grief why bother?

Nobody emerges from this episode with any credit. Poor decisions have been made, promises have been broken and there’s been childish behaviour and tittle tattle.

People need to pull together and get us through to the end of the season. COYD.
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And that is the problem at the moment. We’re trying to pull together and you want to argue. Thompson is likely to go, probably sooner rather than later. But right now, right this minute we need him. He maybe an idiot but he is our idiot.[/quote

Wise words fron the one who was happy to wear anti Thompson stickers and did not seem to mind the said offending banners not so long ago.

Along with the majority others I stood aside on this issue and never got what point they did to enhance the grieveince they obviously had.

What interest me is what changed your mind over this issue as your stance has been hardly

I would suggest that who has ever got into your ear to convert you was to late the damage had already been done.
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Auntie Merge
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As I’ve said before I was not wearing anti-Thompson stickers. At one game I thought the flags were funny but when you realise the long term implications for the club, they no longer become funny. I have never backed the flags.
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