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Mike the Dagger
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Daggernewbie wrote:There seem to be a few who are moaning about the swearing,songs and the abuse some of the players get.There is a simple answer don`t moan on here about it go and have a word with said supporters.
If only we had a group who represent the "supporters" who could step in with issues like this, & racist flags etc.and were 100pct committed to helping the club in any way.
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Auntie Merge
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Mike the Dagger wrote:
Daggernewbie wrote:There seem to be a few who are moaning about the swearing,songs and the abuse some of the players get.There is a simple answer don`t moan on here about it go and have a word with said supporters.
If only we had a group who represent the "supporters" who could step in with issues like this, & racist flags etc.and were 100pct committed to helping the club in any way.
It is the supporters club who should be working with the club on this and giving direction to all supporters as to what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.

Whilst it is all very well and good individuals speaking to the offenders (hell, I’ve often enough spoken to them myself), it has to come from a collective. There are lots of resources available to help them do this - John Still for one I am sure will back any code of conduct. A short video on social media about being a Dagger, what that means and what our family club means could make all the difference.

Now if only we had such a collective of supporters, already within the club who could use their initiative to get this moving.
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Auntie Merge
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Mike the Dagger - we’re agreeing on something! I’ve even been agreeing with things Steve Thompson has said - what is going on?
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Auntie Merge and Mike the Dagger do you really think the supporters club committee just sit back and not do nothing,individuals have been spoken to some take it on board others just ignore what is said.I see what you are saying about having a short video on social media about being a Dagger, what that means and what our family club means could make all the difference but if they take no notice of the committee they will take no notice of this I`m afraid to say and Auntie Merge you mention a code of conduct every football club has one but it`s down to them to enforce it and banning a supporter/supporters from our ground is the clubs responsibility and the away club can ban them from their ground but only court can ban them from attending all football matches for up to 10 years.
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Auntie Merge
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Daggernewbie wrote:Auntie Merge and Mike the Dagger do you really think the supporters club committee just sit back and not do nothing,individuals have been spoken to some take it on board others just ignore what is said.I see what you are saying about having a short video on social media about being a Dagger, what that means and what our family club means could make all the difference but if they take no notice of the committee they will take no notice of this I`m afraid to say and Auntie Merge you mention a code of conduct every football club has one but it`s down to them to enforce it and banning a supporter/supporters from our ground is the clubs responsibility and the away club can ban them from their ground but only court can ban them from attending all football matches for up to 10 years.
I understand you may be part of the supporters club committee so of course you will leap to their defence. If you truly believe that the supporters club is doing everything it can to work with the club on this and other matters then as an individual you might be part of the problem not part of the solution.
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Agree with all the sentiments for some of the crap sung home and away to stop BUT unless I'm mistaken it's unheard of and dare I say it a tad harsh to expect banning orders to start being dished out for committing the crime of "acting like a knob" or "singing cringy/childish/pathetic songs"

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Mike the Dagger
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Daggernewbie wrote:Auntie Merge and Mike the Dagger do you really think the supporters club committee just sit back and not do nothing,individuals have been spoken to some take it on board others just ignore what is said.I see what you are saying about having a short video on social media about being a Dagger, what that means and what our family club means could make all the difference but if they take no notice of the committee they will take no notice of this I`m afraid to say and Auntie Merge you mention a code of conduct every football club has one but it`s down to them to enforce it and banning a supporter/supporters from our ground is the clubs responsibility and the away club can ban them from their ground but only court can ban them from attending all football matches for up to 10 years.

One minute it is up to individual fans to step in, then the Supporters Club have tried their best and can't do anything about the knobs, then we should be resorting to banning orders.

Surely peer pressure (the supporters club) is the way to go here. You have set yourself up as "leaders", so provide a lead.
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Problem we have here is it is common for these songs to exist at all football grounds, it don't make it right of course but your not going to do anything to make it change at these big local away/home games. I took my 3 year old to Eastleigh and he repeated some swearing he heard but it did not really bother me as he knows what's right and wrong, I understand it's a football match and you'll hear some obscene things. This thread is the same as Bromley last season, no moaning on here will change anything. He club have already dished out home match bans to repeat offenders again this season for anything considered over the top and it's the job of stewards and any police on duty who are paid to manage these things not the supporters club.
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Auntie Merge
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Diggerthedog wrote:Problem we have here is it is common for these songs to exist at all football grounds, it don't make it right of course but your not going to do anything to make it change at these big local away/home games. I took my 3 year old to Eastleigh and he repeated some swearing he heard but it did not really bother me as he knows what's right and wrong, I understand it's a football match and you'll hear some obscene things. This thread is the same as Bromley last season, no moaning on here will change anything. He club have already dished out home match bans to repeat offenders again this season for anything considered over the top and it's the job of stewards and any police on duty who are paid to manage these things not the supporters club.
I disagree.
Clubs all over the country have been trying to stamp out bad language. We used to have a message played over the tannoy before every EFL game emphasising this.

It is the supporters club responsibility to support the club and help stamp this out. They have the contact details of over 600 supporters some of which do not have season tickets.
In a past life, when I was chairman of a supporters club it was something that we were proactive in, in encouraging appropriate behaviour from fans. Our current supporters club needs to broaden itself from a travel club and start to work with the football club on this.
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I don't really have an issue with bad language but there were a couple of songs that were pretty ridiculous. Threatening violence with a pitch and stewards between you is cringeworthy. There are the odd comments that make me wince but they are largely drowned out unless you're right by the person making them. I think there's the odd idiot who may benefit from being given an acceptable behaviour agreement but not many in the scheme of things.

We seem to have been pretty well behaved recently since the last discussion on the topic. Was it that bad?
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What's the problem I'd rather have abusive threatening fans either home or away than those who sit in the carling stand and never make any noise occasionally slating the assistant referee who is in front of them
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Anyone got any proof the supporters club don't work with the club on this?
Digging out a club which most of its members are retired oap is simply wrong.
If people get offended then stand up and be counted. Me I think you all live very sheltered lives.
I like a sing song but choose which songs I sing.
All clubs I've heard this season have All had the same boring songs about Jeremy Kyle or peados.
Before everybody blames the kids as Well it's not just them there is a small amount of grown men who been at the club a long time leading some of these chants.
but we finished 9th!
DI Mike Dashwood
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I am actually a bit like Mark on this if I am honest. I don't have a problem with language. I have sworn and joined in with chants with bad language in so am not going to be a hypocrite. I still swear now from time to time depending on the situation. Some of them are amusing in some ways, and pretty non offensive ("You're sh1t and you know you are" after a shot goes flying out the ground for instance).

My issue is more with the stupidity of some of the chants, bad language or not. What an earth is the "sit down you paedophile" about whenever the oppo fans make some noise?? The "Wa**y W**ky W**ky W**ky Orient" chant was mildly amusing, but it was embarrassing after they went two up and they started singing it themselves that our lot joined in with it (they were being ironic and some of our followers clearly didn't get it).

Always amuses me when threads like these start that people make the references to sitting in silence, or if you don't like it go to the library. There is somewhere in between sitting in a library or sitting in silence and listening to moronic nonsense for 90 minutes.

I don't have any idea about all the SC stuff so won't get involved with all that.

Amazing as well how quick a thread changes on here!!! We seem to just get one thread these days and everyone discusses all the latest events in one go.
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Mike the Dagger
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Anyone else remember the match at Brentford the first year we were in the FL??

We were loud, supportive and inspired the team to an unlikely win. Two separate groups singing so if one went quiet the other took it up. Not once do I recall it getting to digging out the the other team or their fans.

Not a library at all, but proper support, that is what is needed.

We now have too many idiots sadly.
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We have idiots that attend a handful of away games due to location. The only people that can take credit of getting behind the team are those in the Away stand the rest of the ground is like a library.
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