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Alan......I am afraid his interpretation of personal guarantee is not how you describe ur! He is more a handshake man and my word is my guarantee. Doubt he would put up or sign any document guaranteeing the money! With regards to your playground comment. One question only if you knew 100 per cent that the easts have recribed the not welcome notice what would your feelings be?
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This might seem harsh, but I don't know the Easts so I am not sure that I would be as bothered as if it was one of my mates. If there has been mudslinging, it might well be reasonable to say you won't be welcome in the board room after games, for example. It's not black and white. Let's see what the Easts have to say if they comment to Mike.

Maybe auntie merge could speak to the easts and clarify the situation and persuade them to speak to Mike and show Mike any evidence they have eg texts emails or was it done verbally?
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Yes, I would encourage them to do that.

Does anybody know if Mike managed to speak to the easts and tamplin?
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He only gets back from holiday today.
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Mike the Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Does anybody know if Mike managed to speak to the easts and tamplin?
Well I'm back and have done just that.

The Easts shared a text message from back in June which was just after they had stopped talking to Tamplin about working with him and then created an opposing bid, apparently without any further discussion or advising him that they were doing so.

This text did contain a statement that should Mr Tamplin win the process they would not be able to continue as club presidents and was sent on the day that the Gerry Hanning interview was broadcast.

There is a lot of water under that particular bridge since, including further direct discussions between the groups regarding working together in a different joint bid.

Glenn Tamplin has made it very clear he is looking to grow the club, be inclusive and has said that the more people that are committed to the club going forward the better. He says he is not looking to exclude or ban anyone once the process is over if he wins the bidding process.

If anyone has any direct evidence that any of this is not correct please email me with it.
Pie & Mash
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I can't wait for this all to be over

What's your email address please Mike?

Thanks Mike will send you an email ASAP after I have confirmed the information. Just one point though. In the first post on this thread you went through the rival bids. You mentioned two representatives on the board from the members. Is this correct? As the bid says two representatives from a merged members and supporters club and only one if the merge does not take place. Can you enlighten me please thanks
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Mike the Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Thanks Mike will send you an email ASAP after I have confirmed the information. Just one point though. In the first post on this thread you went through the rival bids. You mentioned two representatives on the board from the members. Is this correct? As the bid says two representatives from a merged members and supporters club and only one if the merge does not take place. Can you enlighten me please thanks
I was summarising the bid, and wrote it fairly briefly to get it up quickly. Mr Tamplin told me he was hoping to offer two board positions places to the Members/supporters club and I believed that was what it said.

Read the stuff Mergie put up for the small print.

Cheers Mike will do. However just checked the tamplin bid and it clearly states two representatives from a merged members and supporters club but only one from the members if a merge does not take place. The elected representative would also need the approval of the board.
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Mike the Dagger
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diggerdagger1 wrote:Cheers Mike will do. However just checked the tamplin bid and it clearly states two representatives from a merged members and supporters club but only one from the members if a merge does not take place. The elected representative would also need the approval of the board.
Merging membership and the supporters club is going to be interesting.

Makes sense though if it means an extra spot om the board. I'd hope Russell is already talking to someone on how that might work in practice.

No email, I'm presuming I have the basic facts right on threats etc. and will be publishing something later.
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It then raises another question - given that Tamplin's board have to approve any Member / Supporters Club proposed board member, what is to stop them/him continually rejecting all members put forward? What happens then?

There are so many holes/clarifications needed (from both bids), so much woolly rhetoric and so much ironing to do to close any loopholes that it still feels that we are a million miles away from actually knowing peoples intentions, plans and the future of this, our beloved club.
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