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The last season we had without Doe, we got relegated. To me he is one of tbe important personnel to have im the team. Yes he appears to have made ine or two mistakes but overall a massive servant to the club.
Lets dont forget here that JS has walked away twice before and there's no telling if he takes the same route again!
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I might be wrong but didn't Doe leave last time after having words with burnett so he has possibly repeated it.
The manager is what it says he is the one in charge weather his decisions are right or wrong as a player you have to accept it not throw your toys out of the pram, if you choose to question him you suffer the consequences.
We will survive without him if this is the outcome.
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I have recently seen the J.S. interview and was appalled at his reply regarding Scotts absence, Scott is paid by the club to play when chosen, so for John to say he was not available was not good enough, if he was injured then say he is injured, if it was for family or personal reasons let John come out and say it, if he believes that Scott needs a rest then thats a reason I would respect, I think that he is not being fair to the supporters unless he is hiding a real reason, I also had to play back the highlights of Saturdays fiasco as painful as it was and I noticed that Kevin Locco a player I believe has many qualities except bravery and concentration was responsible for Solihull's first goal had he been looking at the players intention before he took the shot he could have so easily have blocked it however like so many players I have seen recently, even in the football league, turn their bodies away because it would seem that they may get hurt, sorry you current footballers but you don't deserve your salaries, message for Darren Curry and Junior Lewis is get your players to concentrate and don't be wimps, all of you reading this just take a look at Kevins non effort to see the point I am making.
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Not a fan of Lokko. Prefer Doe
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John Stills' reply to the recent interview is unacceptable regarding Scott Does absence if he was absent due to personal or family reasons or injury /needing a rest, let the supporters be told, what does not available mean, he is paid by the club to be available, more info required Mr Still please.
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jag wrote:I have recently seen the J.S. interview and was appalled at his reply regarding Scotts absence, Scott is paid by the club to play when chosen, so for John to say he was not available was not good enough, if he was injured then say he is injured, if it was for family or personal reasons let John come out and say it, if he believes that Scott needs a rest then thats a reason I would respect, I think that he is not being fair to the supporters unless he is hiding a real reason, I also had to play back the highlights of Saturdays fiasco as painful as it was and I noticed that Kevin Locco a player I believe has many qualities except bravery and concentration was responsible for Solihull's first goal had he been looking at the players intention before he took the shot he could have so easily have blocked it however like so many players I have seen recently, even in the football league, turn their bodies away because it would seem that they may get hurt, sorry you current footballers but you don't deserve your salaries, message for Darren Curry and Junior Lewis is get your players to concentrate and don't be wimps, all of you reading this just take a look at Kevins non effort to see the point I am making.
Their first goal was down to NGala letting the first player get in front in him under no pressure and then Nunn letting the scorer have a free run on to the pass. I'm not sure what Lokko is going to do once they've allowed that to happen.
If you want examples of lack of effort is gone it's Sparkes and Boucaud doing nothing to close down the cross for the second.
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jag wrote:John Stills' reply to the recent interview is unacceptable regarding Scott Does absence if he was absent due to personal or family reasons or injury /needing a rest, let the supporters be told, what does not available mean, he is paid by the club to be available, more info required Mr Still please.
Supporters do not have a right to know everything .
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Location: Irvine, North Ayrshire

There is the possibility that Doe was unavailable as he may be joining another team this week?
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If he leaves we all know why, because he has thrown his toys out of his pram. I disagree with many things my manager does in my workplace but just have to respect their decisions and get on with it. If true he has been totally unprofessional and is rightly being given an easy option to piss off.
bloke down the pub
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Adrian wrote:
jag wrote:John Stills' reply to the recent interview is unacceptable regarding Scott Does absence if he was absent due to personal or family reasons or injury /needing a rest, let the supporters be told, what does not available mean, he is paid by the club to be available, more info required Mr Still please.
Supporters do not have a right to know everything .
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Diggerthedog wrote:If he leaves we all know why, because he has thrown his toys out of his pram. I disagree with many things my manager does in my workplace but just have to respect their decisions and get on with it. If true he has been totally unprofessional and is rightly being given an easy option to piss off.

Hear Hear , well said.
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I agree with the general principle that the manager is the boss and should be obeyed however having told several bosses to fack orf in the past, I must say it is quite a liberating experience. Telling one boss in particular to shove his job in his arse inspired me to be the boss of my own company. I've been told to F off a few times too.

I hope Doey has a plan B though as I doubt football will carry him much further than a handful of years.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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In my mind if you are the boss you should listen to others opinions at times they can enlighten you on a few things , had many a lovely conversations with my betters at times only for them to say do what I told you only to be proven wrong and times I`ve been wrong but i`ve never shown disrespect to the person as we are all part of the team in the long run.We are only human and need help at times.Only time will tell about Scott Doe so we see Saturday if he`s included in the squad.
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Doe: you don't know what you're doing gaffer !
Still: your out !
Doe: bollocks then I'm going to ebbsfleet! Nerr!
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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