Tamplin Watch

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So, after leaving twitter for umpteenth time for a "break" - he has again, quickly re-surfaced.

Confesses to being in court today to lose his licence after accumulating 15 points. More displays of a man without any respect whatsoever for the laws of the land.

He's also pleaded for more 'fans' to turn up tonight as they "cant continue" on the 700 they are currently averaging. Doesnt take a brain surgeon to work that 1 out, with his weekly budget set at over 30k

Starting to make Karl Williams (Uncle Urchin) look like a shrewd operator!
Last edited by dagger4eva on Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Auntie Merge
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Billericay have also disbanded their Under 23 squad.
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Doesn’t look good for them if all this is true. Would find it hard to have he cars he has though and not get done for speeding all those times.
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We all know how this ends.
bloke down the pub
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Taxi for Tamplin. HaHaHa
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Didn't Paul Konchesky recently 'retire' to then re-appear 2 seconds later at Grays? They will win the league this season then go *pop* over the Summer
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TBH who really gives a xxxx.
Hes at Billericay, whatever eventually happens there is there problem. Its the fans I feel for.
Ive moved on!
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Auntie Merge
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You might have moved on, but I understand there are still quite a few people within our club that think Tamplin was the best thing since sliced bread.

Let the observations roll on. I'll get some popcorn.
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And who are these people you "understand"
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Auntie Merge
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People who have spoken to me at games.
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We need names, addresses, iq and inside leg please.
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Mark wrote:We need names, addresses, iq and inside leg please.
Harvey ( the invisible rabbit ) number 2 rabbit hole street 140 IQ and 12" inside leg
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We might have moved on but it doesn't stop people from being interested in what happens over there. If nothing else but to serve as a reminder of what probably would have happened if he had stayed at Dagenham. Tamplin is full of bluster and pomp but it looks to me that there is very little substance behind him. He is all show and nothing else. The way that he treats the law is the way that he goes about his business and that is for all to see at Bill Ricks. He'll be gone within 2 years - toys thrown out of pram and a trail of destruction behind him. Billericay will come back eventually (even if they do go bust) and in a few years time there will be another Tamplin knocking at the door of an unsuspecting non league club, showering them with gifts until he (or maybe she) gets bored. The Tamplin story isn't new.
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Auntie Merge
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Rumours were that Jermaine Pennant had left but it appears he is staying but agreed a pay cut.

Wheels. Bus. Falling off.
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