What changes would you make if you took over the club ?

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Be interesting to see what sort of changes you would make if you could afford to take over the club ?
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Grab our stars back, buy Jordan MD outright, good liaison 'old school' type person to run between board and supporters, improve the ground and toilets, and get that roof on Bury Road with at last a decent score board that works, lovely food outlets, a good coffee shop and bars showing old tv footage of great dagger moments, that dressing room one of John would be a good warm up just before 3,
go hammer and tongs looking out for a new Jimmy Thompson (excellent London boys soccer scout of the 60's) to work for us, go back to the Compass kit, improve the match day programme and bring back vouchers, look at making a great dagger entry song that lifts your hair off your back, make good use of our team in Europe pre season again. That'll do for starters.
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I'd go out of my way to ban you and Matt White then sit back knowing I did a good job in the grand scheme of things.
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Clean the bogies from the toilet walls.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
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Theres a bucket under one of the urinals that was placed there back in November, only because I complained about the piss leaking all over the floor.

Said bucket is still there collecting said piss.
So task no.1 would be to pop down to dave the plumbers old shop and get stuff to have it fixed.

Task 2. TBA
The Romford Dagger
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dagger4eva wrote:Theres a bucket under one of the urinals that was placed there back in November, only because I complained about the piss leaking all over the floor.

Said bucket is still there collecting said piss.
So task no.1 would be to pop down to dave the plumbers old shop and get stuff to have it fixed.

Task 2. TBA

If that’s true, I’m suprised they’ve not failed some sort of public hygiene test.
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Auntie Merge
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1. Restore the club badge. All our problems started when we lost our identity.
2. Form a customer liaison panel from each of the sections/facets in the ground. (So someone representing part of the Bury Road end, the Half Way Line Posse etc) They’d meet 2-3 times a year but if we wanted to canvas opinion on something, they’d pick up a handful of voting slips, hand them out to people in their section and collect them in at the end of the game. This way all supporters feel they are involved in the decisions the club makes.
3. Sort out our marketing, ticketing and commercial areas. These are the foundations on which the club should be built.
I’ve always said I would fund a commercial department rather than buy players.
4. I would change Daggers against Racism day to be Daggers open to all day/inclusivity day. Diversity campaigns have moved on; yes we are against racism but being against something is antagonistic and doesn’t give a real positive message. We need to be for something - equality, diversity, inclusivity. Plus we never win on against racism day.
5. Change all the kids prices so it’s £5 for under 16s regardless of whether they bring an adult or buy in advance. As the song goes: I believe that children are our future
So much more to be done. But get the infrastructure right and the 6-0 victories will follow.
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Complete overhaul of the commercial side.

A sign at the top of Victoria road with the next fixture date and time to let people know we're there and when we're there.

A complete overhaul of the website to make it more professional and competently written.

Have a matchday manager to go out and engage with fans to see what they want from their time at the ground.

To advertise on every local radio station and in every paper on a fortnightly basis ahead of games.

To change the walkout music. Reintroduce samba De Janeiro like in the early 00s.

To really play on the family club vibe - including an end of season party on the pitch for the fans.

To dedicate one day of the summer holidays to have an open training session for the kids with a meet and greet with the players. Open the club shop and people will buy stuff for their kids to get signed. let them meet their heroes or make new heroes.

Restart a consultation on the badge. I get why we changed- mainly for copyrighting reasons but there has to be a middle ground somewhere.

Have an appraisal every two years for the MD. If found to be failing, get rid. If Happy, renew for another 2 years.

Unsurprisingly, none of this would cost a lot of money but would encompass a lot of the gripes on here and in the stands whilst being a bit creative.

*dons tin hat and awaits c***ing*
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We desperately need some basic maintenance around the place. Even when Glyn was around we seemed to lack the thought to spend a few hundred quid on sorting out things like the bogs and the crumbling parts of the terrace. I'm convinced the mens loos at Bury Road end are never actually cleaned. I'm sure we can find a dagger who would do some of this stuff on mates rates.

I agree with points about kids tickets. We need fans from somewhere and the only time we get a decent crowd is when we cut prices to the bone. We probably need a commercial manager of some sort.

We need to mend this rift between some members of the SC and the board. I think some people on both sides need to look at their behaviour.
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I would look to put our burger bars out to tender once again. A lot of our fans no longer buy food from them anymore or if they do often moan about the poor quality.
Make room in the car park for a mobile catering unit selling a different product to the inside ones.
Maybe noodles, fish and chips, pie and mash, currys or hog roast.
Anyone who has ever been to Winter Wonderland or any of the County Shows would have seen the various food choices now being offered as alternatives to burgers or hotdogs by mobile units.
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Auntie Merge
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ThatRoundThing wrote:I would look to put our burger bars out to tender once again. A lot of our fans no longer buy food from them anymore or if they do often moan about the poor quality.
Make room in the car park for a mobile catering unit selling a different product to the inside ones.
Maybe noodles, fish and chips, pie and mash, currys or hog roast.
Anyone who has ever been to Winter Wonderland or any of the County Shows would have seen the various food choices now being offered as alternatives to burgers or hotdogs by mobile units.
Good point.
Also the menu had never changed in as long as I can remember (do something special on a game with a big attendance) and the only vegetarian option is chips.
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I'd hate for us to end up with those crappy burger bars run by students with no idea how to even use a microwave and the pre-made plastic tea cups. One thing I like about our place is proper tea made in a teapot and it isn't extortionate.

I'm not sure how the hygiene score of 4 was earnt as they often ignore the requirements, maybe a special effort on inspection day.

Not sure about the food as I never have it.
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Agreed with all of Merge's points tbh.

One thing ive always been astonished about is the lack of a bar in the 'home' end, surely missing a huge opportunity to earn money :drunk:
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Lots of good points made already tbf and on top of my previous one (which was genuine by the way) i'll add some more hopefully constructive stuff.

Racism day - agreed scrap and replace with a new 'day' each season (emergency services / disabled / schools / army services / anti bullying) u name it - each year do something different for a different cause.
Also scrap the discounted 'in advance only' tickets bollocks. It puts off im sure so many people!
Ive been told the reason its done is to know what level of stewarding and/or policing is required but frankly its an excuse. Scrap it!

I had the pleasure of spending a couple of hrs in the billericay conservative club on saturday for the 1st time. Was a decent club but it struck me that they had a couple of big signs up VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED for general maintenance around the club. I almost took a picture of it as I thought this is exactly what our club should be able to put up and get a whole tonne of offers. Perhaps the split between club/support is so big at the mo that its not possible but its something that should be aimed for. Particularly in line with Mark's comments - the absolute basics regarding pleasantness and cleanlines of the ground, clubhouse and loos and other general things that could be done.

Scrap the new badge or at least PROPERLY reconsult the issue with the supporters

Would 100% scrap julies catering. Its literally fu*king grotesque!
Either put it out to a different company or bring it in house.
If u did that, you could also serve from the big hall kitchen too (the facilities are already there and in place) basic stuff like rolls or sarnies, cheese and biscuits, soup, I dunno, the possibility is probably endless. But I refuse to buy from the shite from the ground anymore.

Id do everything in my power and use every gimmick possible if necessary to bring back the fun factor to the whole matchday experience - one of the main things that hooked me into supporters the daggers some almost 20 years back now!

The main thing id sort and its literally an embarassement at the mo is the social media side of the club.

The clubs twitter account has a huge 32,400 followers
The official instagram account has just
Not even sure if the club has a snapchat account
These things particularly the twitter account could be so so so so useful in attracting new people
Jist think, INSTANT access to over 32,000 people / organisations - all of who, even if in the smallest way have some interest in our club. Yet the way these accounts are used, or infact arent used is a joke!

Commercial side and club shop clearly needs an overhaul too

I gather im going on abit now but theres clearly lots that can be fixed, a lot of which are just basics and can be rectified with relative ease!
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I love the hypothetical idea of this thread... There are some absolute ******** brilliant ideas knocking around. Really well done all.

Ideas that won't cost millions, ideas that are real and have foundations and show perhaps a little that the fans have been taken for granted for a little while.

Are there any plans for us to take these to the board? Would us supporters be able to pressure the club into listening to us?

The last few months have been about a scrap metal TOWIE merchant and a bloke banging about in an old Micra... Really, this club is about US. Without us this club is nothing. They make out like it's not but then get the begging bowl out for you to come along and bring everyone you know when the crowds dwindle.

Let's face facts, ST is going nowhere for a while - but we can make them listen. Not one for protests or anything over stuff like this but I think we need to make the board listen.

Surely the supporters club should be driving this. Make a list of reasonable changes the club can make relatively quickly and easily and then get everyone on board.

I'm giving serious consideration to joining the supporters club - I really am. Dagenham has been a big part of my life for a very long time. I bring my daughter and in time my son will come along too. I want them to feel that same sense of belonging that I felt when I walked through that door for the first time.

Happy to help out where I can with this.
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