Piss Poor

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Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:04 pm

There aren't many in this division in that case. I concede we didn't play that well at Aldershot. I thought we also played well at Woking who are decent but somehow managed to lose. I just can't see that slowing down in midfield is hurting us much as we have scored and created a lot this season.
DI Mike Dashwood
Posts: 641
Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:56 pm

I don't think we have struggled more or less against Teams near top or bottom. We have been poor four times against Orient and poor against Eastleigh, likewise we were poor last night and poor against Sutton, and by all accounts poor at Aldershot. Likewise we were good against Chester and Barrow and good against Macclesfield and Dover, so it's just inconsistent all round.

Boreham Wood played well last night, make no mistake about that. Terry Harris and Paul Benson will know how we play better than anyone, and know what Still would have been thinking, and I think that showed in the way they out thought and outfought us. I do think however that had Morgan put that chance away then it would have been a very different game. As I have said in other thread, our problem comes when we are behind. This probably applies to a lot of sides, but to us more than most as once teams sit deep and there is no space behind for us to utilise our pace, then we are screwed. We then resort to the direct stuff which would be fair enough if we had anyone up top who could move or win a flick on, but we don't. Morgan was always our most likely last night so it is shame he missed that chance.

The arguments over the midfield style is all about opinions I guess. I like Boucs and Robinson but it is not working for me. We don't pass the ball forward enough and don't have anyone in there who can go past people and take someone out of the game. I am all for keeping the ball and Boucs is very calm on the ball but there is a lot of backwards and square passes (one which led to their third goal last night). I don't think it works with them together. Last night the problems were at the other end, as we conceded three, but the Orient games and the Gravesend games do show that on a lot of occasions we have a real problem with ideas going forward.

I would actually think again about putting Robson in there. Wouldn't have said that a year ago, but he played more forward passes to feet in the last 15 mins last night than the others did in 75 minutes.

Would take 7th place now if someone offered it!!!
Posts: 1207
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 pm

Make no mistake Boreham Wood did a good job on us last night and no wonder they're sitting where they are in the table, also considering they sold some good players pre-season and we no doubt have seen one or two of them wearing red they deserve a bit of credit, a totally different type of game and we had them under the cosh from all angles until their dreading good break and goal, but so soon after they upped their tempo so well, their third and a nail in the night for us was that unlucky clearance that ricqueshade off I'm not sure who to directly a Wood player who was so clear on right side of goal he couldn't really miss it could he? We're they ever going to lose it then? and I wouldn't lose no sleep if one or more of' 'our stars' swapped for us to grab that Andrade guy he tore us to pieces best player I've seen at our place for ages. Slightly plus side last night periods of the game daggers passing was really good, thought fairly entertaining a game but rattles you when schoolboy mistakes cost us again, were still in there though and worrying next one's on that dreaded plastic!
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