Femi or Connors........

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No brainer for me....Femi.

Faster stronger and harder to get past.
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I'm not sure where all the clamour for Femi to play left wing is coming from?

Attacking-wise, Femi is most effective when driving forwards from deep into space often opened up by players infront of him. Having him as a winger would remove this and rely on him having the skill etc to beat and get past a man, which generally doesn't happen. On the times that Femi finds himself in a "wingers position" (i.e. approaching the byline), he is often exposed as being extremely one footed, and doesn't usually deliver a telling cross, which is in sharp contrast to his more effective runs from deep aimed more generally at the opponents penalty area where the space that has been created enables him to cause a bit more havoc.

Going back to the defensive side, I think that it largely depends on the type of opposition that we are playing against. For me it seems that Connors has a better footballing brain and can read the game better, which suits him when playing against "footballing" sides, whereas Femi's greater strength and physicality makes him the natural choice when teams are bombarding aerial balls forward (like Wimbledon resorted to yesterday).
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Connors will just get better and better and the more he plays the more irrelevant the question will become.

Femi spends to much time ball watching for my liking and the runs forward although crowd pleasing I can only remember it ever producing one goal Zavs back post volley at SOUTHEND in the JPT.

Also in my opinion Connors is already better in the air, look at Lewey"s second save yesterday ball goes up in the air Femi with time heads it straight to a Wimbledon Player on the edge of our box not good enough in my opinion.

Femi is an honest lad but lets get real he is never going to be any better then this level.
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I'm with Stevooo on playing the right player for the opposition. Different games will suit each of them differently, and the important thing will be playing the right one at the right time.
Don't see Femi playing further forward either. It wouldn't suit the formation we play, and would reduce some of his threat.

Sussex, I think you may be over-hyping Connors a bit. He's a good player with plenty of potential, but still has a long way to go. You pick up on Femi not dealing well with one ball yesterday, but I also remember Connors giving the ball away cheaply when trying to clear it yesterday.
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View From The Stand wrote:....or how about both,especially away from home.
Now that Jack is back on the scene and in favour play Femi in midfield.This would allow him to rampage up field without leaving the defence exposed along with falling back to help in defence when it comes under pressure.
Conners did well yesterday, but generally I would opt for Femi (at the present time).
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Steve is spot on with the Femi left wing analysis.

Personally, I think the way Wayne is dealing with the pair of them currently is the right approach. Femi is comfortable at league 2 level but is a limited player. He's well loved because of his unorthadox style and his ability to drive forward because of his pace/build. He's also very tough to get past which at this level is a good asset to have. However, he is very prone to lapses and is technically poor. Connors has the tools to be a better left back than Femi but he's only just turned 19 and more importantly, is only just being introduced to the FL. Putting him in as a starter week in, week out may do more harm than good at this stage. Wayne has managed him well and given him tasters of football at this level and removed him when it's started to get tough for him before confidence drops. He'll be learning all the time. Size and build doesn't matter for me. I've seen plenty of small full backs playing throughout the league and even at the top level. Positioning is the big thing he needs to work on. Several games this season he's been caught out. Still, I'm with Sussex. Long term, we have a superb prospect. I'm not sure he'll be going for big money though. Full backs don't tend to go for much. Obafemi for me is a great prospect and may well go for more in the future.
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Femi. Opposition wingers must hate playing against him. Against top class passing sides he may get caught out positionally from time to time, but in league 2 (and I really think league 1 now too) you'll do well to find someone more effective.

Connors is a very good prospect, but against Wimbledon D'ath bailed him out a few times when he got caught out.
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Femi is simply a better defender. He hada rough patch end of last season but he's a good player. He gets caught sometimes but you live with that at this level, his one on one defending is excellent.

Wayne is managing Connors the right way atm. He has issues in several areas but of course he does at 18. He's a great prospect but shouldn't be rushed or fed to the lions against teams of giants.
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Femi for me at the mo.

I'd actually like Connors to go out on loan and get 40 games a season, but I appreciate we lack the squad depth for that to happen.
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