NL: Wealdstone (H) 16 December 2023

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A 2-0 win for the good guys in August.

Wealdstone is now sitting in 14th place in the table and have 9 points over the last 5.

The Daggers are sitting in 16th place and also with 9 points over the last 5.
I am so tired of the heat and humidity of the summers in the southeastern USA.
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What a Christmas present if we somehow could get a win today and a double over the Stones, they've certainly come on a treat sinced that August Bank Holiday game but this has got some real negative feel about it after that Ben interview and within days after a long standing servant leaving to play his trade South of the river? Lose the next two homes up to Boxing Day believe strongly we could go down and sadly nothing on the horizon coming in to change that assumption. Team today? who knows?
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For anyone going today please take your boots, you will most probably get a game.
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Auntie Merge
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BB-Dagger wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:30 am For anyone going today please take your boots, you will most probably get a game.
Finally! Boots packed. Should be there in time for the team talk. :thumbu:
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OK - I’ll go first.

Nah wait - I really can’t be bothered anymore and judging by the silence on this forum nobody else can either. If you want to get some reaction from the game today then simply scroll down to every other past match content on this forum and you’ll get the gist.

Just like our invisible owners - I’m checking out!
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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It’s not about football anymore, we will be lucky if this club is still a business in 6 months. Strevens thrown under the bus but foolishly for the owners they’ve decided to thrown us the fans under their too and thought we will just keep turning up regardless, well guess what I’m done with it, congratulations you ****** morons Thompson, Freund and whoever else who is responsible, you’ve killed the passion I had for this club something I thought I could never say but it’s over, get to fcuk.
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A S dagger97
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The Wayne Burnett days were pretty decent weren't they
"Starting over can be challenging, but also it can be a great opportunity to do things differently"

Or in Dagenhams case, Terribly!
Mick Dagger
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Can anyone explain why the wage thief Hassenthaler was not substituted?
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Its hard three hours on to aprehend how bad has it got to witness that debacle of a showing today, this felt like a white flag surrender and every player seems so deflated, its punishment to the fans of the highest degree and just why isn't anybody up top trying to sort it out sooner rather than later? Nine defeated games at home speaks volumes!
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Whoa there hoss!

I won't have anything said against St**e Th**pson. He got bored with watching the football as usual at about 20 minutes and walked around the pitch to talk to the 3 fans that still like him. He also drank in his special bar that the Americans somehow got persuaded to build him AND I expect he probably banned some fans who may have dared to disagree with him. All in a days work for our great leader. He is probably very tired now so will go to bed and dream about that wonderful day when he can sit entirely on his own in the stadium without all those annoying fans which I suspect will be before March if things carry on like this......
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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Today is the only time I can ever remember leaving before the final whistle even when we've beaten by five. Today was a new low.

All games seem to take a similar pattern; we start out okay and create a few chances and when we don't score (inevitably) the opposition grow in confidence. Wealdstone were extremely limited but ran out worthy winners once they'd negotiated the first 20 mins.
Now the SE27 Dagger
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Laughable thing on the website this evening.

Club shop opening hours!!!!

Are you lot serious FFS!!!

The club's a shambles, the owners couldn't give a ******, Thompson's an idiot and the players are shite.
But I know let's try and flog a few shirts for Christmas!!!!!!

Fcuk off!!!!
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Boxing Day just needs to be non stop chanting. Thompson out. Trinity out. Irrespective of the score (we’ll lose), we need to just make it known how fcuking hated these clowns are. They only care about their appearances and it needs to be torn to shreds, the sooner the better. Bunch of cnuts who should stick to their shitty baseball and/or being a useless prick.
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Before the game I was sure we'd lose and I was sure we'd play exactly the same as we've done all season. We did lose and we did play exactly how we have all season.
Nothing is changing so you can thank Ben for that at least, he recruited dreadful Sears,Hess,Vincent,Rees,Page and Kendall. And has seen something in Elliot Johnson that none of us have seen.
We get pretty much the same from each player each game and why we would expect anything else from this squad I really don't know.
We just aren't good enough.
I suspect only Justham would be good enough to play at a higher level, who else would we really be gutted to lose? Ling ,Tavares,Eastman possibly. Only one of which Ben recruited.
Where are the creative players, where are the leaders? Where's the game changers? They all left.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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NBDag wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:00 pm Boxing Day just needs to be non stop chanting. Thompson out. Trinity out. Irrespective of the score (we’ll lose), we need to just make it known how fcuking hated these clowns are. They only care about their appearances and it needs to be torn to shreds, the sooner the better. Bunch of cnuts who should stick to their shitty baseball and/or being a useless prick.
It’ll do nothing, the only thing is to boycott have nobody in the ground. Attendance announced yesterday was nothing short of laughable, 1100 home fan could not have been more than 700 at a stretch, counted 300 in sieve 150 Carling, 50 in family stand and 100 in SDS.

You saw the effect of the protests Thompson standing their laughing at supporters who were chanting for him to get out of the club, the whole place is a toxic mess just stay away hit them in the pocket.
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