M-m-m-my Corona

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What is everyone up to? Self isolating? Ignoring the advice and living life as usual? Working?

Has anyone been given a long list of jobs to do by their other halfs while they're indoors? Any stories to warm our hearts showing neighbourly love in this time of need?
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Works dried up for the foreseeable future so tidied up my shed, sorted out my sea fishing gear and I've been flying my drone. Which other than footy are my biggest hobbies.
Anyone else got a drone ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:46 pm Works dried up for the foreseeable future so tidied up my shed, sorted out my sea fishing gear and I've been flying my drone. Which other than footy are my biggest hobbies.
Anyone else got a drone ?
I’ve got a “wife” that kind of drones on
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Gotta work from home. Bored of it already. Think a lot of people are taking it easy and so the pace is really slow anyway, always work to do but no pressure at the moment.

Gives me a bit more time for diy jobs around the house I guess.
Clockend Dagger
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Found a strange woman in the house, turns out she the wife. Had a bit of a chat, shes ok!!!! :nothing:
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Working from home. Hate it - packed in a job a few years back because there was too much working from home. Hoping this doesn’t drag in too long. Will have to head in to the office occasionally which will be a welcome break.

My “hobby” is Scouts. Any face to face stuff in that is suspended until further notice.
Thinking about how we keep our group going virtually so there’s something to go back to. Also trying to keep an eye on Scouting for the whole of Barking & Dagenham.

It’s all very strange at the moment.
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Panic shopping appears to be a trendy new hobby.

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Auntie Merge
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My job is home based career development and guidance so if any regular posters on here are stuck workwise just send me a PM and i’ll send you a link to book a free call.

70% of my work is usually via Skype and I’ve shifted the face to face stuff online. My pro bono time has gone from 30% to 50%+ thanks to the cancellation of a big careers event I hold at the London Book Fair. Financially it is not pretty but as long as I am well, meh to everything else.

I’m having lots of virtual morning coffees, lunches, afternoon teas and evening drinks (hic) all via Skype etc. Again if anyone is feeling isolated we can fix a time and talk about all of Daggers 6-0 victories. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You’ll have to provide your own beers and snacks.

Currently missing in no particular order:-
Daggers and especially the people I sit with

I am trying to tidy a cupboard a day and next week will probably get to start painting the 7 internal doors over the next few weeks, as I’m classed as vulnerable so have to stay indoors. I’d done a reasonable shop two weeks ago when I realised I would have to stay indoors - only around 3 weeks of food, no huge stockpile. In fact I tidied my cleaning cupboard first to see if I could give neighbours any extras I had, as I understand everything is sold out, but all I had spare was an extra bottle of mould spray.

Keep well everyone and see you soon, either on line or back at the Daggers at some point in the future.
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I work in the Aldi warehouse that restocks the stores in the Essex/Anglia region. Just had to work my day off and doing a solid 11-12 hours a night. Would t mind getting the virus if it meant having a rest lol. No football isn’t helping either!!!
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I'm now working from home for the foreseeable future and the standard advice from my company is that all should WFH if they can. Trouble is, we haven't got the bandwidth to support everyone WFH so we're going to be put on a rota for connecting. Offline working for most during core hours, limited Skype meetings etc. Going to be a very strange few weeks.

I usually WFH once a week but after 2 days I'm going stir crazy already.
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Shroud_of_hope wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:01 am I work in the Aldi warehouse that restocks the stores in the Essex/Anglia region. Just had to work my day off and doing a solid 11-12 hours a night. Would t mind getting the virus if it meant having a rest lol. No football isn’t helping either!!!
Bloody hell, must be manic. Not that I shop in Aldi, nor do I live in the region but keep up the good work. There's going to be a lot of unsung heroes during these few weeks (months).
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DI Mike Dashwood
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Certainly a little bit different to a normal Saturday!!! 52 weeks a year my Saturdays are either watching or playing sport, so this is all very odd (although I have had an hours cricket training in the garden with my two little uns)!!

Have been working from home which is strange, and not for me really but will get used to it. Evenings I am carrying on with my cricket admin stuff. This is normally busiest few weeks of year on that front, but things are all up in the air at the moment. Like Adrian with the scouts, just trying to make sure there is something for local young cricketers to go back to when this stops.

While I absolutely agree that it is right sport has stopped for now, people will I believe see the importance of sports clubs and youth groups (such as scouts) over the next 9 months. This is going to be brutal for people mentally, socially and economically (as well as the obvious fact people will be mourning deaths and illness) and clubs and groups will have a huge role to play in rebuilding communities. Sport is not the be all and end all, but clubs (sporting and otherwise) are part of the fabric of British Society and sport will help provide people with a sense of identity and emotional release when this all gets going again.

In the meantime stay safe all. And please, spare a thought and show some consideration for those helping the country through this. Not just NHS workers, but teachers, delivery drivers, shop workers, binmen, train drivers................without these people carrying on as they are we would be in an even bigger situation than we are already.
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I do wonder what the landscape will look like when all this is over. What business would have folded, who would have lost their job, what new technologies may emerge off the back of it, will remote working become the norm, will the positive environmental impact make a difference, will government funding change forever, etc etc etc. Short of a war, I can't think of anything that could impact the landscape of the world more than this.

Try to keep sane everyone!
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I wonder about the long term effects of social isolation, for people of all ages but kids in particular.
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Hope everyone is keeping well in what is a very odd time to be alive.

I'm in my first year of A Levels at the minute and my college is closed now as per government guidelines. Got to try and keep busy as a painfully dull few weeks and months await.
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