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Daggers against racism

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:43 am
by dagger4eva
I watched the clip from an event the club held the other day (free to watch on the website / youtube) and found it really great and inspiring, particularly Steve's rousing speech at the end which really hit home the point the club are trying to achieve by holding this event.

In a time where anything and everything is overly criticised, I think we should all be able to look at our club & the people running it and be particularly proud.

The clip is only 8 minutes long and don't think you will regret watching.

Re: Daggers against racism

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:50 am
by lupins
I am sure it is excellent and I would never knock the efforts put in by the club. But I have been giving out the flyer for Saturdays game and several people have tried to book and been told to ring back after four of clock today. Not great