Time for a change

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John Still has done wonders at the club but I feel that now is the time for a change.
We are in danger of ruining a good position in the league and a new manager would re-vitalise the team.
On recent viewings, I feel the team is struggling, especially with the poor quality of our midfield players and a new manager would freshen us up.
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Hmm, about 3 months and 6 days too early.
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I don't think there's ever been a plan for what to do after John still. Just ridiculous suggestions for candidates on here. For whatever you or I might think , John still is mr Dagenham, once he goes we're farked. The club will drop and drop and disappear in its own arse. I don't know who you think will come along to such an unglamorous club and if they do at all well they'll be off like a shot. This league is what Stilly is best at , I can't see who or what you want to replace him with. Go on I'm up for it, who should be manager then ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Just like the players that Dagenham usually sign, up and coming players who have something to prove and a goal to move on to bigger and better things within football, there are many up and coming managers in the non-league system who would jump at the chance of managing in the National League at a club who were in the football league a few years ago.
If the manager does well and goes onto bigger and better things, that will just mean that he has done well at Dagenham and as a by-product of that, the club would have been doing well too.
So yes, there are many managers who would manage our unglamorous club.
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Not going to happen - JS signed a two year contract extension earlier this year keeping him at the club until 2019
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Daggyjack wrote:Just like the players that Dagenham usually sign, up and coming players who have something to prove and a goal to move on to bigger and better things within football, there are many up and coming managers in the non-league system who would jump at the chance of managing in the National League at a club who were in the football league a few years ago.
If the manager does well and goes onto bigger and better things, that will just mean that he has done well at Dagenham and as a by-product of that, the club would have been doing well too.
So yes, there are many managers who would manage our unglamorous club.
Most of those managers are lower down for good reasons. Players often have something a little bit raw or unrefined and need the right manager to get the best out of them.
It's also worth remembering that we've had a lot of players that didn't make the step up when given a chance. That's ok when they're cheap and part of a big squad. It's a disaster when they're managing a squad.
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ARNU wrote:I don't think there's ever been a plan for what to do after John still. Just ridiculous suggestions for candidates on here. For whatever you or I might think , John still is mr Dagenham, once he goes we're farked. The club will drop and drop and disappear in its own arse. I don't know who you think will come along to such an unglamorous club and if they do at all well they'll be off like a shot. This league is what Stilly is best at , I can't see who or what you want to replace him with. Go on I'm up for it, who should be manager then ?
I think their have been plans. Burnett is one example of someone that was around as a potential successor. I think Culverhouse probably was as well.
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We are worse than last season which is a failure for the manager and his staff. Given our gates you would say we're still better off.
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Jeez, not sure the OP was serious but I'll play along..we lose a couple of games and it's change the manager. Garry Monk is available, I'm sure he'd be up for it..
Now the SE27 Dagger
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RM1Dagger wrote:Jeez, not sure the OP was serious but I'll play along..we lose a couple of games and it's change the manager. Garry Monk is available, I'm sure he'd be up for it..
There's nothing about the OP that suggests it isn't serious.
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Only read the first sentence of this post but it’s clear that you’re either drunk or that word that arnu isn’t allowed to use anymore.
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Daggyjack wrote:John Still has done wonders at the club but I feel that now is the time for a change.
We are in danger of ruining a good position in the league and a new manager would re-vitalise the team.
On recent viewings, I feel the team is struggling, especially with the poor quality our midfield players and a new manager would freshen us up.
Ha ha ha ha . Ha ha ha ha . The Man is as safe as Bouchard in our Midfield.

If anybody thinks that we only have problems in midfield then you really are mistaken.

The defence is a mess and tottally unreliable and often a shambles.

And as for up front Cheek is so slow its embarassing.
Whiteley is a talent but again tottally unreliable, how many more corners and dead ball situations were we going to allow him to take before we changed it. Some of the corners yesterday were simply dreadfull. Why Howells was not called upon to try something diffrent i find staggering.

The only bright note remains Morgan who once again tried and tried and ran his socks off.

Yesterdays proves how appalling the standard is this year a poor team like the O's have somehow managed to beat us twice and draw in the three games we have had with them this last 6 weeks, lets not kid ourselves what i saw yesterday
says to me their current League position was an accurate reflection of their capabilities. Where ours obviously flatters us

I for one hope we dont go up we will be embarrassed if we did we simply are not good enough to even be competative.

To me we are a job in progress and its time to get behind the Manager and give him time to not only get us to where we want to be but also give us at leastca chance of staying there
DI Mike Dashwood
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Sussex is spot on with what he says about Orient and the League. This is a very average league and Orient are a poor poor side, yet we have not scored against them in 270 minutes!!! That is very very poor. After 15 minutes yesterday we didn't look like scoring again.

I do feel calling for Stilly to go is a bit premature, and I suspect the OP was looking for some debate with a thought provoking message, but may be wrong. However, this season is a very frustrating one.

We won 4 games in row and then put in two abysmal league performances (I can't comment on Hereford as was not there). Yesterday was utterly appalling in my view.

While I don't think Stilly should go (on his or the Club's wishes) he should be accountable which I don't think is always the case, and on two issues we appear to have an ongoing problem. Boxing Day and Cup Runs.

These stats may not be 100% correct (will put that out there before the pedantic police jump in) but I believe we are 6 Boxing Day defeats in a row (three were under Wayne) and only 3 wins in 15 years on Boxing Day since Stilly came back in 2003?? In this time we have been at different levels and playing opposition at various places in League, so it can't be a coincidence?? Not only is the record poor, the performances have often been dreadful (yesterday, Braintree last year, Cambridge in 2015). Why is this?? Poor diet, poor preparation, training schedules?? I don't if they are, but I would hope the Board/Committee raise this with the football management team.

Same with cup runs. Out of the Trophy two years in a row to lower league oppo. Out of the Cup this Year against a poor Orient side, and last year to a team in the division below. 6 losses from 6 in the League cup under stilly. Out of Trophy last time we played in it before promotion to Redditch!!! In most of these games Stilly has put out his best side (quite rightly so) and yet we have come up short.

There are often debates on here about attendances and how we can improve them, but nobody mentions these two things above. A lot of people attend with family and friends on Boxing Day who are not regulars, but they are not going to come back if they watch the dross that has been served up on recent Boxing Days. And cup runs have always picked up casual supporters and first timers who may come back again. I imagine many on here started watching the club during one of Gary Hill's cup runs??

Anyway, got all that of me chest. Enjoy your turkey sarnies and see you all at Gravesend on Saturday. Lets hope there is an improvement then!!!
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DI Mike Dashwood wrote:Sussex is spot on with what he says about Orient and the League. This is a very average league and Orient are a poor poor side, yet we have not scored against them in 270 minutes!!! That is very very poor. After 15 minutes yesterday we didn't look like scoring again.

I do feel calling for Stilly to go is a bit premature, and I suspect the OP was looking for some debate with a thought provoking message, but may be wrong. However, this season is a very frustrating one.

We won 4 games in row and then put in two abysmal league performances (I can't comment on Hereford as was not there). Yesterday was utterly appalling in my view.

While I don't think Stilly should go (on his or the Club's wishes) he should be accountable which I don't think is always the case, and on two issues we appear to have an ongoing problem. Boxing Day and Cup Runs.

These stats may not be 100% correct (will put that out there before the pedantic police jump in) but I believe we are 6 Boxing Day defeats in a row (three were under Wayne) and only 3 wins in 15 years on Boxing Day since Stilly came back in 2003?? In this time we have been at different levels and playing opposition at various places in League, so it can't be a coincidence?? Not only is the record poor, the performances have often been dreadful (yesterday, Braintree last year, Cambridge in 2015). Why is this?? Poor diet, poor preparation, training schedules?? I don't if they are, but I would hope the Board/Committee raise this with the football management team.

Same with cup runs. Out of the Trophy two years in a row to lower league oppo. Out of the Cup this Year against a poor Orient side, and last year to a team in the division below. 6 losses from 6 in the League cup under stilly. Out of Trophy last time we played in it before promotion to Redditch!!! In most of these games Stilly has put out his best side (quite rightly so) and yet we have come up short.

There are often debates on here about attendances and how we can improve them, but nobody mentions these two things above. A lot of people attend with family and friends on Boxing Day who are not regulars, but they are not going to come back if they watch the dross that has been served up on recent Boxing Days. And cup runs have always picked up casual supporters and first timers who may come back again. I imagine many on here started watching the club during one of Gary Hill's cup runs??

Anyway, got all that of me chest. Enjoy your turkey sarnies and see you all at Gravesend on Saturday. Lets hope there is an improvement then!!!
Great post Mike. Can't disagree with any of that.
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Joined: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:22 am

Some very good comments made by DI Mike

I honestly thought after strengthening the squad this season we would be in the top 3 especially the way we started the season in August , September.Luckily for us there is no standout team in this league this year and also due to extending the play-offs down to seventh spot we have a chance still to be involved.

We seriously need to turn this poor run around asap or we will be in the bottom half of the table sooner than we think
We are a long way from that performance V Bromley when we passed the ball with fluency !
We seem to play worse when we are playing inferior teams and drop down to their level and style of play
We should be imposing our game on the opposition not vice versa
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