Bit cramped

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Why did Maidstone allocate us such a tiny bit of that stand today ? It was a bit cramped wasn't it ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Might have been a hint!! How many did we have over there?
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270 odd I think they said.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
DI Mike Dashwood
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Nice ground, good atmosphere, nice people, but away end not ideal if you have kids. We could see as we arrived at 2.30pm that our end was already pretty packed. So paid to go in home end and tried to get a seat, but was told once in that all seats were STs or reserved. So stood on home terrace (the big new terrace) in first half (without any issues it must be said) and then moved to the other end at HT as that emptied out a bit.

As I say, not ideal for us, but is decent ground all round I think, and a good atmosphere they have got there now.
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It was a little cramped, however I think the atmosphere benefited from it. Some grounds we spread ourselves out quite a lot and the atmosphere isn't quite so vociferous.

That said I can also agree those with kids might've had a problem in the standing. I think really we should have been allocated more seats, I think they must have given us 20-30? I saw quite a few turning up trying to get a seat to be told they'd been sold out.

Judging by the portion of the standing area, and they opted only sell tickets on the day - perhaps we brought more than they anticipated? Shouldn't happen if that were the case, bank holiday game and not too far down the road for most here.
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Run out of hot food other then chips two minutes into half time. The certainly never thought 270 odd would be coming.
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A bit cramped missed the first 15 minutes of the game trying to get someone a seat who is suffering from alzheimer`s got said person and his family seats in the end but only giving us if counted right 24 seats in the first place ( even one of their supporters said there have been a few compliant`s about the seating arrangements ). Other than that an enjoyable day out.
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Packed but not overly in my opinion, and my kids didn't mind..
Now the SE27 Dagger
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