Burnett Post match interview

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We should all take a tennis ball to the Hartlepool game with Burnett out written on it and as the game kicks off just lob the lot on the pitch.

1000 tennis balls hitting the Victoria Road turf.

Peaceful and harmless but disruptive and provocative.

There's my suggestion.
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Throwing objects is against ground regulations, Thommo would probably life ban everyone.

Surely if any of the board read this then they know the best option.
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Auntie Merge
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Throwing the tennis balls is not a good idea
, but if he hasn't gone by the Hartlepool game, that would be the one to do a reasonable protest at.
I can't organise anything and not even sure I will be able to make the game due to work commitments.
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Auntie Merge
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I also suggest that details of any planned protest are arranged privately through our own networks (like in the old days) so that the club isn't in a position to block it.
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I quite like the tennis ball idea actually.. 1000 balls with 'Burnett Out' scrawled on them might finally get the message home..

Tommo got the arse over 1 pillowcase last season, saying it was confiscated as a health and safety risk. Poor bloke would have a heart attack with the tennis balls LOL
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Any protest I feel should be conducted outside the ground. What better motivation does an away team want to see the home fans rebelling. Wont do our players much good either. Best way is to vote with your feet, not counting season ticket holders, our average turn out for people that pay on the day must be 2-300?? That's a good £5,000. If this continues for a few matches, be cheaper for the board to sack him.
The Romford Dagger
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redboy wrote:Any protest I feel should be conducted outside the ground. What better motivation does an away team want to see the home fans rebelling. Wont do our players much good either. Best way is to vote with your feet, not counting season ticket holders, our average turn out for people that pay on the day must be 2-300?? That's a good £5,000. If this continues for a few matches, be cheaper for the board to sack him.
Our idea hits them where it hurts granted. However the board would ignore it. the protest would have to be one that could not be ignored. Tennis ball idea is a decent one for this reason. And a banner as well.

People perhaps tweet him and the club with hashtag always #BurnettOut

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Tweet the club, run by a guy on a placement from university who'll take no notice, yeah that'll do the job I reckon.
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redboy wrote:Any protest I feel should be conducted outside the ground. What better motivation does an away team want to see the home fans rebelling. Wont do our players much good either. Best way is to vote with your feet, not counting season ticket holders, our average turn out for people that pay on the day must be 2-300?? That's a good £5,000. If this continues for a few matches, be cheaper for the board to sack him.
Or would it be better to go out and find a couple of proven cm with the money ?

The future of our Club is firmly on the line as I just cant see anybody coming in a getting a tune out of anything we have at the moment.

Interesting that he says he has changed the team but the Player I thought showed an abundance of promise towards the end of last Season Frankie Raymond is yet to get a kick.

Now there was something that was not tried yesterday when the tide was obviously against us he sat firmly on the bench.

Hearing Passley left the ground in a strop yesterday , what he has to complain about heavens knows because his performance at Barnet was beyond bad.

No explanation about Hines being completely left out yesterday, has he broken down again or did he pay a price for his effort late on in Tuesday game when a pass to Cureton would have put him in instead of the shot that went aimlessly wide?

We have 35 games left and we are going to need 14 wins , can anybody even contemplate us winning a game anytime soon let alone 14 with this Manager or any other , Sorry I just don't see it.

Looking at our fixture list and we are in the middle of a group of games that could set our season up , the pathetic return of 1 point thus far makes us relegation certainties.

As I said previously I took bags last year because I stood by the Manager but when you had the Players we had I knew they would sweat blood for the cause and we would be alright.

The Defence is rightfully coming in for stick but there is absolutely no protection in front of them.

So either two things need to happen , if the Board think the Players we have are good enough to get us out of this mess then they need to look at the Management, don't forget its not about just changing Wayne Burnett but also his backroom Staff. That will mean at least 3 pay offs.

The other option is to stick with him but find the money to sort this mess out in the Midfield, one thing I know for certain is that we wont get both and for that reason alone I would rather see the money used on squad strengthening.

Whatever they decide doing nothing is no longer an option for the Board , they need to take action one way or the other and quickly .
The Romford Dagger
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redboy wrote:Any protest I feel should be conducted outside the ground. What better motivation does an away team want to see the home fans rebelling. Wont do our players much good either. Best way is to vote with your feet, not counting season ticket holders, our average turn out for people that pay on the day must be 2-300?? That's a good £5,000. If this continues for a few matches, be cheaper for the board to sack him.
Or would it be better to go out and find a couple of proven cm with the money ?

The future of our Club is firmly on the line as I just cant see anybody coming in a getting a tune out of anything we have at the moment.

Interesting that he says he has changed the team but the Player I thought showed an abundance of promise towards the end of last Season Frankie Raymond is yet to get a kick.

Now there was something that was not tried yesterday when the tide was obviously against us he sat firmly on the bench.

Hearing Passley left the ground in a strop yesterday , what he has to complain about heavens knows because his performance at Barnet was beyond bad.

No explanation about Hines being completely left out yesterday, has he broken down again or did he pay a price for his effort late on in Tuesday game when a pass to Cureton would have put him in instead of the shot that went aimlessly wide?

We have 35 games left and we are going to need 14 wins , can anybody even contemplate us winning a game anytime soon let alone 14 with this Manager or any other , Sorry I just don't see it.

Looking at our fixture list and we are in the middle of a group of games that could set our season up , the pathetic return of 1 point thus far makes us relegation certainties.

As I said previously I took bags last year because I stood by the Manager but when you had the Players we had I knew they would sweat blood for the cause and we would be alright.

The Defence is rightfully coming in for stick but there is absolutely no protection in front of them.

So either two things need to happen , if the Board think the Players we have are good enough to get us out of this mess then they need to look at the Management, don't forget its not about just changing Wayne Burnett but also his backroom Staff. That will mean at least 3 pay offs.

The other option is to stick with him but find the money to sort this mess out in the Midfield, one thing I know for certain is that we wont get both and for that reason alone I would rather see the money used on squad strengthening.

Whatever they decide doing nothing is no longer an option for the Board , they need to take action one way or the other and quickly .

I agree re midfield but Waynes tactical nous is terrible. We can all see that, at the current time with this crop of players, a middfield 3 is needed. BUT NOT WAYNE.

Silly passing errors, letting long balls bounce, giving away sloppy penalties, pointless kick off exercise, set piece marking, sitting back on the lead, hoofing to midgets.

These are all things that wayne should've had solved 3 and a bit years into his regime. BUT NOT WAYNE.

Giving verbals to winning players and then taking no responsibility for a loss. Giving crowd issues in post match interviews. Its clear that when you perform dismal but finally get a win, dont act like we are top of the league after the match. BUT NOT WAYNE.

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dagger4eva wrote:Taken from managerstats.co.uk (assume it is accurate)

Wayne has been in charge (if you can call it that) for 126 games. He has won 38 - drawn 33 & lost 55 - so a win % of 30.16%

Of the 126 I reckon there's been genuine entertainment in about 10 of them.

He almost managed to relegate a safe, mid table team in his 1st half season.
Looked as though we were finally going to go up until January of his 2nd season
And so far this term we look completely doomed.

Is there anyone out there that can make a case for him staying in charge???? Anyone??
Thought I’d take another quick look at http://www.managerstats.co.uk

Win % down to 29.41%

Played 136
Won 40
Drawn 36
Lost 60

I know it’s not the most genius calculation ever but when you read it as having FAILED TO WIN in 96 from the 136 games played it makes it look even worse imo.
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