Tamplin fined £45,000 for dumping waste

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That's okay then if he makes mistakes whilst in charge of us which sees us put into administration or whatever - as long as he learns from his mistakes for his next football club ownership venture then all is good with the world :)
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Auntie Merge
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NBDag wrote:
Auntie Merge wrote:
NBDag wrote:I didn't say it was the first time? How someone keeps their home is no concern of mine. He'd probably think that half of the houses of people on here are shit holes, but who cares.
But you DID say
Just pay up, learn your lesson and move on.
He doesn't appear to be learning any lessons does he?
Yes I DID say that. But he hasn't done this before? Noise complaints with another business is not flytipping or whatever it is he's done on his land. He's done something wrong, he'll pay the price for it. Thats the end of it. Has nothing to do with his ownership abilities of Dagenham. Judge him on the job he's doing here.
I'm judging him by the way he deals with authority, rules and regulations. These complaints and the criminal charge is important. It was also noted by the administrator on his previous companies.
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Don't think he's put his business into administration with this, to be fair. But carry on and take things out of proportion to make it look bad though- that'll prove your point to everyone!

And Merge- How someone acts in an aspect of their life doesn't necessarily give you ample reason to judge who they will be in a job. Especially when it comes to business/work. For an example closer to home- you speak utter shite on this forum, but that doesn't mean that I can expect you to do so within your line of work.

And he criminal charge is if he doesn't pay the fine. Happens with absolutely everyone who is fined by the government. You don't pay, you go to jail. The fine itself is not a criminal charge.
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You're really reaching here nbdag trying to play this down.

Nbdag. Are you for real? What's your job as a matter of interest my guess is a stand up comedian. Carry on merge the truth hurts!
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I can just as easily say that people are pushing it by trying to make it a big deal. It's subjective, really. I say my opinion and then someone says theirs. But ultimately what determines whether he's fit for the job, is the actual job that he will do. And there's only one way to find out how good a job he would do, assuming none of us here can see/travel into the future?

Diggerdagger1- apparently I'm actually Dave Bennett. So no I'm not a stand-up commedian, I'm a plumber.

Nbdag......a fit and proper person with respect for other people would not act like this. For god sake nbdag get a grip man. Would you act like this? Next thing you will be doing is defending Jack the Ripper!
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Nbdag......a fit and proper person with respect for other people would not act like this. For god sake nbdag get a grip man. Would you act like this? Next thing you will be doing is defending Jack the Ripper!
Do you think Abramovich has been a good owner for Chelsea? I know obviously Tamplin doesn't quite have the same amount of money. But ask yourself that question. When you say yes, look at his history outside of football. As I said, this is purely subjective. So if we want to see for certain if he is a good owner of a football club, we'll have to wait and see what he does.
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Auntie Merge
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NBDag wrote:
diggerdagger1 wrote:Nbdag......a fit and proper person with respect for other people would not act like this. For god sake nbdag get a grip man. Would you act like this? Next thing you will be doing is defending Jack the Ripper!
Do you think Abramovich has been a good owner for Chelsea? I know obviously Tamplin doesn't quite have the same amount of money. But ask yourself that question. When you say yes, look at his history outside of football. As I said, this is purely subjective. So if we want to see for certain if he is a good owner of a football club, we'll have to wait and see what he does.
I always enjoyed the Ryman league.
The Romford Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Nbdag......a fit and proper person with respect for other people would not act like this. For god sake nbdag get a grip man. Would you act like this? Next thing you will be doing is defending Jack the Ripper!
Yes because making some noise and fly tipping is exactly the same as going on a murder spree.

You win ridiculous comment of the day though so congrats.

Ah thanks the Romford dagger first time I have one anything! And I award you supporter of the year oh sorry you support the inferior team in east Anglian I forgot!
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Everyone knows fly tippers make terrible football owners. I think the real issue is that the waste was full of all the homeless people he's killed.
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So he got fined for dumping waste when is all this Glen Tamplin stuff going to die a death it like Brexit no one knows what`s going to happen,if he fails everyone will say I was right if he make a success of the club they be saying I was right. I just want to get back in the league one way or another.

prosecuted for noise issues. Prosecuted for fly tipping. Newspaper report said something about an issue in chequers lane. What else is there being hidden? Companies dissolved. Wonder how the vote would have gone at the egm if members were aware of rhe latest tamplin episode. Fit and proper person I don't think so! This man has no respect for society and anybody. If he does not get his own way he throws his toys out of the pram and does what he wants. What sensible person would dump that amount of waste in there back garden? Is it true that this waste was classified as controlled waste?if and when he takes over I fear what will happen at our club it's an eruption waiting to happen! Please tamplin go and find another toy to play with!
Pie & Mash
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diggerdagger1 wrote:prosecuted for noise issues. Prosecuted for fly tipping. Newspaper report said something about an issue in chequers lane. What else is there being hidden? Companies dissolved. Wonder how the vote would have gone at the egm if members were aware of rhe latest tamplin episode. Fit and proper person I don't think so! This man has no respect for society and anybody. If he does not get his own way he throws his toys out of the pram and does what he wants. What sensible person would dump that amount of waste in there back garden? Is it true that this waste was classified as controlled waste?if and when he takes over I fear what will happen at our club it's an eruption waiting to happen! Please tamplin go and find another toy to play with!
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