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Mike the Dagger
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Diggerthedog wrote:What been clarified? That its all lies? Sorry mate but you've spent an hour with Tamplin and believe him over fans who have been going for donkeys, putty in his hands.

There were no upset kids, you've been hoodwinked I walked out the same time as them there were no tears just Junior moaning at a steward that he was not allowed pitch side whilst the game was still going on.

I'm sick of all this, let him takeover but don't come running to me with your bucket collection when it all ****** up, because it will.

I will say no more on any of this shambles. I'm done.
That what was originally described as 90 minutes non stop chanting of abuse was in fact a few incidents throughout the game. Neither is very edifying is it.
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fact? there was no wanker, there was no tamplin out chanting there was no ****** all. would off been probs if the kid wasnt there. fact is the kids were there. oh btw are they under 14 daggers? there isnt a under 14 daggers?
but we finished 9th!
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One thing that jumps out to.me from his thread is just how much attention a lot of people were paying get to his boy.
You all apparently lying know for absolute fact that at no poi the at all he was called anything.

He must have been quite uncomfortable with so many people so close to him for the whole game.
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Not just at Dagenham but at most grounds especially some of the past away grounds we have visited it can be a highly emotive and volatile environment, especially for kids.
We now have a non segregated TBS where rival supporters at some stages throughout the season will clash verbally and with their chants.
I don't have young kids now to bring to matches but if I did I would I would sit with my kids in relatively safe areas for example the Carling "library" end or the Family stands or the equivalent at other grounds.

To leave kids unsupervised in potentially volatile areas of football grounds anywhere with the likely hood of over zealous fans swearing, chanting etc and then bleat about it beggars belief. Kids have been with their parents in the sieve for donkeys years and been amongst foul and abusive language and if individual parents are ok with that then that is their choice.

Over the years I find the best place to witness swearing is close to the Home and Away dugouts.
Perhaps newbie Mr Tampling could do with being educated on the best places in a football ground and especially at his boyhood club of seating his little angels.
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Adrian wrote:One thing that jumps out to.me from his thread is just how much attention a lot of people were paying get to his boy.
You all apparently lying know for absolute fact that at no poi the at all he was called anything.

He must have been quite uncomfortable with so many people so close to him for the whole game.
no adrian we sat or stood where we always stand at the back as we err stand, it wasnt hostile in one little bit with either the away fans who were very quite or us. nobody paid the kid any attention why should we. there was a 20 second confo of oh look kid has tamplin on his back. and btw there was about 15 of them so no matter where you was u was near them, we only have 1 section to sit in btw.
but we finished 9th!
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ThatRoundThing wrote: To leave kids unsupervised in potentially volatile areas of football grounds anywhere with the likely hood of over zealous fans swearing, chanting etc and then bleat about it beggars belief. Kids have been with their parents in the sieve for donkeys years and been amongst foul and abusive language and if individual parents are ok with that then that is their choice.
Ignoring the "holier than thou" stuff...

Abuse being shouted at players in the sieve where children are present is slightly different to abuse being directed straight at a child (not saying it happened, just questioning your comparison).
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To read that his kids were upset as a result of these actions throughout the game is quite an incredible claim. Tamplin Jnr and his team-mates were crowding by the pitch access gate by the corner of the sieve/Marie Celeste stand once the game had finished, desperately trying to get either pitch-side or on the pitch. They certainly didn't seem upset at that point (though they were subsequently refused access). I then saw Tamplin Jnr and several of his team-mates in the upstairs bar after the game, where they were joking around with each other and showing each other things on their mobile phones. They certainly didn't look upset at this point either. So when exactly did they become so upset at this horrific abuse that they didn't receive?!
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ThatRoundThing wrote:Not just at Dagenham but at most grounds especially some of the past away grounds we have visited it can be a highly emotive and volatile environment, especially for kids.
We now have a non segregated TBS where rival supporters at some stages throughout the season will clash verbally and with their chants.
I don't have young kids now to bring to matches but if I did I would I would sit with my kids in relatively safe areas for example the Carling "library" end or the Family stands or the equivalent at other grounds.

To leave kids unsupervised in potentially volatile areas of football grounds anywhere with the likely hood of over zealous fans swearing, chanting etc and then bleat about it beggars belief. Kids have been with their parents in the sieve for donkeys years and been amongst foul and abusive language and if individual parents are ok with that then that is their choice.

Over the years I find the best place to witness swearing is close to the Home and Away dugouts.
Perhaps newbie Mr Tampling could do with being educated on the best places in a football ground and especially at his boyhood club of seating his little angels.
Spot on, I was sitting right behind the dug outs last night and heard a fair amount of swearing, particularly from the away dugout! I believe they were warned about it at one stage.
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Taking in everyone's story here and given the delicate nature of the tampon affair I think there is a high probability somebody or some fans said sung or briefly chanted tampon out or something similar and this may have been in earshot of mini tampon. He probably didn't give a shit and others were offended on his behalf. They then told tsmpon snr and here we all are now. A storm in a teacup. I find the accused not guilty due to lack of any real evidence.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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TomMc wrote:
ThatRoundThing wrote: To leave kids unsupervised in potentially volatile areas of football grounds anywhere with the likely hood of over zealous fans swearing, chanting etc and then bleat about it beggars belief. Kids have been with their parents in the sieve for donkeys years and been amongst foul and abusive language and if individual parents are ok with that then that is their choice.
Ignoring the "holier than thou" stuff...

Abuse being shouted at players in the sieve where children are present is slightly different to abuse being directed straight at a child (not saying it happened, just questioning your comparison).
My post wasn't intended as "holier than thou" stuff, mearly pointing out that Tampling could seat his kids in a safer environment and as others that I have known for many years have already pointed out that they didn't witness any abuse to the kids and that they didn't seem to be affected in anyway in the upstairs bar after the game had finished.
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ARNU wrote:Taking in everyone's story here and given the delicate nature of the tampon affair I think there is a high probability somebody or some fans said sung or briefly chanted tampon out or something similar and this may have been in earshot of mini tampon. He probably didn't give a shit and others were offended on his behalf. They then told tsmpon snr and here we all are now. A storm in a teacup. I find the accused not guilty due to lack of any real evidence.

And I am told that the kids team were moved into the TBS from the sponsors area because people connected with Norman Moss arrived and the club wanted the Moss family etc to sit together.
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Whether or not this Tamplin chap is a goodie or a baddie he sure ain't covering himself in glory right now is he? I think he might need a PR agent to help him communicate with key stakeholders ie. the fans a lot better........
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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You mean like employing a photographer to take photos of him thoroughly enjoying the game and putting them on twitter?
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I reckon I was the closest dagger to those kids in dagger kits last night, same row and about four seats away and no way did I hear one ounce of anything bad directed their way, gospel, I did notice a young kid getting up with Tamplin on his back half way in and must say they were all very well behaved, very nice to see that they took great interest in the game. All those lads who sing at the back to me are doing this team very proud and sure they motivate the boys, certainly makes the TBS more exciting now.
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The problem I have with this is that my lot who stand at the back, are the ones let's say 'accused' of this. 5 of us were at the Hamilton Hall on Saturday after Solihull and met Dave, Thommo and 2 other members (which Thommo mentions in his statement), it was a pleasant chat over a beer and we had the chance to ask questions that we wanted answers for. I speak for me and my pals that we are neither anti or pro-Tamplin at this stage, we want to listen to everything and meet the guy.

After the chanting (some abusive) on Saturday we were actually questioning one particular guy who's early 20s in glasses who was shouting '****** off Tamplin you wanker' excessively. We don't agree with this abuse and don't get involved in this protesting.

We're completely on the fence but if the guy wants to start accusing certain people/groups of abuse then he's picked the wrong bunch, this sort of thing can easily turn people like us towards the protesters.

I wasn't actually in the TBS last night, so can't confirm or deny this 'abuse'. But I 100% believe my lot along with others on here who say it didn't happen.

I hope it's just been a misunderstanding and not just an attempt to make people have sympathy for him.
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