Glenn Tamplin Interview

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At face value, I'm impressed! This paints a very different picture to a lot of whats gone before, and very frank.
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So he wants to buy a football club because he's bored with his current companies? What about when he gets bored with us? Or when we don't get into League One within four years?
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Good interview Mike, frankly something the club could have done months ago and might have reduced some of the anxiety many feel.

It's high time the club called the EGM and got this sorted one way or another.
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steeevooo wrote:So he wants to buy a football club because he's bored with his current companies? What about when he gets bored with us? Or when we don't get into League One within four years?
I think the whole point is that we need so much work and that there is so much for us to aim for that he won't get bored, hopefully. As for what happens if we don't meet his ambitions, that is something that I don't think we'll ever get an answer for.
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Mike the Dagger
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steeevooo wrote:So he wants to buy a football club because he's bored with his current companies? What about when he gets bored with us? Or when we don't get into League One within four years?
To be fair, this was one of the original fears I had too, what happens when his kids aren't playing EJA football etc. Does he move on to the next big thing? He answers that in the interview, he wants to be at the club for the long term.

What came across was his enthusiasm for the game, and that this is something he really wants to do. A bit like one of us winning the Euro Millions and being able to duck out of the grind and do something we really would want to do, which in my case might well be a similar direction (although the Mrs might have other plans...)

Is it perfect, no. Does he come across as someone that is massively enthusiastic yes.
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GT has said far more than he needed to in the interview. Okay he comes across as somewhat impulsive, but if he is to be believed, what alternatives do the club have going forward? By the way, I haven't made my mind up where I stand, but the interview helps!
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Didn't do much to hide his penchant to massively overstep his mark. He shouldn't be anywhere near any decisions about the club until he's on the board. The members should sack the board asap for allowing him to have influence already.

The way he talks fills me with dread tbh. Enthusiastic yes but impulsive and arrogant.
DI Mike Dashwood
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Good piece Mike.

He seems very open if nothing else, and doesn't seem to have ducked any of the questions you asked him?? His answers on Thommo especially are very honest, and probably in line with what a lot of others feel??

In terms of whether he should have had influence already, if he is planning to buy a stake in the Club and the Board want that to happen, then it is surely normal and natural that he would be able to speak to those involved in the day to day running of the Club (ie Stilly)?? Whether the Club should have allowed him to fund brining staff in, which he seems to indicate he has, is a different matter in my view. As if the deal is not accepted by the members then where does that leave us with these players on contracts?? As he himself says, the Club need some money to avoid getting in trouble, but some of that is because they are committed so paying people bought in with his assistance??

Personally I would rather we remained under the current structure and that none of this was happening, BUT, it is so we need to make best of it in my view. I also think his manner will probably change when he gets used to what he is dealing with?? If he is only 1 vote of 10 on a board, and some of those others on the board are people who have been involved with the Club for a long time, then they will be able to put across points around maintaining the Club's traditions etc.

It now needs to be sorted anyway. People have heard from the different parties, most people voting will have made up their minds so the vote should be called and the situation resolved
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I don't understand why he didn't do some sort of interview like this months ago. Obviously it won't convince all of us, I personally still don't want him in full control of the club, but doing this earlier would've made it a lot easier for everyone. The frustrating thing about all of this was us fans being left in the shade for so long and having to try and find facts for ourselves!
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He still comes across to me as a gung-ho character. Making changes by signing players and blocking sales of existing players before his feet are officially in the door.
He seems to forget that it is a members club that vote collectively on decisions not that he will do this and he will do that.
I like his enthusiasm but he needs to manage himself carefully.
I have reservations as to what happens if he doesn't get things all his own way or if things don't go to plan.
You only have to look at Torquay when the guy with Euro millions money took control, things didn't go to plan and he got fed up and left them struggling where they are today.

I also haven't fully made my mind up but there doesn't seem much choice at the moment.
I find it quite ironic that he sees the failings of the commercial side of the club re bars, catering etc that have been the subject of many a debate both on here and at fans forums but hey what do us fans know.

Good interview and he answered the questions put to him so ok with that.
Voice of reason
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Difficult to keep up with all the changes in Mr T's proposition
The initial offer was certainly a non starter but who knows if this latest one will be what eventually goes before the members
It still seems to be a work in progress
An interview with John Still to get his thoughts might be useful
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Mike the Dagger
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Voice of reason wrote: An interview with John Still to get his thoughts might be useful
I do have a day job. Where are the professional journos?
DI Mike Dashwood
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Interesting that the local press have not had more on it in all honesty.

They have mentioned it in a few articles, but most of those have just been statements from the website replayed into an article.
Voice of reason
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Mike the Dagger wrote:
Voice of reason wrote: An interview with John Still to get his thoughts might be useful
I do have a day job. Where are the professional journos?
That's what I meant tbh Mike.
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