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I was a bit out of order at Solihull away and admitted I was, I don't condone what I did and make no excuses.

Today in a Liverpool pub our MD comes in I attempted to say hello to him upon which I was subject to verbal abuse which was withnessed by Dave Bennet and 2 other supporters. Despite this I attempted to defuse the situation and said to the MD let's let bygones be bygones and move on, upon which I was subjected to yet more verbal abuse.

Dave Bennett was fantastic in the whole scenario and simply said MD has had a bit to much to drink.

Currently on train and I attempted to talk to the MD but he did not want to know. I have tried to move on but it's not possible.

No wonder Glyn is off.
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Bloke is a c***

Always has been - always will be.

Dont blame glyn in the slightest to be frank, but where it leaves us god only knows!!
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Bloke is out of order to other bloke and repeatedly insults him and wants hims to be sacked on an Internet forum and then is surprised that insulted bloke isn't friendly towards him and doesn't walk to talk to him.

Why anyone would want to put money into a club where there are supporters that act that way is beyond me.
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Glyn is off?
Off where?
Have I missed somethibg here??
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Glyn wasn't the first and won't be the last.

This club will not be sold whilst Steve Thompson MBE/VAT is in charge.
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RayleighDagger1986 wrote:Glyn is off?
Off where?
Have I missed somethibg here??
I am asking the same question - What has happened?
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Adrian wrote:Bloke is out of order to other bloke and repeatedly insults him and wants hims to be sacked on an Internet forum and then is surprised that insulted bloke isn't friendly towards him and doesn't walk to talk to him.

Why anyone would want to put money into a club where there are supporters that act that way is beyond me.
MD was abusive towards me long before I said anything like such nature at Solihull, fact. Until this post MD would have no idea who I was when posting.

Not sure Glyns reasons for pulling out but this ain't one of them.
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Sorry, still confused here. Can someone explain the comments on Glyn.Some say he is off?

Why, when and where? Has there been an announcement?
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Pulling out of the takeover. Doubt there will be any announcement.
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How do ypu know this. Its news to me
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If it’s true about Glyn, then Kim Jung Thommo must go.. end of !!
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Will be very disappointed and concerned if Glyn has pulled out.
I met him before and had a chat to him & his driver at Aldershot away (last season). Seemed a fairly quiet chap at the time but nonetheless I was impressed with what he had to say and very pleased we have him.

As there's nothing official to confirm he's pulled, I don't want to "talk about someone as if they weren't here" too much.

However, my overriding hypothetical feeling on this is we seemed to infest rather heavily in the summer, one or two commanded fees, notably we'll have a tribunal to decide how much we pay for Morgan Ferrier, no idea what that will be but I'm sure I heard they'd turned down 50k from elsewhere before he signed for us.
I can only assume this was Glyn's investment. So it will be troubling to hear if we've got some good players in on good money and suddenly we find the money has gone.

If it's in fact true that he's pulled, I have to hope it's not fan related, those responsible really aren't doing us any favours if this becomes a factor. I hope Glyn realises the trouble comes from a minority.
I see his Twitter account which he setup shortly after becoming chairman now no longer exists. I don't wish to make assumptions about that, but along with this thread - it does seem rather coincidental.
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Diggerthedog, I like you, have been following the Daggers long enough to have witnessed Thompson's, at times drunken behaviour that has resulted in him being "decked physically" at least twice on two different occasions by a supporter and then by a club volunteer.

It would have been three times if I had actually heard a "suggestive" comment made by him to my partner in my short absence and witnessed by friends whilst once again he was in a drunken state. Heaven knows whether any damage is being done in opposing teams boardroom and hospitality.

Highly unlikely I would have thought that Adrian or other supporters of our current MD would frequent the upstairs bar after Home games during the past 7 years or so to have actually witnessed any of these events.
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