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Had a few beers so forgive the man-love but a couple of us were talking today about posts on the forum and surprised that there hasn't been enough appreciation on the here for the great man that is GLYN HOPKIN.

Firstly he is a Dagger. He makes you proud to be a Dagger. He clearly supports the club and has done for a long time, unlike other people who claim the Daggers to be their boyhood club.

He brings his family to the games and they all drink in the bar long after others have left. Glyn has already proven he is the man for the supporters.
He seems to move around the bars too, not hide in the sponsors lounge like some and is always willing to stop and talk to you.
I've seen him in the pub at away games before matches and also seen him on the terraces with supporters.

I've often seen him talking to so many people, surprised he isn't mostly sick of the sight of some of us, but he still hangs around and gives us the time of day.

The bars have never looked as good as they do for as far back as I can remember, and I go back to the last century.
We've got TVs on every wall upstairs so no excuse not to come over before the game and watch the early kick off.
With the clubhouse looking as good as it does, surely this will increase the number of function bookings, which can only mean more income for the club.

After all the pitch problems of last season, the pitch now looks fantastic. He mentioned at the fans forum he had something to do with it being relaid. So more credit there.

Whatever you think about the other arguments going around the club, with Glyn at the helm the club is moving forward, which seems to be a bit overlooked at the moment.

I didn't see him today. I guess he was in Manchester watching his Mickey Mouse team lose.
Whatever. But he is the most approachable director it is easy to forget his position and treat him like one of the lads because he fits in so well.

Theres probably other stuff I've forgotten because he has achieved so much in such a short space of time.
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Completely agree, and would hope that the above is something that we can all agree on!
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Auntie Merge
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Totally agree. Big girl crush aside, Glyn Hopkin is the best thing that has ever happened to this club.

Other things
staff uniforms
just a general change of attitude about the place
I remember him saying a few months ago he had a long list of things to change, I reckon he has made quite a dent in it already.
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Mike the Dagger
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Agree with pretty much everything here, Glyn has been a breath of fresh air at the club and brought a lot of positive changes in.

One thing to remember is that although he is very approachable, he isn't "one of the lads" and we should respect that and not put him in awkward situations.

It would be interesting to understand why the last steps of the change of structure are taking so long though.
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Nice that he's not totally anonymous like Dave the plumber was. That said, I wouldn't know what glyn Hopkins looked like if he fell off his massive wedge on top of me. Does he not stand in the sieve either ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Just wanted to add my own small piece to this.

He has definitely been a breath of fresh air, enjoys mixing with the supporters, is very polite and very approachable.

Done a great job on the clubhouse (just needs to get some good beer in)

But overall, very happy to have Glyn involved rather than the other alternative previously on the table. Just wish whatever is holding up completion of the takeover could be sorted PDQ.
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Have to agree with everyone Glyn is a breath of fresh air for the club as everyone can see what great make over the club house has had,new pitch and I`m sure there`s going to be more in the pipe line for us supporters to look forward too and just to add to dagger4eva yes a better selection of beers would be nice.
Voice of reason
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The club are lucky to have him
Fans of other clubs would love to have an owner like Glyn
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Voice of reason wrote:The club are lucky to have him
Fans of other clubs would love to have an owner like Glyn
Thanks Glyn :lol:

In all seriousness, very few negatives coming out about the takeover at this point... just need to get the team playing like we did at the start of the seaon
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Met him outside the ground last season, obviously didn't know him from a hill of beans until someone pointed out who he was!
A very amiable man, easy to talk to and loves his football. Not many like him around today sadly. Glad we have him, especially when you consider what we could have ended up with.
Bravo sir.
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the man in such a short space of time is taking us out of the eightee's and is defo the man to take us forward. cant thank him enough, now us as supporters need to knuckle down and stop the silly arguments, get some decent atmospher at home again and do our part in getting promotion.

cant wait to see the plans for bury road end just hope there for league 2 not this mickey mouse league.

massive thanks
but we finished 9th!
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Agree with all of this - especially the bit about the petty arguments around flags, e-mails, our yobs, Thompson etc.

If I was Glyn Hopkin I would be wondering what I had let myself in for. I totally trust his judgement in running good businesses and if that means keeping Thompson at the helm then we have to accept that and move forward. Mind you I didn't realise he was a Spurs fan.......
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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Didn’t see Glyn at the game yesterday. I wanted to shake his hand and wish him merry Xmas.
Thanks again Glyn for what you’ve done for the club, the bar after the game felt like the good old times.
Pity bout the result though.
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Didn’t see Glyn again yesterday. Surprised he wasn’t at such a big game.
Haven’t seen him for weeks at the club. Is everything okay with the takeover?
DI Mike Dashwood
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Could just be that a man of his means swaps the grey of Essex/East London for a sunnier alternative at this time of Year??
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