Matt Partridage v Lee Hughes

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rechitski kinzhal
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Are you happy to ignore this question?

Lee Hughes - a man who did something very wrong with tragic results. No-one can excuse what he did, and no-one can fail to be appalled by his apparent lack of remorse. But however stupid and wrong his actions, he has never appeared to me to have shown any leanings towards violence. Indeed he put up with some very unpleasant abuse (probably justified, although I always found the abuse distasteful as it seemed to be using tragic deaths to try and knock a player) and actually reacted to the abuse in as reasonable way as he could.

I know it is nonPC to say it, but Hughes could quite easily have gone out having drunk so much every night for a year and not had an accident - it was just that tragic night that things went so horribly wrong, and nothing can ever put right what he did. He was, however, punished ..... whether that punishment was sufficient can be argued - I wouldn't want to say what a correct prison sentence is, but I felt it inappropriate that he didn't get a life ban from driving. Surely he has forfeited his right ever to drive again.

Matt Partridge - I am sure most fans have read of his misdemeanours. I was sickened reading it. Now if he went out and did that every night for a year he would undoubtedly seriously injure someone on every night, and almost certainly kill many people. The fact that he committed a similar violent attack some nine months previously shows this not to be a one-off. The judge gave him a suspended sentence and said "don't think you have got away with this" .... well why shouldn't he think that, it is what every decent person thinks? Surely he has proved himself to be a violent thug who has no qualms about inflicting serious injury on people for trivial, probably non-existant, reasons. Can anyone really argue that such a man should have received a lesser sentence than Hughes - it was just fate that meant that Hughes killed someone and Partridge didn't. I would also suggest that, like Hughes, Partridge has forfeited his right to drive ever again.

Apart from the moral question, do the club really want such a loose cannon in the dressing room ...... what if a training session gets a bit tetchy and Partridge goes "off on one" again ...... the pictures he likes to post of himself show him as a man of no class or morals.

I have read on this forum people say that everyone should be given a second chance e.g. Abu Ogogo ...... do you think the Ogogo victim would agree with you, or the Partridge victim? Indeed just how would you feel if you were victim of an un-provoked serious violent assault and you saw the person who could have killed you just walk away, so that he can concentrate on building a career as a footballer?

I am most certainly not playing down the seriousness of what Hughes did. But to those of you who constantly booed him everytime he played here I would ask "are you happy to have Partridge at this club, and will you be cheering him on?

Partridge, Labadie, Scott, Baddoo, and I am sure there are others - not very impressive, is it? I am not happy .... are you?
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Without meaning to dismiss a lengthy post... Lee Hughes didn't just get involved in a terrible accident for which he was punished, he then proceeded to leave the scene of said accident before turning himself in to police two days later.

The drinking and even the accident can be excused but the gutless act of driving off in the hope of not being caught while people lay dead or dying will never be forgiven from anyone who did similar...

For what it's worth, fair play on the football field as he has always fought back against the 'murderer' chants by scoring goals... you can expect no more from a pro footballer... even if he was always a class above anyone when he was in League Two anyway
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I've no idea that Partridge had commited any offence ...

Was Labadie that was done for biting some-one right????

Will need to know the full facts before passing any judgement ..
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dagger4eva wrote:I've no idea that Partridge had commited any offence ...

Was Labadie that was done for biting some-one right????

Will need to know the full facts before passing any judgement ..
Google his name
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Something not Daggers about this Matt.
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I don't want Partridge at our club. I think it stinks.

Abu case was slightly different in that he was provoked deliberately. I don't excuse the extent of his actions but if somebody threw something at me in a bar I can't honestly say I wouldn't hit him.
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On reply to the OP, basically no, just read up on Daily mail about it pretty shocking to say the least, although I don't know if it warrants it comparing Lee Hughes with our new guy. Does a lot of this come from backgrounds, I wonder? I mean I've seen many changes to the way young people 'go out for a night now' and can't get me head around on many cities or even small towns are like battle zones late at night now, even girls are fully tanked up and running like packs of wolves, and with the awful programmes running on freeview making it a disgusting circus viewing, think the whole country is going to pot!
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I can't say I'm impressed with us signing Partridge. His previous actions certainly don't fit with what I think our club stands for, but then maybe our club doesn't stand for what it used to?

People do stupid things, and anyone can make a mistake. I have no issue with people making mistakes getting second chances. But when they make further mistakes, I don't think they really deserve anything, and that would apply to Partridge.
In the case of Lee Hughes, it isn't so much the drink driving, but the running away when maybe he could have helped that is the problem to me

We now seem to live in a world where the actions of even low level footballers are treated as newsworthy. In the case of Ogogo, there were two other defendants, but I can't find anything that points to what their punishment actually was. Why were the actions of Ogogo more newsworthy than theirs?
I assume the mention of Scott was in reference to Josh Scott, but he was found not guilty wasn't he, so surely doesn't deserve mention with people that have been found guilty of crimes.
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I have just read the Daily Mail reports and I'm disgusted firstly that he got let off so lightly by the judge, but horrified that we've signed him. Because football is such a fickle world, it seems that everybody get a second, third and in Suarez's case a fourth chance. If I was interviewing people for a job, I'd scrutinize their CV and also look at their personality etc so that they fitted into my team. How did he pass these tests?

Supporting the Daggers is as much about the family club as everything else. Frankly having him in our squad leaves a very sour taste. There have been plenty of players who I haven't liked professionally, but as long as they wore the shirt, I'd support them. But, how the f*** can I get behind this guy.
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Tough one this, however 2 points

1- I trust Wayne, he knows he is taking a risk, if it goes wrong and costs him his job, he might struggle to get another.

2 - The player may now realise he made a huge error, he may realise it's last chance saloon. Perhaps in the next few weeks some of us might get to chat with him, and he might look us in the eyes and convince us
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Neither of the Partridge or Labadie signings sit well with me at all, as someone said above we're proudly a family club, and these signings are so far removed from that it's laughable.

Not happy
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Having had a chance to also read the daily mail piece on Partridge l have to say the 1st thing that went through my mind was why have we got a person like this representing our family club.

I dont want us to be some inbred little outfit like forest green but the kind of players ive only ever know to play for us in the past stood and counted for a lot.

Labadie and partridge would SEEM to go completely against the grain.

That said, they both, again, SEEM to want to move on from their previous misdemeanours and with that in mind im prepared to give then one, single chance whilst representing our club.

Like to think im not alone here....
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Dunno why we sign these jumped up little pricks.Hope Lee Hughes gets run down by a drunken driver himself and the club get rid of these two morons as quickly as they signed them.Any other job they'd get ****** off onto the dole via jail like the rest of us.Come on Wayne,this is a poor couple of signings cant believe they'll be anything other than trouble and shit at the same time.Football unfortunately smothers these idiots and feeds their ego's.Cant wait for ask Wayne, probably will have a well rehearsed answer by the time I get to ask it.Get the pair of them on the Daggers player no doubt they'll try to condone their actions.Quite rightly we got rid of Woodall then bring in these losers.Family club...Yeah right!!
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote:Dunno why we sign these jumped up little pricks.Hope Lee Hughes gets run down by a drunken driver himself and the club get rid of these two morons as quickly as they signed them.Any other job they'd get ****** off onto the dole via jail like the rest of us.Come on Wayne,this is a poor couple of signings cant believe they'll be anything other than trouble and shit at the same time.Football unfortunately smothers these idiots and feeds their ego's.Cant wait for ask Wayne, probably will have a well rehearsed answer by the time I get to ask it.Get the pair of them on the Daggers player no doubt they'll try to condone their actions.Quite rightly we got rid of Woodall then bring in these losers.Family club...Yeah right!!
Serious questions being asked on Daggers Player? Ha good luck mate. Whether he'd fight a cat or a dog is higher in priority.
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Partridge was what, 18 when he committed his offence? Hughes was roughly 10 years older so I'd much rather give a youngster a chance who is surely more likely to change.
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