Was the Tommo interview broadcast?

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Mike the Dagger
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If so, anyone got a link?
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Location: Clacton-on-Sea

It's on the daggers facebook,I will see if I can do the link.had to download a program to run it
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Very interesting to listen too. Basically to survive in the League the club has cut it's cloth accordingly. To get back into the football league the board feels investment is needed. I don't think anyone can disagree with that. How much and where from is the difficult decision.
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I would say none and we'll stay as we are. One day we might put a side together who can go up again. If so it'll be under our own steam. If we are bottom half so be it. We are big enough to survive in this division.
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Spot on Mark. Don't sacrifice the club to chase league football, grow and market the club instead.

We need to have some fresh thinking on marketing the club. I live in Chelmsford and they have always got posters in pubs and shops advertising dinner events with guest speakers (they've got Nigel Winterburn next) and they have lots of music nights there - they've had a string of 60s groups play there, not tribute acts the actual bands, they're also running trips to the races. They are doing things to make money.
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Chelmsford also have a Head of Marketing, a Head of Commercial Sales, A Commercial Manager and a Facilities manager, we have Joan

We need investment and the new ideas and possibly people this may bring. Of course it has to be done correctly and with no risk to the long term health of the Club but surely this can be correctly assessed and decided upon

I am struggling with an apparent desire to play at the lowest level possible in a members utopia.

I was at yesterdays game, interesting how its hardly been mentioned. A crowd of 500 little atmosphere, slower tempo expected of course in a friendly, it was AFC heaven
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Not the lowest level. The highest we can maintain by ourselves.

If you want to buy titles then go support Man City.
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Do you think the level of investment mentioned will buy titles that would have no interest to me whatsoever even if that was the case

I assume you also think that we have never had any non generated income via benefactors at differing levels over the years?
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Mark wrote:I would say none and we'll stay as we are. One day we might put a side together who can go up again. If so it'll be under our own steam. If we are bottom half so be it. We are big enough to survive in this division.
That's what I like to see a bit of ambition :lol:
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Bit different a director with no share capital putting money in to turning over 80 percent of the club to a millionaire with Thomo all but stating we want his money to get back into the league.
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The point being that we still had people putting money in. Would it be okay if I win Euromillions and put in £25m without wanting ownership then? That might buy the titles you mention

I presume you are against any consortium as both want to own the club

I am for the best option of investment if it is a good option thoroughly checked
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Was an interesting interview to listen to. Good to hear that unless Thommo has the balls to lie so blatantly, the club does not foresee that it will experience any financial difficulty this season. But there were some things that Thommo said that had me shouting at my laptop.

I don't care if Tamplin played football in non-league when he was younger, that doesn't automatically make him the best choice for the members. Thommo said that Tamplin has some promising ideas for the club. Great- let us hear them then! Try and build some trust and enthusiasm from the fans by letting us hear what Tamplin has planned, its hardly something that needs to be kept top secret is it? Also there was no mention in his interview to say whether the idea of his son using our pitch for his Sunday league games is still a condition. Tamplin has said that he doesn't like how the fans have been disrespectful to him, but if he genuinely wants his son to use our pitch then he is being disrespectful to the club and has to reap what he sows.

It also seems that unless Goodwin can get some more money in his consortium, he will not be put forward to the members. But how about this for an idea if Goodwin or Tamplin actually read these forums? Why doesn't Goodwin and his consortium go to Tamplin and talk about combining their offers. Tamplin's offer is clearly the one that the club think makes most sense financially, so both of them split that offer. Both offer £125k a year over 5 years for a return of 40% of the shares in the club. Neither have controlling interest. Then after the 5 years, if Tamplin has proven himself to be trustworthy and the right man to have controlling interest in the club, then I'm sure Goodwin would not have a problem selling his shares back to him. I'd like to think that Goodwin and Tamplin would both be open to an idea like this, as far out as it may seem. Because Tamplin must know that its going to be hard for him to have his deal accepted by the members and for him to be accepted by the fans, and Goodwin must know that hes not getting in unless he finds a lot more money. So work together- if both of you have nothing to hide and actually care about the club, then consider settling your differences and work together. I can't see a scenario if this happened in which the club would lose out on anything.
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Would quite like Thommo to have been asked whether we used a loan to pay the last quarter of VAT and if so when did the club decide to take the loan and why.

Would also be interested to know where this surprising volume of abuse for Mr Tamplin and his family was. If he finds the level of abuse on here surprising, then he's got a very thin skin.
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Tamplin would do himself a massive favour to send an open letter to fans via the press.

It would explain his position, what his intentions and aims are.

I think to have any involvement in professional sport (regardless of role) that you have to be thick skinned.

Some of the responses on here have been somewhat laughable with some ridiculously over the top assumptions.

The question you have to ask; if in the event that the Goodwin/East consortium took control and we ended up in the position that the Tamplin deal has been predicted, would the same people be forgiving because of who they are?

This isn't a moan - ideally the club is in safer hands by people who love and respect the club.

I think this is a storm in a teacup. That interview says that in previous years we've had approaches, but this one has got into the public forum.

We need to be more united at this time and have a bit of trust in the board and members to make the right choices.

If people feel Thompson needs to go, that's a seperate issue that needs to be taken up with the club.
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