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I think you lot are deluded to be honest, i bet you are the lot that moan about the atmosphere that there isnt one so dont complain when there is arguably the best atmosphere in a long time. Frankie Raymond said that we drove him on personally and the fact Maguire Drew celebrated infront of us says a lot as he probably thought we were the only fans there. After the game we stayed and the players and stewards were laughing with us and gave us a song. My advice is dont come to football if you will be offended by the word c**t or cant have banter. Really annoyed me that. Best atmosphere in a long time.
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bearaab wrote:You shouldn't have to expect it. I won't be bringing my kids along when they're old enough if there's going to be a load of dickheads singing about ***** and paedophiles. Just because you're not right next to a bunch of kids, doesn't mean they won't hear it. It doesn't happen at any other sport I've been to see, being at a football game isn't a free pass to act like a twat.
Dry up mate, least we get behind the team, probably sit in the Carling stand
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bearaab wrote:You shouldn't have to expect it. I won't be bringing my kids along when they're old enough if there's going to be a load of dickheads singing about ***** and paedophiles. Just because you're not right next to a bunch of kids, doesn't mean they won't hear it. It doesn't happen at any other sport I've been to see, being at a football game isn't a free pass to act like a
This ^ ( and me and this bloke rarely agree on anything)
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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So we have 3 groups here:
Those that can see no problem with singing loudly about ***** paedophiles and whether a live female doing her job likes bum sex , and all in front of children.

Those that feel those chants are a stretch too far and would rather you toned it down and kept it to the more acceptable stuff. ( That's me to be honest)

Those that find it really offensive and totally unnecessary. ( I have sympathy here to )
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Look I am no prude and think that the support the team got Saturday was 75% inspiring for them.

However I fail to see how chants about a Person who was nowhere near the game about unlawfull activities with Children and the enquires about a Woman Stewards sexual preferences can truly inspire anybody.

Perhaps if such things were refrained from then more People may consider joining in , now that might truly help the players. Just a thought
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The guy who started this thread use to Hammer Burnett on twitter 'You're ******** Clueless' was one tweet. Double standards here.
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I had a feeling I might look at this thread today to see it had taken off and thought twice about getting involved!! But working nights means no Monday mornings so I was able to treat the folks to a slap up Chinese take away(I know, son of the year material!!) And a few pints of my favourite personality suppressant/enhancer!!!

I was worried that when I read it was all going to be mud slinging and name calling as can often happen in forums as the text can be lost and people can't see body language or reply in the sort of length and detail that you can when having a debate over a pint in the boozer, but it seems that the opposing sides can see where the other lot are coming from and whilst don't agree completely with them do agree in part. Amazing what winning and being top of the league can do!!!

Arnu summed it up well with his 3 point summary, I think that everyone gives the youngsters credit for there quality support but some don't like some of their choice of songs. Whilst I side with the youngsters and don't think it went too far I'm not a parent, and work in the building game (it's known as industrial language for a reason!!), so may be off with what I find morally acceptable. I think that over time it may end up that both opposing groups end up with a happy medium as the older lot could start the chants they want to hear and the younger lot would join in and that would lessen the amount of "offensive" chants. Or there could be all out war, who knows!!! Makes it interesting at least.
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Diggerthedog wrote:The guy who started this thread use to Hammer Burnett on twitter 'You're ******** Clueless' was one tweet. Double standards here.
Don't think he said no swearing ever. Think he quite rightly spotted a line had been crossed. Even you know that.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
The Romford Dagger
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RampantDuke wrote:Tricky one this. I love the fact that we have got some proper boys following us who are out for a drink and a song - I don't want to see that stop or for them to be pushed out of the club but seriously - 'get your tits out for the lads?' I haven't heard that chant since the 1980's. In any other ground in the country the stewards (and possibly the police) would have moved in and chucked a few people out for that and some of the other stuff. I think that the 'youth squad' were very lucky that the lady in question took it so well (no pun intended here by the way). I do love the 'John Still had a dream' song though. Perhaps we should stick to that going forward? :D

I've heard that chat a fair bit on my travels with Ipswich and home games and it's more common than you think.

And I've heard far worse as you can imagine. It's football, but there's also a line that shouldn't be crossed.

I make no comment regarding Saturday as a I waasnt there.
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ARNU wrote:So we have 3 groups here:
Those that can see no problem with singing loudly about ***** paedophiles and whether a live female doing her job likes bum sex , and all in front of children.

Those that feel those chants are a stretch too far and would rather you toned it down and kept it to the more acceptable stuff. ( That's me to be honest)

Those that find it really offensive and totally unnecessary. ( I have sympathy here to )
Melts mate, get behind the team have a laugh have a pint, get out from behind the screen and get singing, recreate that atmosphere
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Woodford Dagger wrote:The only noise being made yesterday was by those behind the goal and the majority of them were younger fans. This whole idea that it will drive away younger supporters is untrue tbh. Opposition fabs don't give a toss what we sing anyway the only way we'd harm our reputation is through actual trouble.
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Diggerthedog wrote:I stood in the sieve for years listening to middle aged men swearing sometimes at our own players but no one says anything. It's football match not a library, I took my two year old to the Boreham game was there foul language of course it's a football match he will know whats right and wrong when it comes to swearing but that's how you bring your child up nothing to do with what they hear at football, school etc etc.

The stewardess took it but we live in a society where all the offended get offended on others behalf, no one died or there was no violence. Sticks and stones etc etc.
Sums it up
Last edited by GideaParkDagger on Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Still waiting to learn how abusing a Person who is not even within 100 miles , or chanting out a Persons sexual preferences are in anyway beneficial to the team. Now if I am wrong and you can prove that it does then I will tactically retreat from the debate.

I still think the songs about our Players and Manager are far more effective and would encourage those amongst your number to invent something a bit more original and who knows lifting a player or two may bring may inspire them on to good things . Then we can all rejoice
DI Mike Dashwood
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Wasn't there on Saturday, so don't know the exact comment of these chants, but I would say to me it is not so much the language of these chants that is offensive or otherwise but just that half of them seem to have no relevance to the Club or the game (or I could just be missing something). Maybe I am a little old fashioned or out of touch though!!

My language in the past has probably been off-side at times (I am probably one of those shouting and moaning in the sieve) so language wise I would be a hypocrite to criticise to much, but as I say, the chants just seem a bit odd and random at times.

Fairplay though, is nice to feel a bit of atmosphere at games.

So using the Arnu-scale I am probably nearest to Group 2 I would say!!
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GideaParkDagger wrote:I think you lot are deluded to be honest, i bet you are the lot that moan about the atmosphere that there isnt one so dont complain when there is arguably the best atmosphere in a long time. Frankie Raymond said that we drove him on personally and the fact Maguire Drew celebrated infront of us says a lot as he probably thought we were the only fans there. After the game we stayed and the players and stewards were laughing with us and gave us a song. My advice is dont come to football if you will be offended by the word c**t or cant have banter. Really annoyed me that. Best atmosphere in a long time.
Don't come to football if you're offended by the most offensive word in the English language? It may be banter to whoever is doing it, but that doesn't make it good banter does it? Being offensive about someone isn't acceptable if the person being offensive thinks it funny? I can't go down the street and ask a woman if she likes it up the wrongen and then tell her fella not to hit me because I was having a laugh. By all means sing constantly and enjoy yourself, but make jokes about ourselves or about whatever player is being an arse that day (Ellison for example). But no need to sing about paedophiles and all that stuff. Or shall we start singing about rape, and make racist remarks to stewards next week too?
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