Takeover complete?

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Mike the Dagger
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ARNU wrote:Dunno what all the fuss is about. He's willing to pump huge amounts of money into the club, we've had a diet of shit football since 2011 and we are in the conference with no money and no doubt dwindling gates. What's the worst that could happen ? We go bust a bit later than we are due to is all I can see.
And once again, ARNU is on a wind up, and once again its working. Please don't bite folks.

As ever I'll reason with you though.

I agree that at least taking the sponsorship of a stand shows a degree of willingness that other parties have yet to match and should actually be taken as a positive. It is interesting that once again though this is "announced" through the back door and just appears on the website with no hint of how much is being paid or what the commitment is. If he doesn't end up buying the club, will he pull the money for instance?

Tamplin is a guy who is reportedly audited as being worth £45m. That does indeed make him pretty smart, however tracking back through his business record which is publicly available he has a history of taking businesses bust leaving creditors severely out of pocket and starting another business from the ashes. This is the business model of Karl "Bryco" Williams that took Hornchurch down the pan. At the same time he splashed a reported £7m on his wedding... How much of the £45m is tied up in property Is open to debate. All concerning to people that care.

He is on the prowl for a football club and we are the third one he has approached, not the first, despite Tommo and co reporting that Dagenham are his "boyhood club", which even Tommo had to admit there was no evidence to back on Time at the weekend. No one who isn't a reader of the weddings section of Hello magazine had ever heard of this guy before June 2016. The debate has raged on what his motives are yet we have heard nothing at all from Tamplin himself, apart from that he and his family have been abused, something I can find no evidence of anywhere, which caused him to pull out from the only opportunity given for anyone outside the board have had to heard from him, on 6th July.

He seems willing to splash a bit of cash on a charm offensive of sorts, the £5k charity donation at Waltham Abbey and statement that no child should not be given the chance to walk which managed to find its way straight into the press for instance. Mate, if you were that bothered and are worth £45m, pay for the operation, not under 5% of it eh? Now we have the "AGP Steel Stand".

Despite this stuff as yet there has been no statement of his plans for the club, if he does take over, from the man himself. Why he wants to pay over five years? How involved he will be day to day? Why he actually wants to get involved in the money pit that owning a football club inevitably becomes? What changes to how the club is run does he intend to make?

Then we have Tommo insisting that the club is not actually in trouble for money, just that if we won't be able to compete at the top end of the National League without some investment. Apparently the fans now "expect" us to be challenging and getting back up into the Football League. Huh?? Who does exactly? I've seen us play in the Ryman League and it was ok actually.

Meanwhile Lee Goodwin is telling the world we are stuffed for money and struggling to pay the basics to HMRC.

What is the truth there?? Are we ok so there is no rush to sell out, or are we about to go into administration and points deductions for unpaid bills so need money in fast? Someone is bending the truth here, Tommo or Lee Goodwin.

then there is the reported structure of the deals on the table. The Goodwin consortium's £200k for a 51% controlling stake does not add up on the surface against £1.25m for 80%. But the 80% is based on the money being invested over 5 years in installments (originally reported to be actually monthly payments of £21k or thereabouts), with 16% back each year to Members if he doesn't put the money up.

The issue there is 80% ownership is effectively total control of the club. He can rewrite his own deal once he has that and no-one can do anything about it. How does that make sense??

So there you go. Personally, if the club does not need immediate investment which is the official position, I'm for taking whatever medicine is coming in terms of restructuring the club as a National League team, and building again in the right way, as a Members club, with no risk that in a few years we might be gone altogether. Yes we might slide back to Conference South or even lower, but at least we will have a football club.
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Mike the Dagger wrote:Personally, if the club does not need immediate investment which is the official position, I'm for taking whatever medicine is coming in terms of restructuring the club as a National League team, and building again in the right way, as a Members club, with no risk that in a few years we might be gone altogether. Yes we might slide back to Conference South or even lower, but at least we will have a football club.
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steeevooo wrote:
Mike the Dagger wrote:Personally, if the club does not need immediate investment which is the official position, I'm for taking whatever medicine is coming in terms of restructuring the club as a National League team, and building again in the right way, as a Members club, with no risk that in a few years we might be gone altogether. Yes we might slide back to Conference South or even lower, but at least we will have a football club.
Double Amen. We can survive and will without any added investment,
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For sound investment designed to grow the Club and get as far as we can

For listening to what is on offer first

Against the Ryman league it wasn't that great

Members Club? How many posting here and agitating for that are Members just out of interest
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Auntie Merge
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Diggerthedog wrote:
steeevooo wrote:
Mike the Dagger wrote:Personally, if the club does not need immediate investment which is the official position, I'm for taking whatever medicine is coming in terms of restructuring the club as a National League team, and building again in the right way, as a Members club, with no risk that in a few years we might be gone altogether. Yes we might slide back to Conference South or even lower, but at least we will have a football club.
Double Amen. We can survive and will without any added investment,
X 3
Members Club? How many posting here and agitating for that are Members just out of interest
I'm not currently. I stopped being a full member at the time of the Trevor Dicks affair. I'm hoping to rejoin as a full member depending on what happens with the current situation.
One of the thing that concerns me, is that the club appears to have done nothing in recent years to encourage supporters to become full members. Even before the takeover discussions, it seemed like a close shop.
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More likely people could not be arsed and wouldn't want to pay for the privilege

Its always been open
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I wanna go watch some footy,see us compete,have a burger then go home.(Praps have a lickle wind up on here after)

Quite why Id want to have any more to do with it than that I don't know.Fair play to those that bother.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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lupins wrote:More likely people could not be arsed and wouldn't want to pay for the privilege

Its always been open
I think that sums it up very accurately.
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Mike the Dagger
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No you are right ARNU as always, it'll be great watching a team boosted by a whole extra £250k investment taking on the world and charging its way up the leagues. Championship I would guess by 2020 at a minimum.

By then Tamplin Jr will have completed Yoof football, discovered girls and beer and therefore no longer need his own sdtadium on Sunday mornings, and Daddy will be moving on to his next vanity project. Maybe the "Glenn Tamplin 5% of what kids need to let them walk Ward" at Great Ormond Street or something?

Then we'll have the choice of the mighty Hammers in their taxpayer funded megastadium for the long sighted among us, or AFC Dagenham in the Essex Senior league.

Can't wait.
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Mike the Dagger wrote:Daddy will be moving on to his next vanity project. Maybe the "Glenn Tamplin 5% of what kids need to let them walk Ward" at Great Ormond Street or something
Haha like something out of Zoolander!
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Still can't get over Tamplin only giving 5k to that charity. What a sanctimonious prick! A man of his worth should fully fund every charitable organisation that he encounters. How dare he put in £5000 and then think than he is more noble than I- the man who nonchalantly threw into the bucket the £2 I was going to use for some chips. That is charity. How dare anyone think he is a nice person when I made the ultimate sacrifice of my half-time meal!
He shouldn't even be giving to a charity if he's taking us over. He should be saving every last penny he has to pay off Burnett's contract. This is why the man cannot be trusted. He gave £5k to a disabled boy when a journo was there, instead of giving it to Thommo to fund our academy for another week. That is not what our family club is about. He does not belong here.
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Mike the Dagger
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NBDag wrote:Still can't get over Tamplin only giving 5k to that charity. What a sanctimonious prick! A man of his worth should fully fund every charitable organisation that he encounters. How dare he put in £5000 and then think than he is more noble than I- the man who nonchalantly threw into the bucket the £2 I was going to use for some chips. That is charity. How dare anyone think he is a nice person when I made the ultimate sacrifice of my half-time meal!
He shouldn't even be giving to a charity if he's taking us over. He should be saving every last penny he has to pay off Burnett's contract. This is why the man cannot be trusted. He gave £5k to a disabled boy when a journo was there, instead of giving it to Thommo to fund our academy for another week. That is not what our family club is about. He does not belong here.
Ouch ;)

Did your £2 donation make it into the paper?
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